Just wanted to post this
Hey guys, it's me Lay, the author.
So I was watching youtube (crankthatfrank to be exact), and suddenly I had the urge to do this. I don't know why, but I blame the sugar I just ate. And also, it's 12 am in my time zone! 🙃 :D
So, from the 11th chapter, I told you that they made a fake wedding as a dare. And I made thor to wear a wedding dress. So, being weird my searched Pinterest again about it just to show you guys. So, after 10 minutes of research, I have finally found it.
So, apparently, it way Freyja. A giant stole his hammer and said he could have it back if Freyja would marry him. All of the gods went into discussion? (Sorry guys it's 12 am me, what did you expect?) And Freyja stubbornly refuse to marry the giant. So Loki suggested Thor to wear a wedding dress and cover his face with a veil and pretend to be Freyja. So, both of the Gods went to be the supposed wedding and Loki made a bunch of excuses. When Mjolnir was presented to the bride, Thor reveals himself, took the hammer, and run away with Loki.
Long story short, it was a messed up wedding for the giant. #peaceforthatgiantwhothoughtthatthorwasfreyja
And to go with that, I searched to Pinterest and google for a particular photo. So, RDJ posted a tweet of him and Chris E facing each other like in CW, Chris H between them. And someone edited the photo so it would like a stony wedding. Long story short, I screen shot it and cropped it! So, the photo will show you how the fake dare wedding goes, but Stony style!
I know I'm going to regret this when I woke up tomorrow. I'm sorry you guys had to see this side of me. I'm just a girl who does weird stuff with my other friends. So, please forgive me when you read this. It's 00.35 now so please bear with me
Ps. I feel like beebo when he does the Drunk History of Fall Out Boy in youtube while writing this. I'll leave the video down here so you guys can check it out! Just don't watch it with your family because it has swear words.
Frank: it's not 👏Friendly👏Family👏👏Alternative👏Content👏
(Pls watch it though if you want to)
This is your weird author, peace out!
*jumps into a trash can*
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