Erza's P.O.V
I glanced at Jellal from beside him but then went back to looking up ahead. I always guessed people walked when they could drive instead only if they wanted to talk more or if the place was close. None of those things were true now.
I opened my mouth a few times to start a conversation but gave up every time. It was obvious he didn't want to talk to me, but I couldn't just leave when I promised Ketty I wouldn't let her tickets go to waste.
I always kept my promises.
In this moment I found it quite unfortunate.
We arrived to the restaurant and I handed my coat to the man standing at the entrance, turning around discretely to look around. Soft lights from the crystal chandeliers illuminated the restaurant and it's guests softly, creating a beautiful atmosphere as its' light fell on red carpets and white table cloths. The people who currently resided here were dressed in various suits and dresses but the jewellery the women wore around their necks and watches that were tied on the mens' wrists spoke of their wealth.
It still seemed strange sometimes, seeing people not deprived of money. It's not that I minded living in my village as a child, I was happy with what I had, but there were days after the capture that I wondered if we had money could we escape. It was a silly thing but in desperate times one always found it interesting to explore the what ifs.
I noticed Jellal was looking at me expectedly and I stared at him blankly. Had he said something? Oh no the first time he actually cared to speak to me and I didn't hear.
I blinked "Huh?"
"I asked if you wanted to sit down."
I nodded and went on ahead but felt him behind me as I made my way to the table number 15, the only one available.
We sat in awkward silence as we waited for the waiter to come. I discovered how interesting a napkin could be. That one interesting red line that broke the monotony of the white was just so-
"Erza? " My head shot up when I heard my name and my eyes met his green ones. They shone like the grass in spring under the bright chandeliers. Nodding my head, I waited for him to continue.
"I wanted to apologise. "
If this wasn't the dejavuest déjà vu in the history of déjà vus than I seriously don't know what was.
"What for this time?" I asked as I strongly resisted the urge to face palm.
"For kissing you."
"Wow Jellal way to be not straightforward I mean that was the most discreet way of telling me I suck at kissing." I retorted, my brows shooting up now.
He looked surprised. "No no that's not what I meant you are a great kisser." He looked aside, a light blush covering his cheeks. "What I meant was I was-still am- sorry for worsening your state."
Oh so that's what he meant. "I am alive am I not? And it's not like I could be broken by a kiss. No matter how good it was. " I added just to see him blush again.
"I guess you are right." He said and after we gave our orders to the mewly arrived waiter, his face became serious.
"Conserning king Stephen. .." he started, taking a sip of the red wine that rested in front of his napkin. I mimicked his action as I waited for him to continue. "He hasn't made a move to fulfill his plan yet, but I believe he will very soon. If it hasn't already the information of you being alive will seep to him at some point, sooner or later. I am going to bet on sooner. That's why I wanted to ask you... what do you plan to do when he does come?"
I shrugged. "I do believe what Juvia had said, but she had been only a child then. I am neither a child nor am I weak."
"I am aware of that, but one would need to be a fool to go against Titania without a plan to bring her down. He didn't seem like a fool then, a coward perhaps but not a fool. Not that we chatted."
I looked at him and frowned slightly. "Then?"
It was his turn to shrug, and to his rescue came the food that was just brought. I stared at the beautifully made spaghetti with white sauce and small pieces of fried chicken which smelt like it fell from heaven. Diving my fork in the dish, I closed my eyes as the deliciousness hit me and the first proper food entered my stomach. I barely had time to eat anything but frozen pizzas and snacks I bought, and I never seemed to be able to find a restaurant open long enough for my needs.
"So... anything interesting happened to you in the past two weeks? " I asked, trying to avoid another distancing episode over some stupid thing.
"Just some research... you?"
"Same." I said as if it was nothing. As if I didn't experience the self-doubting, almost non-existent amount of sleep, eating junk food like I knew no better and running around looking for clues about King Stephen, his staff, Lucy's father and the person he wanted her to marry, Ketty's long lost sister like my life depended on it. I barely managed to find anything, and I felt constantly tired due to serious lack of sleep.
"Anyway have you seen that new movie?" He asked and the topics slipped from serious and life threatening to silly and funny everyday stuff.
Sooner than I would've liked it it became late and we had finished our meal a long time ago. We stood up and headed for the exit, but when I reached for my coat Jellal quickly took it before me and waited for me to pull it on. I still felt the tingling feeling of his closeness as I waited for him to pull his on coat on before we exited the fancy restaurant.
We were making our way down the already deserted street when I noticed he suddenly stopped. I turned around, intending to ask him what was wrong when he dipped down and his warm lips settled on mine. Surprised, I stood still for a moment before returning the kiss.
My arms wrapped around his neck as he continued to move his lips against mine, and this time I returned the kiss more passionately. His hands rested on my hips and I again felt a tingling sensation where his warmness seeped through the coat and the dress.
His lips moved in sync with his tongue as they together made their way down my jaw and then my neck. I took the opportunity to breathe in some air but before I could fully satisfy my lungs his lips were on mine again.
My heartbeat has quickened over all boundaries that could be considered normal as he moved away slightly to lean his forehead against mine. I noticed his breathing was quicker than usual too as he stared at me with a small smile.
"What happened to the ' I'll never kiss you again'? "I asked, my voice a bit shaky.
"I never said that."
"You definitely thought of that, haven't you?"
He laughed slightly as he moved away and wrapped his arm over my shoulders, pulling me closer.
"Maybe. But I realised it was much easier to kiss you than not to. Although I will probably regret my selfishness later."
"I won't let you. " I stated, turning towards him and lowering his head so I could kiss him again.
Anyway hope you enjoyed♥~
I am on vacation for a short while so I'll try to update as much as I can before school suffocates me again. Thank you for your constant support ~
Oh and I don't mean to bore you but could you pretty please just glance at my book called Masks if you ever feel like you have nothing to do with your life? I'd be really grateful but if you're not up to it then sure ^^
Have a good day minna-san ( oh btw I learned a bit of hiragana so praise me praise me xD)
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