23. Bubble-wrap boi
"Bubble wrap all your wreckless teenagers. It works."
"What the...?" Tony caught the spontaneously unconscious adolescent before he hit the ground. The kid groaned. "Peter? Are you hurt?" Tony tried shaking him, but his only response was weak fists pounding at his suit and Peter's expression twisting in pain. When the realization hit Tony, he wanted to beat himself into the side of the Hulk. "Dammit!" He nearly tossed Peter and engaged his thrusters until he was on the opposite side of the roof.
Peter recovered almost instantaneously, panting and pulling himself onto his knees. "Mr. Stark! Oh my gosh, you need to take this." Peter stood, and flipped open his web shooters. "Don't come any closer, Peter. That rock thing is in my suit." Tony explained, and Peter's eyes widened in horror. "Get out! Get out of your suit now Mr. Stark!"
Tony blinked in surprise at Peter's tone, but disengaged his suit and stepped out, adjusting his tee shirt. Peter jogged over, and Tony made sure to meet him at a safe distance from the suit. "What was that all about?" The billionare asked incredulously. Peter shoved a small vial with an injector tip at him. "The comet is radioactive. Overexposure to the sun. Shuri sent me an antidote that should combat its effects." Tony didn't waste another second befor injecting that into his arm.
"Shuri? The genius friend you made in Wakanda? Maybe I should drop you into Russia and see if you can subdue HYDRA." Although Tony knew he would never let HYDRA get within 125 miles of Peter. He wondered who exactly these idiots were who had decided to mess with the spider.
"I don't think there's anyone in Russia half as smart as Shuri." Peter bragged. "But we should get these to everyone else, and don't get back in your suit! Maybe... hang out here?"
"Don't be ridiculous," Tony scoffed, "I have other suits."
It didn't take long for Peter and Tony to inoculate the rest of the Avengers, though they did get some strange looks from the others that didn't know what was going on. Tony had the suit with the comet sent back to the compound on auto-pilot, so the weird spy-guys were out of luck. Peter knew he was being affected by the stone dust, and even the small amount clinging to the Avengers and the bad guys was making him dizzy. He crashed onto the roof of a building and rolled a few feet before getting up.
"Kid, are you alright?" Tony called into the comms, flying over. His new suit had no trace of the comet on it, so it was safe for him to go to Peter. "I'm alright." Peter assured the three Tony's coming towards him.
"Cap, we got them retreating on the east side." Sam announced, making Peter perk up in relief. "Yes, the west is dwindling as well." Vision followed. "Heading to you now, North is clear." Natasha followed. "South is empty. They retreated." Strange noted.
Ok, so... they're retreating? Peter thought it was a tiny bit strange, but he was too relieved and nausceuos to care too much. (Wow ok I apparently have forgotten how to spell nausceous... nausceus? Nauceos?? Nachos???) "I'm taking Peter back to the compound." Tony announced, his thrusters bubbling to life. He shot forward and hooked Peter under the arms, the sudden movement making him want to puke.
"How're you holding up, Pauchok?" Natasha asked softly. "Oh you know, hanging in there." Peter laughed at his own joke, looking up at Tony's audible eyeroll with a grin you could see through his mask. "Good to see your sense of humor is intact." Clint scoffed as Wanda tried to explain the pun to Vision in the background.
Peter and Tony arrived back at the compound, and Peter puzzled why the sick feeling wasn't going away. When Tony put him down, he stumbled, clutching his head as the ground went in and out of focus. Maybe over-exposure to the rock dust?
"Hey, what's wrong?" Tony asked, stepping out of his suit and laying a hand on Peter's shoulder. "I-I don't know... it's probably nothing." Tony didn't buy that for a second, but the other Avengers were arriving back at the compound and they would freak out if Tony mentioned anything, so he decided to run some incognito tests.
"Hey Petey, good job!" Rhodey clapped him on the back as he walked by, and Wanda raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, good job throwing yourself into harm's way." She scoffed and Peter smiled sheepishly. "Thanks for your help, Wanda."
Clint ducked inside without saying anything to Peter, which was more than strange. And not the doctor kind. Was the archer mad at him? Peter couldn't help but dwell on it as he talked to the others, and assured Doctor Strange that even though his plan had failed, he was a decent protector. He just wasn't prepared for a superpowered teenager with a hero complex. Peter didn't get an answer about the disappearing former spy until Clint returned... arms full of bubble wrap.
"I was saving this for a special occasion." He announced solemnly, and Natasha clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle sudden giggles. Only Clint could make Nat giggle.
"Uh... what are you doing?" Sam asked incredulously. Before another word was spoken, Clint tackled Peter and Nat was suddenly holding packing tape. "Help!" Peter shrieked, the fall making the world spin around him. He was too tired to really fight back anyways, so Clint and Natasha, with Wanda suddenly helping, managed to completely incase him in bubblewrap.
"There!" Clint crowed as Peter flailed his arms, trying to get up. He looked like a giant bubble, and every move made popping sounds that only made Tony laugh harder, doubling over with tears in his eyes. Peter let out a defeated grunt and went still glaring at Clint.
"Very funny." He grumbled, trying to kick the archer in the shins. "No more injuries!" Natasha explained proudly, and Vision had to hold Wanda up she was laughing so hard. All the Avengers were laughing really, and it was so contagious that soon Peter was too.
Then Tony's watch beeped as his quickscan of Peter was finished and his laughter died in his throat.
Yes a cliffhanger. Which means I'll be updating soon?
I am so, so so sorry to everyone!!!! Thanks for hanging in there!!!
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