Guys, I'm so sorry! I haven't updated so long, I had a writer block and I had some school things I had to do. But now I'm free and I will try to update as frequently as possible! I'm so sorry for making you guys wait for soo long! Here's a photo of beebo and tom hiddleston to make it up!
(Nicole's face is priceless I swear XD)
(How on earth are you so perfect?)
The next day (Your POV)
The sunlight penetrate the safety of the pillow fort. You squinted as you try to block your eyes from the sunlight. You tried to snuggle more to your pillow and hugged your stuffed animal, but you felt something different. Your supposed to be stuffed animal was non existent, and your pillow was moving in an up and down motion. How the fuck is my pillow moving?
You open your eyes and your eye widened in embarrassment. You were still in the pillow fort. Your head was resting on Loki's chest. His hands was wrapped around your waist protectively. His hair was on his face, he had a peaceful expression. He had a small smile in the end of his lips. You blushed as you realized that your legs was intertwined with his.
Everyone else was already up, since their last spots was empty. You look at him and a smile went to your face. You tried to stand up carefully, trying not to wake him up. He felt something shifting and tighten his hug, making you more closer to him than ever. You blushed as you tried wiggle out from his hands.
You finally succeed and went to the kitchen. It was nine in the morning (A/n I wish it was in the afternoon, if y'all get my reference i love you), so everyone already had breakfast, but you saw your dad, Tony.
"Hey dad" you greeted as you slide in. He smirked at you and sit beside you. "Hey kid, how ya feeling?" He asked. "Is it bad if I feel better? I know it's still early, but I feel better" you blurted out. "No! It's a good thing! I'm glad you're feeling better kiddo. Now, how about a cup of stark's famous coffee?" He smiled mischievously.
"Okay, but don't put in gasoline okay? I remember last time" You laughed. "Hey! It was only one time! And I didn't know how the fuck that happened!" Tony defends himself
"Why is there gasoline there any way? And a champagne holder?" You mouthed. "Hey! I was bored! And besides, who doesn't want a coffee machine who could wash the dishes, makes coffee, and hold champagne?" He started. You laughed "Well, anyone besides you dad" he scoffed at you. (A/n champagne, cocaine, gasoline. And most things in between- The song literally came up as I wrote this)
He put the mug you front of me. You hesitantly took a sip, and surprisingly it tasted good. "This is pretty go- Wait!" You realized. "Uh, sweetheart did you said something?" He teased. "Oh, I take that back" you said. "No, there's no taking it back!" He grinned. He's going to start bragging isn't he? You thought to yourself.
"Oh no, Tony is making coffee again. Do you feel weird (Nick name)? Should we bring you to the doctor? JARVIS please check on (Y/n)" Clint slide in. "She said it was pretty good" Tony bragged. Clint gasped, fakingly look hurt, "Don't you like my coffee better?" He asked. "To be honest, I still prefer Clint's, sorry dad" you smiled sheepishly.
"Before you guys start a civil war on each other, I have an announcement, we are having a game day!" Nat said as she sipped some coffee. "Pffft, like we're going to have a civil war on each other. Never gonna happen" Steve said as he sit. He just finished his jog. "What about game nights?" You smile smugly. "Well, that's different," Nat exclaimed.
You smiled as you took another sip. Loki was still sleeping, judging the fact that Loki wasn't here yet.
"So, what game are we going to play?"
"SHI- THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" Clint jumped on the couch, the console still in his hands. Nat was silently celebrating her victory. You just laughed as you watch them. "Steve doesn't like that kind of language Clint" you joked. "You know what (Y/n)? I-" Papa steve was going to explode
"Okay! too much Mario is bad for you. How about we play something else?" Bruce asked. All of them think hard, suddenly Tony eyes shined.
"Legolas, come on! I need your help!" He screamed as he pull clint's arm. Clint gave a please-help-me eyes to everyone before disappearing. Loki chuckled beside you. You just pray to god that it wasn't some perverted game.
Maria and Pepper walked in, giving a questioning look. You just shrugged as you wait for the two man baby to show up. After 5 minutes of hearing them giggling Tony and Clint finally showed up, holding a high hat.
"Yes kids, today we are going to play 7 minutes in heaven!" Tony said all girly like. Everyone groaned except for Tony and Clint. "Fuck this shit I'm out" Natasha said as she jumped out the couch and went to the door. She tried to open it but it was sealed.
"No no no, all of you need to participate!" Tony sang the words. You got to admit, Tony was NOT a singer. "What is this 7 minutes of heaven?" Thor asked. You melt on his innocence. "It's a game, so one person will pull out an object that represents someone else from the hat. Then you will have to spend 7 minutes in a closet with the person. You can do anything with that person for 7 minutes," You explained to the Asgardians.
"Now who's going first... Capsicle you're up!" Tony point out Steve. He took a big gulp and put his hand in the hat. He give a little yelp as he pull put something. It was a mini arc reactor (A/n yes, I ship it)
You laughed as you shove your dad into the closet, as Thor picks up Steve and yeets him inside the closet. You waited for 7 minutes and then went to the closet, teleporting there so you wouldn't make a noise. You open it while smiling, seeing them parting ways while blushing madly. "I ship it," you whispered. You give them a sly smile while they just give you a slight glare.
Both of them went back to their seats and Tony scanned the room. His eyes landed on Loki and he did a cocky smile. "Reindeer you're up!" He announced as he mixed the hat again.
He looked mortified for a second and then pulled out a charm. It was a green charm. He looked confusedly as he looked around. His eyes met your shocked ones and understood what your expression meant.
"Reindeer games and (weird nick name) it is! Now go into the closet will you?" Tony said with a mocking tone, obviously wanted revenge.
You were picked up by Steve while Loki was being dragged by Thor. Both of them tossed you in, well Steve put you down gently, Loki was the one who got tossed (A/n Get help anyone?).
Loki let out a small oof when he landed. "You okay there?" You kneeled beside him. "I'm okay (Y/n)," he said as he tried to stand up. You heard to closet door clicked, a sign that means it's locked. You heard giggles from outside.
"They may look cool and mature in the movies, but in real life they're a bunch of teenage high schoolers I swear," you said. He looks at you confusedly but didn't asked.
"So, what do we do now?" He asked. "Try finding Narnia?" you joked. He laughed as he sit down on one of the boxes. He motions his hands for you to sit beside him.
You sit beside him and he pulled you closer, making your heart flutter. You decide to lay your head on his shoulders and through the dark you can feel him smiling. You stayed like that for a long time.
Suddenly he looked at you. His eyes was full of mischief and he licked his lips. He leaned down while you unconsciously lean too. Suddenly the door opened by the national anthem it self while Tony was in the back recording. (A/n I forgot that Tony is the dad lmao)
"Really guys?" You blushed. All of them chuckled, making way for both of you to get out. You blushed as you get out of the closet(A/n( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). Loki soon followed you. The rest of the game continued. You feel a pair of eyes resting on you. You saw loki staring at you, when both of your eyes met, he quickly changes direction to his book.
The games changes constantly. From video games to just truth or dare. After seeing Thor in a wedding gown, faking a wedding with Clint, you decided to get some fresh air.
(A/n if you know Norse Mythology, you'll remember that one time when Thor had to pretend to be Frey to get Mjolnir back from giants in a supposed to be wedding of Frey and The giant)
"I'm gotta get some fresh air, okay?" You said as you wait for the pair to come out. All of them nodded and you went out to the balcony. The sun was setting and you had a beautiful view of it. You closed your eyes to feel the warmth of the air, then you felt footsteps closing in and a little weight in your head. You opened your eyes and you saw yourself from a window near by. It was a flower crown made from your favorite flowers and the tone sets the mood with the sunset.
You saw Loki a few feet from you, his hands clutching the book he was reading. "Do you love it?" He asked you. "I'm intrigued, how did you manage to know my favourite flower?" You smiled at him. He lean on the balcony beside you. "I may or may not asked Stark for some information," he grinned slyly. You let out a little laughed and you embrace the warmth of the evening.
"About the little actions that occurred earlier in the closet, I apologize, I know it is still very early for you and I completely understand that you're not ready yet.
But remember this, I will always wait for you. In a sea of people, I will always spot your beauty from miles away. When I see you, I can see my future in your eyes, full of wonder and hope. I felt loving my self when I am with you, for you have given me a chance to do so. Even though you're out of reach, I will stay until you are here beside me again, for it is not my decision for you to be beside me, it is completely yours" He stated with full of compassion.
Your eyes melts under his words as you heard his statements. No one in your life had said such thing as beautiful as that. You smile widely as you blushed as well. The two of you stayed in silence for a while, enjoying every moment of silence that was blessed upon the two of you.
(A/n I read some articles on how to write the scene ahead so please let me know how is it!)
The sun was almost disappearing, leaving gold and orange colors illuminating the sky as a purple yet dark blue sky dominating it. The warmth of the evening started to change into a windy yet still warm atmosphere.
You looked at his green with a hint of blue radiant eyes. His eyes locks with your (E/C) eyes too. A wind caught your hair, making a piece of it fell to your hair. Instinctively Loki tucks the loose strand of hair behind your ear. The gap between you decreased because of his actions. Your breathing increases as your eyes traveled the structure of his face.
You hesitated a little before letting it all go and started to lean in, with him following you. As the gap closing in, you suddenly noticed more things about him. How he smells like the morning air and fresh ice, how his eyes always glints with mischive, how his arms circled your waist in a polite way and his other arm supports your back, how you felt his body tensed for a little as you put your hands behind his neck. As your lips connected, everything blends in completely.
Truth to be told, you don't have to have a deep kiss to feel the fireworks, as the tender kiss you shared trigger those fireworks. His lips was infact cold, but in a very settling way. His lips moved with your lips perfectly. He didn't pushed it, letting you set the pace of the kiss. The kiss was very light, but full of compassion. He pulled you closer, as he fear of letting you go and not having this moment ever again.
Eventually, you needed to breath as both of you parted ways. Your forehead connects with his as your nose tingles with his. Both of you were panting for air. Both of you had your eyes closed, enjoying every moment the two of you are having. With the sun completely sets, making the scenery looks like the night was blessing the kiss.
"This may looked very rushed, but truth to be told, I want to be with you Loki. The kiss made it certain of it. But again, I may need my time," You mouthed to him.
"Well, now I'm just waiting for my queen to come," He smiled.
1 week later
Things haven't change that much yet. Since the kiss you shared, you were a lot closer with him. The week went on peaceful. You got a lot of time to hear your favourite songs and sort out your playlist again.
You still give Loki the lessons. He was already good at it, and he would sometimes flirt at you, making you blush.
You were eating Steve's famous pancakes with the team when JARVIS voice echoed.
"Sir, I believe Mr.Fury has entered the building, and he said to meet him in the conference room, he said it's urgent," he announced.
They all stare eachother in silence, then Tony stands up, "well, I think we have a new mission!" He grinned
Hello guys! Sorry for having to wait this long. Thank you so much for willingly to wait for this book to update!
So, both of you finally did it! I didn't know how to write a kissing scene, so I had to google about it. I'm praying that my mom will never see my search history...
That's all from me! Thank y'all! I love y'all so much! Bye!
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