Your POV
You were on the same pace with loki in seconds. He looked at you confusedly. "You're running too? I thought you will just guide me?" He asked you.
"Yeah. We're all in this together." You said while jogging with him.
It was the 5th lap and Loki's pace was going slower and slower. He was tired and was sweating. He never works out when he was at asgard didn't he?
You slowed down your pace and looked at him. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I just need to breath for a while." He said while looking at me.
"This is your first training, so I won't be that strict. But, in real life, you need to keep pace for miles as your life depends on it. Now come on! Try to get your pace back! Breath more frequently." You said while pushing him from behind.
He went faster in seconds, while breathing more frequently. It was the 11th lap and you got an idea.
You fasten your pace and went to Loki's left side. "On your left" you said while passing by him.
You do that to him again a few times more. Loki was annoyed. "Do that again one more time." He said to you while you pass beside him. Then you whispered to him. " On your left"
"That's it!!" He said while trying to catch you. You laugh while still running. He chases you until the 15th lap. He caught you and spun you in air while you laugh. He put you down and your face was facing him. You were only a few inches apart. You blushed, then you parted ways.
You went aside and took 2 water bottles. You throw him one and then sit down. Loki was sweating so much he practically slumps down beside you.
"You really had to do that." He said while sipping his water bottle. You smirked at him then took another sip.
"Me and cap would jog around the city and said that to one of his friends, Sam. He looked so pissed off, getting beaten by a 90 year old man." You said while chuckling.
He grinned at you while taking another sip from his water bottle. "Now, what training should we do now?" He asked you.
"Well, how about one on one? I never knew your combat skills."
He pulled down his shoes as you did too. Then, the two of you went to the sparring area.
"I'm gonna be easy on you in the beginning. Then, I'll get more hardee on you" you said while stretching
Loki and you went on fighting position and you attacked first.
You swing your fist to his face but he blocked it. You used your feet and attacked his sides but he step a side and caught your leg.
He flips you and you were stunned. Then, he whispered "You didn't think I was that defenseless did you?"
You kicked his stomach and flips him over so you were pinning him down. "What? You didn't see that coming?" You said while smirking.
Suddenly, there was a knock from the window, "Don't you fucking stole the little speedster fucking line! Btw, love ya ship! Please tell the Avengers about me. I'm hell sure the directors would absolutely fucking love me be in the next goddamn movie"
The two of you turned your head, only to see a glimpse of red. (A/N we all know who is that. Ehehe)
"Well, that was quite weird." Loki exclaimed. "Agreed. Wanna do another round?" "Sure"
You spared with him some more. The match ended up in a tie. Training time was over. So you picked up two towels and give one to Loki.
"Thanks." He said to me. "No problem" you said while going out.
You quickly took a bath and change your clothes. (Minus the lipstick and the earrings)
You put your hair in a high ponytail. You took the nearest book around. Then you went to peters room.
You saw him playing the guitar (A/N Does Tom Holland knows how to play the guitar? I kinda forgot). He was only wearing his pants. "Hey"
"Hey" he said back to you. "You're done training Mr.Loki?" He said to me. "Yeah. He already knew how to make hand in hand combat, so it didn't took so long to train him." You said while sitting beside him.
"Wanna do a duet. We haven't done that in ages." He said while position his phone in front of us so he could record us singing. "Sure what song?"
"You choose" he said while sitting beside, guitar in hand.
"How about the song mom and dad used to sing to us?" You said while fixing your hair. "Sure, let this be a memory reminder that our parents never left us" he said while smiling. But I knew he was fighting back tears. So do I.
He pressed record and then start playing.
(A/N You guys will sing the first song first, then Peter will change notes for the second one. You will sing the same song, but with 2 different notes, if ya know what I mean. Two of them are connected. If not, just use your imagination. )
He paused for a few seconds, then pitch up the notes
You sang the second song together and you remembered your parents, how they used to sing you this song. This song is one of your sweet memories from your parents.
You ended it with a smile. He smiled back at you to. You hugged each other and then peter pressed his phone again to stopped recording. He watched the recording and then looked at me as he was strucked by lightening.
"We're pretty good at this. I have an idea! How about we make a youtube channel just for our recordings." He said while smiling so big.
"That's a great idea! But, I don't know how to edit videos. I only know how to edit pictures" you said. (A/N if you know how to edit vids, just pretend you couldn't)
"It's okay! I'll edit the videos while you make the covers. We'll make and sing the songs. I'll be the one making the channel." He said while opening his laptop (A/N Tony bought a laptop for peter)
He made a email while I asked Tony if you could decorate a spare room to make the youtube videos. He said yes and you quickly told peter that we could use the spare room.
You and Peter went to the nearest Ikea, Walmart, and Target to get the stuff you needed, Tony let you use his credit card. While doing that you texted nat that you couldn't train Loki. You texted Loki to about that and said that Natasha will train him.
You bought a lot decorations and some sponge to absorb the sound like in recording rooms. You bought a camera, the stand, the mics you needed, and more. You drove with Peter's car (A/N the one from the commercial). You eat lunch while going shopping.
When you finally went home to the AT with Peter, You decorate the room, with some paint wars intended. When you finally finished, it looked something like this.
From the camera POV, the couch will be the place you and peter sings. The wall will be the background.
The camera, mics, and monitor will be in the other side.
You saw you and Peters creation with a bug smile. You did a handshake with peter and said "We make a pretty good team, don't we?" You asked him. "Yeah."
You and peter did an introduction video and peter upload it. Your youtube channel name is the heroes. (A/N If you don't like it, just change it)
After that, you were so tired, you changed you clothes and sleep until dinner.
At dinner, you, all the Avengers, Peter, and Loki eat in silence. Then Tony break the silence. "So, how was your day kid?" He said while aiming at you.
"It was great. Loki was very good for his first training. And Peter and I made a youtube channel." You said while eating your pasta.
Natasha was the one who spoke up next. "Loki was really good. He almost beat me on one on one. By the way, what's your youtube channel name?"
"The Heroes" Peter smiled at me. Tony put his phone up and type something. Suddenly a hologram was on the table, playing your and Peters first introduction video
"Wait?! Your playing it now?!" You said while blushing so hard. You saw all the team members smiling at the hologram. You blushed more.
Then the next video is the one you and peter sang remember me. It was still in peters room. Now peter was blushing too.
"I never knew (Y/N) could sing like that." Bruce said while walking to the sink.
"You never heard her singing in the shower?! " Clint asked at him, shocked.
"Everyone who is in the lower floor could heard her singing." Nat added.
"Was I really that loud?" You asked
"It was kinda loud, but I love your singing." Thor said while smiling.
You blushed again, confirming that you were a tomato for a few seconds. Then you saw Loki gazing at you, smiling.
You had a movie night with the all the team and you sit beside Loki. You caught him starring at you and he quickly gaze the tv again. You slightly drift your head so it was resting on loki's shoulder. Then, you saw him blushed a little.
"What if there was a movie about us?" You asked all the team when the movie is over.
"Yeah, and Disney would be the one who has the rights to make the movie." Clint added, snickering.
"Imagine, Avengers Assemble the movie on how the Avengers is made." Steve said while eating his popcorn
"That would be cool." Tony said
"Who would be the one playing us?" Natasha said while pushing clint to move.
"Umm, I think tony would be played by RDJ, Nat by Scarlett johnson, How about Steve played by Chris Evans, you two looked alike." You said.
"Nah, I'm more good looking them RDJ" Tony said while trying to look cool.
"But the resemblance is freaking me out." Peter added. He was going home after the movie was over.
"I know right? I saw a post that I looked like jeremy renner and I freaked out. Bruce looked like mark ruffalo, Thor looked like Chris Hemsworth." Clint added more.
"I do not looked like some mortal, I am mighty" Thor said while playing mjolnir.
"Ok, this is freaking me out, so I'm going to go to bed". Steve said while going to the elevator.
"I should be going home too. Bye everyone" Peter said while going out too.
Everybody went to their room until there was only you and Loki. "Hey, thank you for training me today." He said to me.
"Youre welcome, it feels nice to train with somebody else." You told him
He stood up and offer you to stand up. You took his hand and stepped up.
Your face was inches from him, then you walked to the elevator. "See ya tommorow" you said while pushing the button.
"See you" he said while the door closed.
You went to your room and instantly fell asleep when your head hit the pillows.
Hello guys, Sorry I haven't updated for a while. There's this school program that I have to attend for 3 day 2 nights, and no phones. 😭😭
I'm sorry if this chapter isn't as long as the other ones. I tried to make it longer.
So, my holiday is about to end and I still have some homework to do.
So, I gotta go, love you all! Thank you for reading my story! Don't forget to comment and vote!
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