I woke up the next morning to a bright light that crept though my window. I sat up and looked around the room. Everything was how I left it from yesterday. I didn't remember coming back home and into my room. Did someone put me here? Where's Jake? The clock read 7:25 in bright red numbers. I sighed and jumped out of bed and walked downstairs.
The house was quiet. Dead almost. I looked outside and I saw that Charlie's cruiser was still in the driveway, but I didn't hear him in the house. He must still be sleep. I made myself some breakfast and sat on the sofa in the living room. I wasn't used to Charlie being this quiet in the house but it was peaceful. I didn't bother to turn on the TV because there probably wasn't anything on. I just sat there in silence.
Well, until my phone went off and I had to pick it up.
"Hey, Bella!"
"Jess?" I groaned.
"Nice to see you, too." She sighed.
"What are you doing up at seven in the morning?" I yawned.
"I can ask you the same thing." She stalled.
"Jess, what do you want?" I demanded.
"I can't talk to my best friend?"
"Whenever you call me and sound all excited that means something happened or you want something." I clarified.
"You know me so well!" She gushed.
"Jess!" I yelled softly.
"Fine alright! I wanted to ask you how everything went with Jake when you left!" She asked.
Oh, god. Not again.
"Jess, can we not talk about this?" I asked innocently.
"We are taking about it now!" She yelled.
"Fine. What do you want to know?" I sighed in defeat.
"What did you talk about?"
"Nothing really. Just a few things here and there." I answered casually.
"Come on, Bella!" She pleaded.
"That's nothing to really talk about, Jess." I shrugged.
"Ok. Fine, Bella. But I'm not going to let this go!" She promised.
"Jess look you don't need to--"
The phone went dead.
I groaned and threw my phone across the room. I loved Jess, but she was just irritating. I can't always control her or tell her what to do because you can't tell her anything.
For the next few hours, I just walked around the house, cleaned all the rooms, cleaned the dishes, read some books, played on my phone, etc. The time seemed to go by slower than usual. I didn't know what to do and I soon became bored. I considered asking Jess to drive to Port Angeles.
Hey, Jess. I know I told you to leave me alone before, but I was wondering if you wanted to go to Port Angeles with me for the day.
I sent that and waited. I decided to get myself dressed and catch up on my homework and things. My phone chimed while I was combing my wet hair.
Hey, Bella! I know you told me to leave you alone, but I won't listen either way! I'm glad you asked me because I am dying of boredom! Sure, I'll go with you. I'll pick you up in an hour. See you soon!
Great. This is a great distraction from my life and to save me from boredom. I finished getting ready and I was heading down the stairs when a knock on the door sent my heart banging against my ribcage. I flew down the stairs to answer it. I had a little trouble with the simple deadbolt but yanked it open at last. On the other side of the door stood Jess who was hugely smiling like an idiot.
"Hey, Bella. You ready?" Jess shrugged.
"Yeah." I stepped out the house and locked the door behind me.
Jess headed towards her car and I followed. Is it me or does she seem a little down? I waited till we were in the car and down the street to voice the subject.
"Hey, Jess?" I whispered.
"What's wrong?" I faced the road.
"Nothing's wrong." She whispered.
Now I really know something's up.
"Jessica, talk to me. I know something's up." I pushed.
She sighed. "Fine. You know I'm dating Mike, right?"
I nod.
"Well, we've been fighting recently from time to time and I'm beginning to think that he's done with me."
I stared at Jess in misbelief.
"You think he wants to break up with you?"
"Yeah. I don't know for sure. It's just something that I feel. Does that make sense?" She questioned.
"Yeah. I get it. But have you talked to him about it?" I asked.
"No. I don't think he wants to talk to me right now." She sighed.
"Jess, the only way to patch things up with you guys or to figure it out for sure is to talk to him. See it from both of you guy's perspectives." I explained.
She looked confused. I sighed.
"See it from the others eyes as if you were them. See how they feel about the situation. Empathy." I clarified.
Jess still looked a little puzzled.
"Never mind. Just talk to him." I rolled my eyes.
"But, Bella..." She hesitated.
"Look. I'll call Mike and tell him to meet us in at the restaurant in Port Angeles. Ok?" I suggested.
"Alright. Are you sure this will work?"
"Positive." I wasn't exactly sure if it would work, but I was just trying to brighten her mood.
We soon made it to Port Angeles and parked the car near the restaurant LaBella Italiano. I felt like I've been here before but I couldn't figure out when. Me and Jess entered the restaurant.
It wasn't really crowded. It had a good amount of people and a good lighting around the room. The air was still and cold, but I didn't notice. We got a booth for the both of us and for when Mike came. I sat on one side facing the window and Jess on the other side across from me in the middle.
"So, are you alright?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'll live." Jess laughed.
I nodded and looked out the window. It was dark outside like it was close to midnight. The window was clear despite the cold outside and inside the restaurant, which I still didn't really notice.
"Bella!" Jess hissed.
"What?!" I hissed back.
"You've been starting at that window for five minutes. Are you alright?" She stared at me.
"Yeah. I'm just fine." I murmured.
"I give up. What time is Mike coming?" Jess sighed.
"To be honest...I never called him." I confessed.
"Bella!" She squealed.
"I'm sorry. My head's filled with crap right now. I'll call him now." I stood up and walked outside.
I didn't bother to call him, I just texted him to save me time and my breath.
Hey, Mike. If your not busy could you meet me at this restaurant in Port Angeles?
I sent that and headed East of the restaurant. I needed to get away from everything. Clear my head. Why am I feeling like this? What is wrong with me? I crossed different roads and passed different buildings. I saw streets that I've never heard of and seen people that I've never met. I needed to find a bookstore or something. A place that would make me relax and enjoy my surroundings.
I reached the store, but was afraid to go inside. The shelves were poorly stocked and the lady at the desk didn't look like she was happy with her job. I figured that that was something that I could skip. So, I just continued walking aimlessly down the street. Where was I going?
I walked into an ally that held a group of teenage guys. They were leaning against the walls drinking and chatting too loudly. Drunk. I turned to leave when one of them spoke.
"Hey, don't leave. You just got here." His voice was deep.
"Yeah. Why don't you join the party?" I saw one of them push himself off the wall and walk towards me.
"Leave me alone." I whispered.
"Don't be like that." He sweet talked me.
"I said leave me alone!" It was supposed to sound strong, but all I could manage was a whisper.
I pushed the tall one into the wall and heard him grunt. The rest of the gang started walking closer to me. Closing in. I tried to remember my fighting techniques and methods I learned, but I was frozen in fear. My mind wouldn't work, I couldn't move. Couldn't think.
Then, I heard something from behind me but I couldn't turn around. I saw the boys jump quickly back. I turned just in time to see the car stop just inches away from me. I didn't move, but all of my fear instantly vanished.
"Get in." A tight voice commanded.
I obeyed and slammed the door behind me. The car moved at that instant. It swirled around and sped down the road. I looked and saw Edward staring at the road ahead. He didn't seem to notice me.
"Put your seatbelt on." He commanded.
I obeyed again. I looked at him closely in the dark car and noticed that he looked murderously angry.
"Are you Ok?" My voice was dry.
"I'm fine." He whispered.
"No your not. What's wrong?" I breathed.
"I'm fine, Okay?! Nothing's wrong with me! Leave me the hell alone!" He yelled.
I cringed back against the seat. I hate it when he yells. It always scares me. It's the only thing about him that frightens me.
I backpedaled. "Look. I'm just looking out for you but I'll shut up if you want me to."
It worked. He laughed, but the sound quickly died.
"Thanks. But no thanks." Edward smiled.
"I tried." I whispered and sighed.
"Yeah and you didn't succeed."
"Hey!" I yelled.
"Ha ha ha." He laughed.
"Just drive to the restaurant." I instructed.
"Yes ma'am." He mimicked an country accent.
I rolled my eyes. Help me.
The ride was thankfully quiet the rest of the way.
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