Chapter 4 - Depression
The Cullens' departure altered life for months. Bella had grown distant, spending most of her time in her room staring out the window as the seasons changed, which began to worry us more over time. It wasn't the only thing, every night we would be awoken by screams coming from Bella's room, which terrified us all. It was like clockwork every night, which meant no one, including Bella, was getting any sleep. But, to make matters worse, everything at work had altered as a result of the Cullens' departure. However, their departure prompted me to investigate why I had always enjoyed solving mysteries since I was a tiny boy.
The next day I had arrived home from work to see Bella sat on the couch staring to into nothingness as I walked through the living room and into the kitchen before placing my bag down on one of the chairs. "She been like that all day," I said questionably as I looked at Charlie. "Yeah," Charlie said as he took a sip from the beer bottle in his hand. "Have you spoken to Renee" I said as I opened my beer bottle and also took a sip. "Yeah she's really worried she wants Bella to come home," Charlie said which made his facial expression change to sad.
"She knows this is her home," I said as I pulled a smile at him. Later on, I was asleep on the couch when I have awoken my Bella's screams so I jumped off the couch and made some coffee for me and Charlie as we were gonna need it before heading upstairs to Bella's room and sitting down on her bed in front of her "Hey Bell" I said smiling at her and she just tried to pull a smile at me but I could tell she was sad "I know you're going through a tough time but you're really scaring your parents" I said which changed her facial expression "I know" Bella said sounding concerned "that's why I wanna give you this" I said as I pulled out a charm from my back pocket my mother had bought it for me 10 years ago after I broke my leg to cheer me up and ever since I got it I seemed to have good luck. "Your lucky charm," Bella said as a slight smile appeared on her face as I pulled my hand up to reveal the charm.
"I can't take it," Bella said "you can please for me," I said pulling a slight begging face hoping she would agree to take it. At first she stared at it before taking it out of my hand as she looked at it I saw Charlie in the corner of my eye appear in the doorway so we both looked up and smiled at him. "You two ok," Charlie said questionably as he looked at us both "yeah," we both said as we looked at him "ok," Charlie said before turning around and heading back to where he came from. The next morning I had woken up to see the house empty which was a good sign because Bella was not in the house which meant she was finally slowly getting better as I headed out of the house to go to work I saw Bella's truck appear on the driveway as it slowed down and Bella jumped out of her truck.
"Hey," I said as I smiled at Bella "Hey," Bella said as she moved her long brown hair out of her face "you seem happier where you been," I said as I looked at Bella "just at Jakes," Bella said smiling "Jacob Black," I said questionably. "Yeah," Bella said "Well I'm glad to see that you're out of the house," I said laughing a little. "You wanna go for Lunch," I said as I looked at her "on me?" I said questionably as a large grin appeared on my face. "Ok, Yeah," Bella said sounding happy. We headed out to the local diner and got lunch together it was the first time in years that I had just spent time with Bella and the first time she seemed happy in months "so hows school" I said as I began to cut the very large steak in front of me but just trying to start a conversation with Bella as we haven't really spoken in a while.
"Good I'm gonna go out to see a film with a few friends from school and Jacob tonight" She said as she began to fill her fork with the salad she had ordered. "Cool which one," I said trying to continue the conversation so that we weren't sat there in silence "Face Punch," Bella said which confused me "really," I said as I looked at her confused "yeah I love guns and adrenaline," Bella said which proved how much she had changed over the past few months "ok" I said as I smiled at her. For the rest of the meal we just talked about random topics and stuff I just liked interacting with her, it meant that her mind wasn't going to other places of depression.
The next day I saw something strange up with Bella as she ran down the stairs past me so quickly that I didn't get a chance to speak to her. So decided to follow her so I turned around and I grabbed my jacket from the stairs before heading out of the door and following her as she had decided to go out on foot. I followed her throughout Forks and the fields until I saw her distance of a field except it wasn't a field anymore just a plot of land with all of the grass and flowers all dead. I saw Bella looking around she looked confused. I stood there watching until I saw a man appear out of the distance Bella looked at him as if she knew him yet at the same time she looked scared but I didn't want to jump out straight away. Until I saw him began to get close to her and began to touch her skin which made me feel protective of her So I stepped out "Bella" I shouted as loud as I could to get his attention as I walked over I could feel anger taking over my body like my cousin I was an only child and I saw Bella as more of a sister than a cousin so I felt protective of her.
"Leave her alone," I said as I looked at him as he looked at me and smiled "and who are you," the man said as he looked at me "I'm Bella's cousin," I said as I looked at him "and I suggest you back away from her," I said as I glared at him "and who are you to tell me that," he said getting angry at me so threw a punch at him but I knew I would regret it so he threw me across the field before following me as he reached me he stared into my eyes before he used his vampire teeth to rip into my neck I knew that my life would be over so closed my eyes as I felt the blood rush out of my kneck and onto the field below me I knew my life would be over.
End Of Chapter 4
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