Chapter 34
Katniss' POV
It's pitch black dark outside and my son still hasn't arrived.
My throat must be going dry due to all the screaming I am producing.
I wail in pain as another contraction hits.
It feels like I'm being shot and stabbed multiple times.
It's worse than when I was in labour with Willow.
"Deep breaths Kat. It's okay." I follow Peeta instructions as he finishes his call to Effie. I squish my eyes shut tight and grip onto Peeta's hand. I gasp and lay my head down as the pain stops.
"Thank you so much Effie. Bye." I hear Peeta say and the phone is placed on my beside drawer.
I take slow breaths and turn my head to the left, where my husband is. I slowly open my eyes and see his ones full with sympathy.
"The pain is worse than when Willow was on her way." I comment to him and he strokes my cheek.
"You want to sit up?" Peeta asked and I nodded. "Okay." He added.
Peeta bent over and slipped his arm under my back and I held onto his other hand.
Peeta began pushing me up and I pulled myself up. Soon I was sitting. I swing my feet over the side of the bed.
I fold my arms and place them on Peeta's lap. My head goes to rest on them and Peeta begins to stroke my back in big circles.
After a while, 1 contraction later, I let one of my arms cradle my huge bump. I look down at it, taking deep and slow breaths.
Peeta's hands go to my neck and stroke the skin there and I sigh. "You're doing so well sweetie." Peeta congratulates me and he bends down to kiss my head. I smile and enjoy the time before my next contraction will hit.
"Let's stand up sweetie." Peeta suggests and I nod, not wanting to speak. I sit up and Peeta stands, taking my hands. I slowly stand up, feeling pain in my back. When I am standing, my hands grip onto Peeta's shoulders.
We are about to take a walk when I fall. My knees bend and Peeta catches me before I hit the floor.
I scream and close my eyes. Pain shooting up my spine. I take quick and short breaths before I scream again. "Peeta." I wail and Peeta kisses my temple. I start crying and bury my head into his shoulder.
When the contraction stops, I place my hand underneath me as I feel our son drop down.
"Peeta." I say, eyes still closed. Panicking slightly. Peeta must look down before replying.
"Nothing is there. He's not out." I nod and open my eyes when Adriana enters.
"Let me just check how far you are." Adriana alerts me and she kneels down beside us.
I get the uncomfortable feeling soon afterwards and Peeta decides to stroke my head as Adriana checks.
"2 to 3 more hours possibly Katniss. You're getting there." I sigh in annoyance. When is he going to show up!?
"Wow. Katniss you're doing amazing. You've been in labour 12 hours now." Peeta comments.
"Really?" I ask in disbelief.
"Really." He replies. Then the pain makes itself known as excruciating.
Making my position as a woman in labour a whole lot worse than it needed to be.
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