9. A bond between a witch and werewolf
Lance Pov
I knew the moment I slipped into my great grandmothers room I was fucked. She had her hands caressing my face and her nails dragging down my side. It felt weird and it gave me shivers. No doubt I will not walk out of her empty handed. "You are the lucky one Lance.." she whispered as a blue smoke changed her appearance. She looked so much younger. "What? Okay are you not my great grandmother?" She giggles and nods "I am. I just used a spell to keep me looking youthful. Now I can leave in peace and pass this down to you.." Yeah I called it. "Pass what down?" She unhooked the necklace as she placed it over my head "My magic. All of it. You will be the next witch in the family. I'm way overdo. Please Lance" I looked down at the charm and at her blue eyes I inherited from. "I'll do it. Will I stay looking young forever?" She laughs and hugs me "You'll know how to use it when I'm gone. Thank you Lance" she kissed my cheek as I felt a slight pain as I saw her stick her nail in my chest "Ah..What?!" She smirked as everything looked blurry and everything turned black.
That was 10 years ago. I'm capable of every spell in the book. My great grandmothers magic seeped into my body all those years ago. Now I posses such an amount of magic. Best part of it all no vampire can hurt me. These blood suckers think I'm dumb. Once a woman with silver hair tried to bite me but gagged at the stench I had. It was to ward off creatures like her. Since then I've been living my life until he walked in.
Keith Kogane. New nurse and hot without even trying. Now I get what you're all thinking. Why not go talk to him, well I try and he ends up running away from me like I'm a flu. There was a time I came two feet and he puked. I thought it was the stench spell but I also noticed Shiro run off gagging. I kinda questioned it but decided to leave it. Considering Shiro works with sick patients and could get sick. Keith was just a hot mess and I desired him more. The guy catches my interest. Also not long ago I heard from my best buddy hunk; who is a werewolf by the way.
Tell me little Keith is a freshly born werewolf which makes everything better. Can't control his urges. Can't contain himself. Can't focus and gets aroused pretty easy. Just the way I liked it. I decided it was enough of this cat and mouse game so I decided to ask him out. He freaked out obviously and truly I did as well. All those months he ran away from me to now getting a date for Once? It's making this better.
The date went perfectly until I urged him to kiss me passionately and in return I'll get him to scent me. Hunk told me a werewolf can scent for a mate. I actually craved him but then again I just wanted someone to control. Don't get me wrong I really am into Keith but I need a werewolves blood to keep me young. Hunk is there but I'm draining him and he's more human now since I started taking it. So Keith is my next option.
The date was an almost success. I was straddling over his hips latching onto my lips on his neck and slowly rolling myself on his lap. It felt really good and I just wanted to happen already. I let out a few moans that he let out a small growl. My plan was working. He was really getting aroused by just these small movements. It was making him delirious. And surprisingly as well me.
"L-lance.." he tried to move my lips but God his wrecked voice sounded so good. "Don't ruin it~" I managed as I started biting his neck up to his ear as his grip on my butt tighten "Oh~ a bit rough? I like where this is going~" shit I need to finish this now or else its not gonna work. As I went to caress his face he grabbed my wrist as he stared at me awkwardly. Was it something i said or done? "Was that too much? Did I take that the wrong way?"
He sighs and shakes his head "No. We just need to slow down. Like build our way towards this." Fuck. I was so close to him scenting me. I lowered my eyes and turned a bit red "Oh..I just thought you might uh wanted to..you know." He slowly pulled my hands towards his lips as he kissed them slowly "I'm sorry Lance. I just don't want to rush right away, I was raised better than to just sleep on the first date." Curse him for being this nice. He's making this harder for me.
I faked chuckled "Me too. Guess I over did it, sorry Keith." He grabbed my face gently as he kissed me "Don't worry. We'll eventually get there okay?" I smirked and nods as I moved off his lap and sit beside him. "I just killed the vibe." I genuinely laughed and nodded "Yeah a bit. But it's nice that you did. You actually treated me like an actual person instead of an object." Which was saying something. All my past hooks up were trash and people just wanted me for one thing. My magic. But what my past hook ups didn't know was magic came with a price. You screw me over and I take your life force. My great-grandmother tells in my dreams. I thought it was pretty harsh until I realized the life forces kept me youthful. Just as the werewolf blood.
A the end of the month approaches and I know Keith is turning. Hunk turns as well but goes to his place. I take the night shift knowing Keith's roommate Shiro is working tonight and most likely Keith came to talk to him. I must admit it bothers me that he's close with Shiro. I mean look at Shiro, he's pretty handsome. Those muscles and he's caring? Perfect man right there. So yes get mad at me for being jealous. So I hear him coming down the hall and stop him in his tracks. "Hello beautiful~ you don't work tonight?" He jumps a bit and nods "Yeah I don't I just needed to talk to Shiro since he isn't answering his phone." I knew it. But it was his common lie. He said the same thing to pidge last month to. He tried side shuffled but I wrapped my long arms around my neck and pulled his face closer. I bit my lip as he watched me carefully. fuck, he's really trying so hard not to lose control of himself. "Aw I'm hurt you're not here to see me~" close the space by kissing him as he moves his hands on my hips but instead of him pulling closer he pushed back.
"Lance I really need to see Shiro..can we do this tomorrow?" I pouts as he looks into my eyes "Keith what do you do on your days off. They usually end on a full moon. Are you..are you cheating on me?" The look on his face entertained me. He really looked adorable as he panicked "No! I would never it's just a bit personal that's all?" He said trying to calm himself. He was losing. His wolf was winning.
"You know you're like the longest guy who kept me waiting for sex. I'm a needy person Keith and I would like to have sex with you at some point. Cause you are my boyfriend." He had a cold face. Damn did I say the wrong thing again? Damn I'm no good in relationships. "Keith? You listening?" Out of nowhere he pulled me closer locking our lips together as I my wrapped my arms around him tightly as he pushed us in an empty hospital room. Fuck is this really happening right Now? "K-Keith~" why did I sound so needy? He pulled away from the brusing kiss as turned me around. Oh shit he's gonna take me from behind. Kinda kinky actually. I made a small noise as he was panting "a bit rough~" fuck I need to stop teasing him but I can't help it. It's really turning me on. I felt his hands move down my hips as I arched my back and arm as I kissed his cheek. He felt really hot, shit I feel wet and bothered but for a completely different reason.
He moved a bit as he pulled my pants along with boxers as he kissed down my neck and back as I let out a few loud moans. I arched my back again feeling his member growing by the minute. Fuck. As I bend a bit forward I felt him roll his hips forward getting the feel. Oh that felt really good. Seconds later I hear him unbuckling his belt and jeans. I went to look but he pushed me forward a bit hard. I gasp a bit when i felt him push in. "Ahh~!" That hurt! That fucking hurt! He really lost control. I let out small cries and whimpers as I heard him growling holding my hips tighter trying to wait for me to adjust. He needs to wait a minute cause it hurts like hell. Knowing keith wasnt in control he moved in deeper. As he pulled back just enough he pushed back with a harder force "Ahh~! K-keith~" Fuck! That one hurt more. But it was something I never would have pictured. "Lance~" his voice sounded huskier and a bit raspy. I could tell he was trying not to change quite yet but look what happened. He's balls deep inside me. I'm bent over the bed as he is pounding my body at a brutaling pace making me moan and, cry like crazy. I was griping the bedsheets trying to not be loud but fuck this was really hot. It started painful but was turning pleasurable. I heard Keith grunting and bucking his hips a bit slower knowing he was getting close "Keith~ please come inside" He groaned I looked over my shoulder seeing his eyes turn a bright gold. Come on you're nearly there. "Keith come on~"
After one more hard thrust he came hard. He growled really loud and I could tell I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. As I felt my legs turn a bit numb he holds my waist as he slips out "Fuck!" I lay on my side as I looked at Keith "Keith?" He looked so guilty "I gotta go! I'm so sorry Lance. I'm Sorry!" He ran off leaving me there filled with his cum. I smiled because I just had sex with Keith and he didn't realize we marked each other. I pulled my shirt up as I see the bite mark. He mated with me. I also marked him on his neck. He just hasn't realized it yet. Oh Keith, you're in for a big surprise tomorrow.
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