So this is the second version of genderbent Percy, inspiration taken from the following stories on to honor them; All the Queen's Goddesses and The Exiles, enjoy!
<In Olympus's Throne Room>
The gods were flabbergasted. Percy Jackson, twice-saviour Of Olympus, turned down godhood again. Zeus was surprised. "No? Why?" Zeus asked. "Percy, you saved Olympus twice, no one deserves godhood more other than you." Hermes said. "As much as I hate to say this, I agree with Hermes. No other hero has done so much, sacrificed so much for Olympus herself." Ares said, raising a goblet of root beer. (It would not be good for the gods to get drunk before the party right? However, during and after the party is another matter.)
"I am sorry, Lord Zeus, but my time in Tartarus has shown me the negatives of immortality. While being immortal certainly has its uses, but I rather be able to grow up and die eventually." He said bowing.
Zeus nodded solemnly. "Very well, but at least let us bestow our blessings." Zeus said standing. Touching Percy's head, a spark jumped from the edge of his finger to Percy's Head. "You are now allowed to travel in my domain freely as long no citizens or vassals of Olympus are harmed unless they betray Olympus. You are also more lightning resistant, although not to the extent against my bolt, but you can survive a few direct strikes from Thalia." He said.
"My turn." Apollo said standing, he touched his bow to Percy's Head as well. "The curse of Apollo is hereby removed from you and your descendants. And you have my blessings" Percy looked confused. "What curse?" Apollo blushed slightly. "After Orion, I Cursed every demigod Son Of Poseidon and their descendants, if they every have any, to have almost zero archery skills." Apollo sat down.
Hera's blessing gave Percy the ability to talk to peacocks, who were surprisingly very good guides (most of them are on par and some better than Saytrs) in forests and he gained the power to hide himself.
Athena's blessing removed Percy's ADHD and dyslexia.
Ares removed his old curse from Percy.
Aphrodite gave him the ability to shape-shift. When that gathered looks from other gods, she shrugged. "What? You guys really think Poseidon's descendants are the ones who can get the ability? How do you think I change my image with ease?" The gods were surprised. She scoffed. "And you say I'm just a dumb bimbo." She said.
Artemis gave him her blessing, the ability to track and hunt, making his archery skills better.
Hephaestus just gave him a list of his forges which showed which forge the god was in at the moment and that he could use the list to teleport to the god. "Come by anytime you need anything." Hephaestus said.
Hades just gave him a credit card. "Spend as much as you want, it has unlimited money."
Hestia gave him a hug, hugging him as tight as she could to her 20 year-old bosom which drew snickers from the gods. She also gave him her blessing, which gave him the ability to use fire powers and summon food.
Dionysus gave him an empty wine bottle which will fill up with any drink he desired.
Hecate stepped forward and gave him her blessing, giving him knowledge of magic. He could also spilt himself like Hecate, but that needed rigorous training to perfect.
Hermes gave him increased speed and a card that gave him free delivery services at any mail package service including Hermes Express.
Demeter just gave him her blessing but didn't explain what it did.
Poseidon just tapped Percy on the head. "You're now a certified royalty of Atlantis, should I And Triton both are taken out, you will take over Atlantis for us." Poseidon said.
After the blessings, the gods continued with the ceremony. Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank all became deities. Calypso was released from her prison.
"Annabeth Chase. As a reward for your services in the name of Olympus, we offer you a chance, to stand with your Mother, and become an Architectural Goddess alongside her." Zeus said. There was a long silence. Finally Athena spoke. "It's ok if you choose to stand with Percy, we can-" "I accept." Annabeth said. Everyone was shocked. Percy just stood there quietly, head bowed, as if he knew this was going to happen. Annabeth soon joined the ranks of New gods, but refused to look at Percy. Percy was fine with that. After the award ceremony was over, he disappeared into the crowd. No one knew where he went.
Percy lay dying. He took too many injuries from a joint Minotaur-Chimera Attack. He managed to kill both of them, but he was stabbed by the Minotaur's axe. As he lay dying, he could see the treetops overhead and the sky. His last conscious thought before darkness took him was 'the moon is hella bright and beautiful tonight.'
As Percy Jackson took his last few breaths, the blessings of the deities worked overtime to keep him alive. What no one but Hestia knew that was her blessing, along with Hecate's, made the blessings semi-intelligent and able to get along with each other. Artemis' blessing tried to heal Percy, but could not as Percy was a boy. Aphrodite's blessing wondered if Percy changed into a girl, would Artemis' blessing be able to heal him. Artemis' blessing confirmed it.
Aphrodite's blessing went to work, shifting the genetics of Percy's body. As Artemis passed directly overhead in her chariot her blessing drew on her power and Percy glowed brightly before sinking into the earth.
Artemis was peacefully steering her chariot, unaware of Percy directly below her. She grabbed the sides of her chariot as her power seem to drain from her, then come flooding back in massive amounts, causing the Goddess to moan in pleasure and her knees to shake slightly. One thing that separates Artemis from other goddesses was that whenever she accepted a new huntress, a bit of her own power would flow to her new hunter, while she would receive a part of the hunter's power in return. Some time ago, Aphrodite "accidentally" cursed (Aphrodite said it was a blessing as it was the only way for the uptight maiden Goddess to get any pleasure) Artemis to feel good whenever she a huntress joined the hunt. Shaking her head clear Artemis barely stood up when a second wave of pleasure slammed into her. Mortals would comment on how bright the moon shone that day. Screwing her eyes up in concentration Artemis shunted the extra power to the Hunt, forgetting Aphrodite's curse(blessing).
At the Hunter's campsite, Thalia was on guard duty with Phoebe and Atalanta. Both managed to survive Orion's Attack on the Amazon's headquarters. However, the hunt was at all time Low; only 15 hunters instead of the usual 30-40 hunters. The three was them was talking when the moon glowed brightly, making the forest around them shine. Thalia blew the alarm horn just in case this was a warning from Artemis. All the hunters came running out fully dressed, bows in hand. They barely stepped out of their tents before Artemis' redirected power smashed into them like a hammer. All of them gasped and dropped down, shaking as they soaked their panties. As Artemis' lieutenant, Thalia received the worst of it. The pleasure sooner died out, but before Thalia received a vision of a raven haired woman engaged with her and Artemis in various lewd activities. By the time the spots cleared from Thalia's eyes, most of the hunters were able to stand. "What, What was that?" Phoebe panted. Thalia shook her head to clear the haze from her mind. "Thalia your legs." Atalanta blushed. Thalia looked down to notice her hunter leggings were soaked completely on the inner thighs. She blushed. "Um...everyone go change! I'll stand guard." She shooed them away and turned towards the moon as it shined even brighter.
On board the moon chariot Artemis was busy searching for the source but the source was now gone and was just spread out over the entire Of America, making it hard to determine the source.
As morning came, the Earth shifted ever so slightly, allowing sunlight into a chasm and refract off several crystal pillars, directing the light to a tunic circle. It glowed as it absorbed the sunlight and charged up. Percy opened his eyes to see that he was in a pool of water completely submerged. He bent his knees slightly to propel himself out of the water. As soon as he was in the air the runic circle fired a concentrated beam of energy at Percy. Percy struggled to get out of the orb of energy surrounding her but it just ignored her and continued to push energy through her body. The blessing of Apollo worked its power, healing Percy.
When there is any buildup, drainage would obviously happen one way or another. Energy bolts spiralled away from the orb holding Percy in the air. It shattered and Percy fell into the water.
"Ugh, What in the name of Hades just happened?" She said, climbing out of the water pool and wobbling slightly as she took a few steps. "Wait, I have breasts?" She checked her pants and screamed slightly. "Fuck. Uh need to find somewhere to hide, find out what happened to me, find out if this is reversible, find out how to be a woman if it's irreversible and FIND OUT WHY CAN I PLAN SO FUCKING WELL SUDDENLY?!" She freaked out. She grabbed Riptide, the familiar weight of the pen-sword easing her fears. Spotting several weapons leaning against a wall she slowly made her way over. There were enough weapons to arm several demigods. There were two pink swords with a Sakura flower joining the blade and the hilt on each sword. There was a shield that that looked like overlapping white armor and to Percy's brain, looked like a turtle shell. There was also a pink bow with a leather grip. The upper and lower limbs were as sharp as a blade. There was also a chestplate that when touched by Percy, formed armor all over her body except her head. There was a brown staff with a dull green color crystal on it. As soon as she picked it up, an unearthly wind picked up and blew crazily through the cavern she was in.
Up on Olympus, Artemis had just joined the other Olympians (after changing out of her soaked pants) when Aphrodite's eyes glowed and she turned towards Artemis.
The Hero Of Olympus was he,
To save his life the blessings thy divine changed thee.
Mated to the Moon, Love, Wisdom and more will she be
At peace Olympus will forever be
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