13. I still want you
Lance Pov
Keith is going to avoid me now. How can I show up to work to realize he doesn't want anything to do with me? I started to whimper as hunk held me. "Hunk I love him! What if he doesn't want me to touch him or even talk to him?! What if he quits or finds another job?!" I started to sob loudly as hunk wiped my tears "Hey, Keith isn't gonna leave you. He's way into you to leave you like that. If he does then he isn't meant for you." I groan as I push away from his embrace
"Hunk! We mated! Well he mated with me so I'm his forever. He's mine as well cause of the witches mark. God I wish I wasn't cursed with this. I wish I never walked in when my great grandmother was there.." as he tried to calm me I heard the door. I quickly got up and ran towards it to open it to see my sweet Keith "Keith!" As I went to hug him he backed up a bit "Can we talk alone?" I looked behind me and saw hunk "Oh, yeah let's talk somewhere else." He nods and starts walking as I followed behind him.
As we get to a park it's really quiet between us and a bit awkward. He kept rubbing his neck where I left the mark. Maybe he's here to break up with me. I knew it was gonna bite me in the ass. "Look, Lance I'm not gonna break up with you. It's just still a bit weird that I'm dating a witch. My friends told me that witches feed off werewolf blood and I actually don't mind you taking some of it. Honestly I be happy if you did cause then I would be normal again."
I shook my head "No! No Keith if I keep taking your blood you could die! Yes you lose your werewolf abilities but you become weak and then you.." I started to tear up "I don't want to! Not to you!" Keith gasps a bit as he sighs "Keith I didn't expect you to be this awesome and amazing guy. I thought you would be just like the other people I dated in the past. When you told me about your life and how damaged it was I felt terrible that I lured you towards me." I wiped my eyes as I moved a bit closer as he held his ground
"Im not a good guy. I hurt people and I'm a monster. I'm surprised you still want me to be yours" Keith scoffs "Lance stop talking down on yourself! You are amazing and handsome and just uh yeah all of that. I don't care care if you're a witch, a vampire or whatever supernatural being you are. In the end I still want you. Is it so wrong that after all of that I still like you?"
he came closer and held my tear stained face as he placed soft kisses on my nose "I just don't want anymore secrets between us" I chuckled and nodded "Man I'm so sorry for when I was rough with you." I smirked "Its okay. I'm used to it. So does this mean we're Okay?" He nods "We always been okay lance. I just freaked out that's all." I smiled as I pulled him for a longer kiss. I could feel him try to hold back because of his wolf. Hunk was right he's head over heels for me but why did I doubt myself?
"I missed you Keith." He chuckles "It's been a day? How could you miss me already?" I rolled my eyes "Well I thought you wouldn't want to see me again. I also thought you would keep your distance with me at work." He chuckles "Please I wouldn't even think about it." I felt So fuzzy and warm having Keith this close. I'm so happy he still wants to be with me. I mean he's the whole package right? I chuckled to myself as Keith tilts his head "What's so funny?" I shook my head "nothing just thought of something. So now that you know my secret of being a supernatural, what do you want to know?" Keith hums a bit as he sighs
"Why did you mark hunk? You know everytime I'm with you it just smells like him. Are you sure that you guys Are just friends?" I laughed "Yes Keith. He's more of a brother than a friend. It really bothers you that hunk smells like me huh?" He turns red and tries to look away "No! Well kinda? It hurts because I don't like sharing you with anyone. Especially if it's someone I love." I felt my heart flutter as I laughed as I pulled him closer "Oh Keith...don't You fret about it cause I'm yours and you are mine. Forever." He nods as he kisses me again.
"Actually I do wanna know how old you are." I raised a brow at him and nodded "I'm 20 years old turning 21 in July. I was born in Santa Clara, Cuba but moved to Cali when I was 5. I've been here ever since. Why ask about my age?" He lowered his eyes "I'm asking cause some supernatural are born that way others aren't so like I wanted to know if you're old or not?" I chuckled
"I'm not old Keith. Also my great grandmother was a witch and passed down her magic to me. I had this magic since I was 10. I was lost and confused because I never understood why she chose me out of all of my family members. I only knew about the youth magic when I turned 16." I sigh just thinking about the prick that hurt me. "When I was dating this person who fucked me over. I didn't realize I used my magic against them. I suppose my anger fueled the magic inside me that I took his youth away and made them age.."
I looked at Keith as he tilted his head listening closely. I smirked at his cute smile. "All I felt was powerful and a bit younger? I only really noticed when I looked in the mirror and saw my skin clearer and my face was looking better." Keith held my face looking at me as I chuckled "What?" He sighs "So when we're 40 years old you'll still be looking like this?" I shook my head "No, well maybe I've had made some potions to keep away wrinkles and whatnot but I'll age normally just like you."
He smiles and sighs a bit. "Do you think we will make it? I don't want to end up like that ex of yours.." I smirked as I held his face "If we don't make it, I promise I won't take your youth. Call it a mutual thing." He nods "I have so many questions but none of them want to come out." He looked like a little kid trying to find more questions. "Keith, I remember you told me about how you lost your father. I never really heard the story of your mother?" He sighs as he ruffles up his hair
"All I know is I look just like her. My father told me I got her attitude from her and the way I look a things. Honestly my dad told me if he didn't save her from the 3rd story. He would have never met her." That's sweet. "But when she left us it hurt me. To me it felt like she wasn't ready for a kid. My dad told me that she loved me very much but I couldn't believe it." He lowered his head as he clenched his jaw "She walked out on us when I was barely 4. I lost my dad at 8 due to a fire he was trying to put out. I was alone for real. No grandparents, no aunt's, uncle's or anyone to take care of me but homes."
I tilted my head thinking about his old job. "My last relative was my grandfather but he passed away a year ago. Also he was my dad's father." I nod as I held his face trying to look in his eyes. Keith has been through so much and he trusts me enough to share this. I bet he hasn't told Shiro this and their roommates. "I have two brother and a sister. Marco, Luis and Veronica. I also have two nieces. I barely see them though." Keith tilts his head "How come? Also you don't have to tell me." I chuckled
"It's okay. Marco has his own life and so does veronica. Luis is his own person so I have no clue what he's up to? The only time I ever hear from them is either a family matter or they need money.." just thinking about it makes me upset. "Money? Don't they have jobs?" I nodded "They do but they sometimes agrue for who gets to give our parents money. I always end up doing it cause I know my siblings are way caught up in their life to do it. I don't mind it though, as long as my parents have money in Cuba it's all I care about."
Keith caresses my face as I look at him. "Did you guys start from nothing?" I nodded "In a way..yes. We grew up and found jobs that made money but turns out I made more since I'm a doctor the perks huh?" He nods "I'm pretty sure a lawyer makes more though" I pushed him away as he laughs "Sorry the atmosphere is pretty tense I needed a little laugh." It's understandable "Well, now you know a part of my life. Why don't we head back to my place and just watch a movie." He smiles "I'd like that.."
I really did expect us to reach my apartment to watch a nice movie but Keith had different motives and I kinda liked it. "I-I-i thought we were gonna watch a movie?" I mustered up as his lips attacked mine. "We were but now I just wanna mask away hunks scent" he growled lowly as I smirked "Jealous.." He pouts as I pull him closer to continue on. Maybe I can get used to being with someone for awhile. I just hope I don't get bored or tired of it.
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