La Push
After school, Edward offered to give me a ride, and this time I agreed. He asked Alice to drop my truck off at Charlie's so he wouldn't get suspicious. We walked through the crowded parking lot and to the silver Volvo. I was about to get inside the passenger seat when Jessica and Mike came out of nowhere.
"Hey, Bella!" Jessica said enthusiastically.
"Hey guys. Um, I was just leaving. What do you need?" I was in a hurry to escape whatever they wanted to say to me.
"Um, Jessica was wondering if you wanted to come with us and a group to La Push tomorrow. It's supposed to be really sunny and not a lot of humidity. You coming?" Mike explained.
"Um, guys I don't know. I have to talk to Charlie first. I'll text you Jess when I find out, ok?" I offered.
"Sure. See you later, Bella!" Jessica towed Mike to the building near the cafe.
I sighed in relief and irritation.
Relief, because that's all they wanted and it was harmless. Plus it didn't take long. Nor did they ask why I was walking into Edward's car. Irritation because now I have to "convince" Charlie to let me go to La Push tomorrow. I really didn't want to go and I knew that Jacob and the pack would be there and willing to join. Not that I minded.
I sighed and closed the door to the Volvo with a little too much force than necessary. Edward sensed my distress and laughed. I glared at him.
"What's so funny?"
"Why are you so irritated?" He chuckled.
"Oh, like you don't know. I'm pretty sure you heard the entire conversation we had."
"True. I did. I'm guessing that you don't want to go?" He teased.
"How did you know?" I said sarcastically.
Edward just laughed. I leaned against the seat and fumed. He was so irritating! Just imagine he isn't there... Just imagine he isn't there...
"So, why don't you want to go?"
I grunted. So much for that.
"Can you just shut up for a while? Thanks." I resumed to my calming technique.
"Not really. Just answer my one question and I'll leave you alone for the rest of the drive." He promised.
I sighed. It's as good as I was going to get.
"Fine. I don't want go to La Push because Jake and the pack will be there." I confessed.
"How is that so bad?" He questioned.
"Because even though the pack knows that I know about them and they seem ok with it, I still don't know if they trust me." I didn't blame them if they didn't.
"It's alright, Bella. They don't really trust anyone. Only Seth really does, along with Jacob. Sam is really complicated and it gets on my nerves. Don't take it personally." He explained.
"Thanks, Edward, but, I still don't want to go. Not just because of the pack, I just don't want to. I don't do good in groups of people." I admitted.
He just shrugged. Why did I explain this to him? Because he had really good reasons and explanations.
Edward dropped me off at the house and waited till I was on the doorstep before he pulled off. I waved to him and went inside.
Charlie was on the couch watching baseball. He didn't seem to notice my approach and that didn't bother me. Maybe it would keep him from starting an conversation with me about my day and stuff. I don't need that right now.
But then I realized that I had to ask him about La Push. Damn.
"Um, dad?" I hesitated.
"Yeah, bells?" Charlie looked up
"Um, Mike and Jessica and a few other people are going to La Push and they wanted to know if I could come. Can I?" I asked.
"You want to go?"
No. "Yeah, can I?"
"Sure, bells. Just don't stay out too late."
"I won't. Thanks, dad." I grabbed my book bag and my books and went up to my room. I locked the door and sat on my bed. I texted Jess that I was available and she was a little too excited than necessary. She told me that she would text Mike and the others so that they could get things ready and have the schedules ready for all of the people who are going.
I finished my homework and laid on the bed for a while. I needed a distraction of some sort until tomorrow. I needed to talk to someone. At that same moment, the doorbell rang. I heard Charlie's boots clank against the floor and the creak of the door.
"Bella! Jake's here!"
Wow. When you need distractions, they came quick and unexpectedly.
I jumped out off of the bed and ran downstairs. I nearly tripped and fell down the stairs but I made it down in one piece.
"Hey, Jake."
"Hey, Bella."
"I'll leave you two alone." Charlie walked back into the living room and resumed to his game.
"So, what's up?" I asked.
"Um, I don't really know. Do you want to come to the house?" He offered.
"It's a school night, Charlie won't let me." I said.
"I'll ask him." Jacob walked over to my dad and they started talking immediately.
Soon Jake came back with a big grin on his face.
"He said yes. As long as you got to school in the morning." He assured me.
"Thanks, Jake. Hold on." I ran upstairs.
I grabbed my book bag and my books for school and ran back downstairs. Jacob looked at me and laughed.
"What?" Why was everyone laughing at me tonight?
"Nothing. I'm guessing that your all ready to go." He studied me
We said goodbye to Charlie and left the house.
We rode in my truck. Jake didn't come with anything but himself so I would have had no way of travel. Thank Charlie for my truck.
"So, have you ever been friends with a wolf?" Jake asked.
"No, and I've never been friends with a vampire before either, but there's always a first time for everything." I said sarcastically.
Jacob laughed and I sighed. He thought everything was so funny.
"So, when you found out that werewolves and vampires and stuff like that did exist...what was your first reaction or thought?" He wondered.
I thought about it. What was my first reaction?
"My first reaction was to see you first. I really didn't know what to do actually. With Edward and them, it was different. He was never human at first, and I already had suspicions about him. I didn't really know what to do." I was looking at the road when I said this. I didn't want to see his face and know what his reaction was to what I said.
"I understand. It was a shock to me too, but, I learned to get over it and move on. It's a part of who I am and I can't change that. No matter what others say." Jacob was looking out the window at something that I would probably never see.
"So, are we going to La Push or not?" I encouraged him.
Jacob smiled and nodded. He directed me there and told me shortcuts so we wouldn't be stuck in traffic.
When we arrived there it was not as crowded, but it had a good amount of people. Me and Jake got out of the truck and headed towards the exuberant crowd. Everyone was active, moving around and trying to get things ready for the guests. The pack was there walking around the beach and talking to others. Me and Jake stood on the sidelines.
I looked up to see Jessica running towards me with a huge smile on her face.
"Hey, Jess. Your here early."
"Yeah. I wanted to get here before everyone else did so it wouldn't be too crowded for me. Plus I was waiting for you." She nudged me on the shoulder and laughed.
I smiled. She always has energy and brings enthusiasm wherever she was. Sometimes. I was glad that I had her as a friend.
"Where's Angela and Mike?" I asked.
"Oh, Mike's at the bar getting something to drink. I don't think Angela's here yet." Jessica was looking around the crowd while she was talking.
"Oh ok." I dropped it.
"Hey, Bella, I'm going to go see Sam. I'll be right back ok?" Jacob asked me
"Sure. I'll be here." Jacob gave me and Jess a hug and went over to the left crowd that had Sam as an advisor.
"So what?"
"You and jacob?"
"Oh no! no! no! It's not like that!" I was completely taken aback by what she said.
"Don't act like you don't see it! He totally likes you!" She whispered.
"I doubt it. Jess are just friends." Very good friends.
"Whatever, Bella. Don't say I didn't say anything." She pouted
I needed a distraction. Where was one when you need one?
I looked around so I could escape Jessica's pouting face. When I looked by the truck I froze.
Edward Cullen was leaning on the truck and staring right at me.
I stood there frozen and confused. Wasn't he not supposed to be here? Wouldn't that break the treaty? What was he doing?
"Bella?" Jess shook me.
"What?" I blinked and the image was gone. I had been staring at the truck dumbfounded.
"You were just standing there. Are you Ok?" Jess studied me.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I turned and faced her.
She looked at me in confusion but she let it go.
I continued to look at the truck. A few things were running through my mind.
Was he really there or was I hallucinating? And if he was, what reason did he have to come here?
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