15. Werewolf Mother
Krolia Pov
It wasn't my intention to fall in love at the wrong time. It also wasn't my plan to bare a child with the so called man. It happened all too quickly that I didn't want to meet my own child like this. It was a full moon, it was windy and perfect time to go hunt for food. It's strange that all these years I watched my son grow no signs of his werewolf genes seem to show. He's more human than I thought. But one night changed it all. I was face to face with my child as I bit him and ran off. I wanted him to be like me. I was never bitten but born. He's half of me and needs to be strong.
I woke up with the sun in my eyes as I was in the middle of nowhere. I transformed back to my human form as I was naked. I had dry animal blood on me as I scoffed as I was used to it. I walked towards a small river to wash myself before I went to find my clothes. As I make my way I freeze seeing him. I hid behind a tree as I watched him hurrying to wash the dry blood off. "Fuck! What did I eat this time?!" I smirked as he was clean enough to leave. As he was gone I took my chance. I was in deep thought, I need to see him again but in person no more hiding away from him. He's alone. His father died and his grandfather. He has no one but me. As I fixed my hair I decided to formally meet him.
I was a bit nervous to meet him. He's already 25 years old and I haven't been in his entire life. I bet he hates me for leaving. Who could blame me? I didn't mean to get pregnant but I did. I was so happy when I first held him. He was so small and fragile that I thought I would hurt him. He took my heart that day. It pained me when I left him a few weeks later. I groan in annoyance as I decided this was a mistake. I can't do this. As I went to turn I'm faced with a blood sucker. Damn monsters are good for nothing. "Apologies. Didn't mean to get in your way." He bowed as I raised a brow. What an odd gesture. "Its alright I just..wanted to..uh never mind." I rushed by him as I quickly ran off to an alley way. I don't want him to smell my scent. Cause Keith has the same scent and if he figured it out he'll kill me and Keith will be next.
The next day I tried again. I was at his door holding my hands in fists. I can do this. Why am I being affected from this if I haven't seen him yet? I went to knock as the door flew open as he stood there. My throat goes dry as I see my son, older and handsome like his father. He does quite look like me. He has my eyes and nose and my face shape. Oh my son, how much you've grown. "May I help You?" I cleared my throat "Keith..I'm your mother." His eyes widen as he backs away shaking his head "Pardon?! You're my What?!" I quickly wiped my eyes as I nodded "I'm your mother. Can I come in and talk to You?" He moves as he let me in. I take a seat as he stands across from me looking at me up and down. I stood quiet in case something happens. I felt a weird presences. Something supernatural as well. Maybe a spirit? "My mother left me when I was just a few weeks born. What makes you sure you're my real Mother?" I sigh "Keith, you were born on Oct 23. 1995. You weighed 7 lbs and 4 ounces. You were so tiny and helpless. You look like me and I know deep down you know me. Maybe seen me in your dreams or visions." He chuckles dryly "You're a werewolf! I can smell it on you. Were you born or bitten?" I sigh "I was born a werewolf. Keith you are half which means you are half werewolf and human. A half breed. You're werewolf side didn't show until I bit you on the full moon those years ago. I'm so sorry" he looked betrayed and hurt as I looked at him. "Why did you bite me! I was normal until that happened! Why would you do that to me?" His bottom lip was quivering as I stood up and got close "I only did it to protect you. Do you know how dangerous it is to walk at night? What if you gotten hurt?!" He pushed me away "You were never in my life! I've done everything by myself! I lost dad at the age of 8 and had to move in with my grandpa. He passed away as soon as I became a freshman in college. Where the fuck were You?! No where!" I jumped at his out burst "Keith please I want to make this right.." he shakes his head "How? Did you think coming back would fix this?" I shook my head "I knew the risks. Keith me and your father met by accident." He tilts his head. "How?" I sigh "It was a full moon. I was hunting for my food when my foot got caught in a bear trap. The pain was so bad that I transformed back to my human form. I tried to break free but I lost so much blood. I blacked out." He sits down gesturing me to continue. I take my seat as I take a deep breath. "I woke up in a worn out room as I came to. I was dressed in a oversized shirt and my foot was wrapped up. Someone found me. That someone was your father. When I walked out the room the first thing I did was grab a knife and tried to protect myself.." I giggle just remembering about him. Keith smirks a little but tried to play it off.
"Why did you do that?" He asked "Well..a random person found me naked in a bear trap. Takes me to his place and heals me up? Isn't that odd?" He shrugs "Point taken. Continue." I nod as I sigh "After I held the knife he just laughs and holds out a cup of coffee. I was hesitant cause he might kill me like other hunters so I was cautious. He turned out to be kind and very understanding. After that we talked and I fell for him. I'm not the type to get attached to people. I'm so used to moving around but something with your father had me drawn. After weeks turned months. Months turned into a year and then I had you..my little pup." I smile just remembering how small Keith was.
His face so flushed as he was so calm. "Did you love me?" I looked up at Keith as he looked unclear whether to be hopeful or not. "Of course I did." He shakes his head "Bullshit. If you loved me why did you leave me? Your precious pup?" I had to tell him the truth. "Other werewolves were going to kill your father and you. I decided it was best for me to draw them away from where we..ugh where I used to live. I only left to protect you Keith. My sweet little pup." I held his face as he moved from my touch.
"Why didn't you come back?" I couldn't. I wanted him to be normal and not have to bare my issues. So much pain and regret I had leaving him and his father behind. "I didn't want you to suffer like I did. Keith those bad werewolves are still out there. They have no idea how you look like anymore. But when they catch your scent you might be in trouble. That's why I'm here to help you train your wolf better." He quickly stood up and shook his head "What?! No way! Why would werewolves come after me now? I didn't have any issues until you showed up!" I groan a bit "I've been protecting You! Every full moon I keep your path clear away from them so you don't have to face them. Don't you understand you're all I got!"
Keith froze as I felt tears cascade down my face as I wiped it off "You're all I have Keith and I don't want to lose the last thing I have.." he came close as he looked into my eyes "So you want to train me? What happens when training is over? Do you leave again?" I shook my head "I would never leave you. Not ever. Not again." He pulled me into an embrace as I let out a breathy sigh as I felt his warmth. He embraced me and it felt so nice. As I looked at his neck I backed away a bit. "What's wrong?" I motion towards his neck and he sighs "Is that a witches Mark? Keith please tell me that isn't what it is.." he nods "it's exactly what you think it is." I shake my head "Witches are bad! They use our blood to keep themselves younger and manipulate us to submit. Please tell me this witch doesn't do that." He smirks "Actually he doesn't hurt me in any way. And he swore he wouldn't hurt me cause he loves me." I shook my head "Keith, I'm just warning you but a witch will always go over their words. Trust me I knew one and they hurt me so bad that I almost died. Just be careful." He nods "No I understand but I've talked with him about it and told the risk if he betrays me. He knows." I nodded as I sigh. After a few minutes the door opens and there stood a blood sucker
"Hey Keith." He smiles as I growl at him as he starts to hiss "No! Mom stop! Shiro enough!" I was surprised Keith stood in front of us. "Mom? Keith is this your Mother?" He nods "Krolia, this is my roommate and friend Takashi Shirogane. He's a vampire and he is the one that found me all those years ago when I first turned. Shiro this is my mother. She is a full breed werewolf and she's here to help me train." Shiro was surprised as he looked between us. "So you were techniquely a half breed werewolf?" Keith nods "Yeah but I had more human like qualities since my father. She just activated that side of me those years ago." Shiro nods slowly as he eyes me.
"I saw her yesterday. She bumped into me" Keith looked at me "Is that true?" I nodded "I was nervous to see you yesterday. I didn't think he moved with you. I didn't realize you had so many friends who were supernatural." Keith nods "I do. Mom it's not like the past, it's changed and we've been getting along. Heck I have a witch as a boyfriend and we have a ghost living in this house. They are so many supernaturals upon the living that it's crazy." I sigh and nod "that may be true but you still have to be careful on who you talk with. It could be the enemy and you won't even notice." I said as the room feels less tense.
"So I assume you'll be staying here?" Shiro asked and I shook my head "Oh god no. It smells strongly of you..Shiro. no offense I have my own home in the woods. I'll just come to get Keith to train." He chuckles as he nods "Whatever. I was just being generous. Seeing that you never been in his life for 25 years and then you show up out of No where." I glared at him as did the same. "Keith I'll be going. If you like follow me to know where I live." Keith nods as I walked passed Shiro as I growl softly "Alright. Shiro I'll be back." He nods as I gave one last growl showing my teeth as he scoffs "Just know..if you hurt him I'm coming after you." He shut the door as I groaned as I looked at Keith.
"Why are you living with him? He seems not well." Keith shakes his head "Shiro just has been through stuff. He's a pretty chill guy. Are we the only one in the family?" I nodded "Yes. My clan has been defeated by other werewolves. I think I would go insane if I lost you too." Keith lowers his head. "Did dad ever want to be a werewolf?" I looked at him and smirk "No. He said it was too much to bare. When you were born he was debating on becoming one. He said no though so he wouldn't feel different." Keith nods "dad was a good man." I smile just thinking back to us being together. He was so brave and understanding and very loving. Maybe if the werewolves weren't a threat maybe we could have been a family. "He was.." I wiped my eyes as we made it towards my small home. Keith looked confused. "Where is it?" I pointed over the wall. "Up there. This is the first step in training. If you need me you must be strong enough to even get up this wall. Human or werewolf. It does not matter." I took a running start and jumped close enough to the top as I climbed and looked down at Keith. "Come!" He looked hesitant as he did something like I did but instead he used the tree on the side. "Well done." He smiled as kosmo came out "Whoa! Easy buddy!" I smiled "Keith this is kosmo. He's my friend." Keith petted him as he laugh. Keith looked like a kid playing with him "He's super sweet. When did you get him?" I sigh "I saved him from a witch. He was going to be used as an ingredient." Keith shakes his head "I'm glad I wasn't born when you were." We chuckle as we started our training. Also a chance to bond and build my trust with him.
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