Chapter 46
Katniss' POV
"Come give Mummy a big hug." I suggest to Rye as I bend down, arms extended. He runs into my arms and my arms together around his small frame.
I close my eyes and kiss his cheek before letting him go.
"I don't want to go Mummy." Rye states and I look at him confused.
"Why Rye?" I ask curiously and look into his eyes.
"Because I don't want you to be by yourself." He answers and hugs me again.
"Oh Rye. Its okay, Daddy is going to be with me so I won't be lonely when you're at school." I smile and stand up.
Peeta comes up behind him and scoops him into his arms. Peeta and Rye laugh before Peeta kisses Rye's head.
"I'm going to make sure Mummy is very happy. Don't you worry my little baker." Peeta reassures and lowers.
Rye smiles and then walks up to stand by Willow.
"Willow is going to look after you today okay Rye?" I say and Rye nods. Our 10 year old Willow grabs Rye's hand.
"You're gonna have a really fun day Rye and you can tell me all about your first day when I come to pick you and Willow up." Peeta adds and ruffles Ryes hair. Rye laughs shortly again and pats his hair straight again.
"We have to go now Mum and Dad. See you later!" Willow exclaims and leads her brother away.
"Bye! Love you both!" Peeta and I exclaim as we wave. They wave back and we smile. We stand here once again, watching our children walk into a place of learning.
Once we see then disappear I sigh. I cover my mouth and nose with my hand, holding in the felling of sobs. I sniffle and look toward the dirt ground.
"Kat." Peeta says and turns me into his chest. I quietly sob into his chest. Peeta kisses my temple before burying his head into my shoulder.
"He'll be okay." Peeta reassure and I nod in return.
"I know." I state and Peeta's hand goes up to stroke my braid. "I know." I repeat. My hand slides from Peeta's chest and rests upon the hand he's stroking my hair with. Fast. Fast time is going. Too fast for my liking. Today is the day both my children are in school.
"Can time slow down?" I ask Peeta and he chuckles.
"I wish I could do that for you Kat but I can't." He replies and I decide not to respond.
"Don't worry okay? Why don't you can with me to the Bakery and help me for the day?" he suggests and I nod.
We look at each other and entwine our fingers. We share a quick kiss and Peeta wipes my cheeks before we walk off and start our wait for the hour.
The hour my children come home.
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