Chapter 7
Peeta's POV
"Kat, I'm going to take Willow into the garden for a short time." I alerted Katniss as I picked up my sleeping 2 month old daughter from her cot.
Katniss enters the room and comes up to me before replying.
"Okay. I'll join you soon." Katniss kisses me on the nose.
I smile before walking out and heading out the back go our small garden.
I made my way to a white garden bench, placed to one side.
Once sitting on it, I positioned myself comfortably before lying Willow on my chest and admire her.
I look up briefly and saw a bright yellow dandelion below me.
I carefully picked it up and placed it in Willow's hair.
"You know you're beautiful Willow, just like your mother." I quietly spoke to her sleeping figure.
Willow must have heard as she decides to wriggle on my chest to make herself comfortable.
I smile. She is so perfect. I love Willow so much.
I continue to look at my daughter for several minutes.
My head tilts up when I hear footsteps and I see Katniss' trotting down the few steps and she heads towards us.
Katniss wears a pink floral summer dress. This one I haven't seen her wear for a while.
Katniss and I share a passionate kiss before Katniss sits down beside me.
"I haven't seen you wear that since we were dating . That's .... 16 years now." Katniss showed me the smile I love.
"I thought I would wear it since I know you absolutely love this dress." I chuckle, agreeing with Katniss.
"Yeah. That's true." I reply and smile.
"This little one is a sleeper alright." I add and Katniss quietly laughs.
"Completely different from when I was expecting her. She would kick non-stop then."
Katniss says and looks down to the ground.
She sighs and looks back up into my blue eyes.
"She was interesting to carry." Katniss comments and I nod understandingly.
"Well you will know what to expect if we have more." I comment and Katniss' eyes widen.
"Peeta. You better not be asking for more kids already. I have just been pregnant for 38 weeks and you have a 2 month old daughter in your arms." Katniss comments with a smile and I let out a chuckle.
"Didn't you hear me?" I joke. "I said if."
Katniss shakes her head with a smirk. She leans over and kisses my cheek.
"Oh Peeta. Oh my wonderful Peeta."
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