You stared the screen again after a view minutes of silence. Half an hour ago, you and the rest of the team got told by Director Fury that there was a lab that was trying to recreate their experiments, the same experiments as they did to you.
"Have they succeeded yet?" You asked, breaking the silence. All of the Avengers, except for Loki and Thor was dumbfounded. They knew how dangerous it would be for hydra to have another human that has the same powers like you. You looked at Fury, hoping that they haven't succeed yet.
"Thankfully, those motherfuckers haven't tested on them yet. But there is something I have to tell you (Y/N), I think you need to sit down for this one." Fury talked with a careful tone, motioning the seat in front of you. You give him a questioning look as you sit in front of him. The rest of the Avengers just looked at you and fury with concern. "So, what's the thing that you want to tell me?" You talked first, breaking the silence.
"(Y/N), HYDRA isn't working alone. They got help from other people that has experience in the field," he look at me. You raised an eyebrow at him, "Okay?"
"After doing some research, we have found the people that is working with Hydra." The Director readjust his position. "So? That's good right? You've found the people Hydra is working with" You gave him a concern smile. "(Y/N), Those people are your uncle and your ex-best friend Ashton Lee" The Director said to you. Before you can register all that, suddenly you have a flashback
11 years ago
"Put her in room 12 with subject NM0016," Your uncle barked out the commands. The hydra guards nodded and dragged you by the hand "NO! Uncle Blade please don't do this!" You begged at him. "Silence you little shit! I thought that you would be a worthless piece of shit, turns out we needed more kids to experiment. So be greatful you little bastard, you're being useful for once." He said as he opens the file, crossing your name.
You were dragged for 10 minutes until you reached a door with a big 12 on it. Beside the door, there was a sign, saying 'NM Projects'. One of guards opened the door and tossed you in, after that slamming the door. You wiped your tears and looked around you. There was 2 beds, a shelf full of books, a box full of toys, a closet, and another door that you think is a bathroom. Then, you realised there was a boy sitting on one of the beds. after hearing the door being locked, he got dow from the bed and went to you.
The boy had black brown, a little bit long hair and brown eyes. He has pale skin and he looks around the same age as you. "You're the new girl, aren't you?" he gave you a somewhat innocent smile. "Y-Yeah" you said shyly. "Hey, no need to be afraid, my name is Ashton Lee, but you can call me Ashton. What about you?" He asked while extending his arm to you.
You took his arm and shake it, giving him a smile, "The name is (Y/N) (L/N). Nice meeting you. So, we're roommates, aren't we?" You smiled to him. He used his other arm to brush of his hair from his face and looked at you. "(Y/N), cool name! Also, yes. We are going to be Roommates." He smiled back at you. You let go of his hands and look around. "So, how long have you stay here Ash?" You sit down on the other bed, not the bed Ash was using. "I've been here for a month. So, what brings you here?" He asked you
"..My uncle sold me here," after that you continued "My parents died, as my brother, I don't know what happened to him." you look down, trying to hold back tears. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." he said as went closer to you and wiped your tears away. "Thanks, and it's okay. So, what about you?" you asked him back
"Me? I actually don't know. I've live in an orphanage for my whole life until one month ago." He gave you a small smile before looking down. "So, what do you think they're going to do to us?" He asked me. "Wait, you don't know?" You stared at him with wide eyes. "Yeah, as long as I'm here, we've only been doing basic stuff, like eating and stuff. They gave us some lessons too." "What's the lessons about?" You asked. "They teach us how to defense for your self, how to shot, where's the best place to kill someone, not the common thing to teach kids our age" He stared at you. "Us" you muttered.
"Yeah, there a lot of other kids. But I heard them whispering of doing a project really soon." He looked around, afraid that a Hydra soldier would barge in any moment. You were about to talk to Ash again, but a guard opens the door, telling them that it was time for lunch. You smiled sincerely, as he return one too.
"(Y/N), Wake up love, please " A soft voice echoed. You groaned as you open your eyes. You were on your bed, inside your room. You tried to sit, having your left arm supports your body. You feel a hand on top of yours. You saw a blurry face (A/n what's a blurry face? ;D) in front of you. One minute later the blurry face begins to clear up and you can see Loki. His face was really close to yours.
"How long did I pass out?" You groaned. Your throat was pretty sore. Loki reached out and took the glass of water that was on the table near both of you, "Two hours," he said with a concerned look.
"I've been through worse" you rubbed your forehead. You took the drink and thanked loki. The drink was pretty cold, so you drink it slowly, enjoying every moment of it. "What happened after I passed out?" You put down the empty drink.
"Well, Fury dismissed us. He said we have to wait for you. You had a nightmare. So I brought you here, knowing that you want to wake up in a familiar place rather than in the building hospital." He explained.
You tried to get up, loki helping you. Tripping a little bit, you guys manage to go to the council room where Fury is still reading the files. You give him a little wave and sit beside him.
"Loki, do you mind if I talked with Fury alone?" You asked him. He nodded and went out, respecting your choices. "So.." Fury started.
"Nick, you said that Ashton was lost after the attack. What happened to him after all this time?" You asked him.
Now, when you called him Nick, he knows that it was personal business. Fucking surprise as it seem, Nick was the first person you trusted before you trusted Tony. He was the first person to notice the nightmares. But after that he let you bond with Tony more until he adopted you.
"Well (Y/n), it has seem that he went to another Hydra facility. He was completely brainwashed. He was working with another soldier codename 'The Winter Soldier'. Even though they have a lot of different missions." He slides the files to you.
You opened the files, the first picture you saw was him as the same age as you when you first met. You can see his opened lips in the picture, remembering clearly on what happened that day.
"Move it" the guard said as he pushed another kid. It was lunch and there was about 50 other kids. You gulped, as you take a portion. You gagged at the smell of the food, the smell gave you memories of the old cafeteria food.
You sat down beside Ashton. Every table has 4 seats. There was a boy with a brown fringe and brown eyes. While the other one was a boy with a black fringe and blue, green, and yellow eyes (A/n yes, they made a freaking cameo woo hoo! If you know who both of this character is, ily).
You didn't have an appetite, so you just played with your food. A guard was patrolling and saw you not eating your food. "Why are you now eating as commanded?" He gave you a grimsson smile. You look down, putting the spoon down. "I'm not hungry" you mouthed.
He jerked you back, making you fall to the floor. Everything went silent. The only voice was you trying to get up again. "What do we do to kids who DOESN'T FOLLOW ORDERS?" He asked the whole cafeteria. They were all silent, making the guard twice angrier. "Well, because everyone was a chicken and didn't stand up, let teach this new kid a lesson"
"Stop!" A voice came beside you. All head snapped at went at his direction, there he stands, Ashton. Even though he was shaking, confidence was on his eyes.
"Well looks like prince charming wants to safe the day, let us see about that." He yanked Ashton by the collar and dragged him out. You stand there, as if your bones was now made by ice. He saw your reaction and mouthed 2 words before he disappears 'It's okay'
You remembered cleaning his cut. He was shaking. You couldn't did it sooner because they had to take the picture first. They beat him mostly on his body, but somehow the lips got cut.
"How long has he caused mischief?" You closed the file. Fury stared at the file "A few years". "And you didn't fucking tell me?" You stared him, right in the eye. "Sorry (Y/n), I've decided to tell you later about this, but the circumstances was unavoidable." He gives you tablet.
It was the plan for the mission. You read it through, trying to find any details that was missed. "Can I edit some of this?" You asked. "Fine with me, just letting you know that Stark will be pissed at you though" he grinned at you. "I mean, when is he not?" I asked him. You made some changes, knowing that some of it needed to be changed based on experience.
After it was finished, you gave it back to him. He read it through. "So, bring back Ashton alive to the HQ huh?" He look at you. "If he was brainwashed, there's a chance to bring back the Ash I've known" you smiled. His corner lips twitched. "So, are you ready for this mythical?"
"Well, do I have a choice here?" You gave him an obvious smirk.
"Nope, nope, nopety nope, nope" you said as you see the open plane door. "You hear that?" Clint tease you. "It's the sound of me noping" you replied. "Come on (Y/n), it's like in practice" the national flag answered.
"Yeah, but not this high" you said. "(Y/n), you can literally fly" bruce replied. "Wait what?" Loki asked you. You gave him a sorry-for-not-telling-you-sooner look and give him a kiss on the cheek. He hugged you from behind, whispering in your ear "Be safe love"
"I will, you too" you smirked. "1 more minute to the drop zone" Maria's voice echoed. Loki let go of you and you stand beside your dad, "Together charger?" You said while forming your mask.
The helmet on his head was locked, "Together you little myth"
oo hoo! I've finally updated. Sorry guys for making you wait this long. And thank you for the readers who has stayed with me from the beginning of the story. I couldn't express how grateful I am to you guys. I love you guys so much!
Soo... Mythical. You guys like it? I made it up because it suits Y/n the most. So, ready for her power reveal in the next chapter? Ehehehe
And another thing, a new character? How many oc's do you have author? So uhh, *looks at art book* yeaahhh...
Ashton Lee will be portrayed aaaaaaaas..... *drum rolls* (the pic won't load T-T)
okay that's all from me now, see you all in the next chapter
Until next time, boys, girls, and non-binary pals
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