1. Changes
Keith Pov
Ever wonder how I got in this mess? Or how it all began? Hey there, my name is Keith. I'm 22 years old. I'm a nurse at altea hospital. And I'm a werewolf. Yeah didn't see that coming did you?. It all started 2 years back. When I was walking home from school. It was a full moon and pretty dark, my favorite time of pass time. But it wasn't just a normal full moon. It was the day I got bitten. The day my life went from normal to chaotic.
The day my urges worsen and the day I met him. Dark eyes and a smirk as blood dripped down his lips as he chuckles seeing me bleed in pain. "Relax I ain't gonna hurt you okay?" I watched his every move he helped me to my apartment. "You live here?" I nod "Yeah. So what kind of creature of the night are you?"
He chuckles as he sits beside me "Vampire. Assuming from that bite. You're gonna turn into a werewolf next full moon." He laughs and I panic a bit "A werewolf?! Is that what attacked me?!" He smirks as he finished cleaning and stitched my wound and stood up "Yeah. Also names Shiro" he held out his hand as I slowly took it "K-Keith." I pulled away as he put his jacket on as he headed towards the door. Where the hell is he going? "Well, I must be going before I draw unwanted attention. I'll keep in touch okay?" He was gone in a flash without another word and I passed out in pain.
Just as he said I changed into this giant monster. Black with rough fur and glowing red eyes. Sharp teeth and claws. I really did turn into this. On a damn full moon. He showed up the next day. I was laying naked, covered in dry animal blood and all he did was laugh and smirk. "Had fun?" I glared at him. This asshole who does he think he is?
"Not a morning person?" I also wondered how he can be out in the daylight. Don't the sun burn them? "You're still in shock. Its okay it happens when you first turn. Trust me when i was turned into a vampire all i wanted was blood..but I learned to control it." He just kept talking on and on as he tossed me a pair of boxers and pants. "How are you not burning?" "Uh years of getting used to the sun? Duh? Also told you I'll keep in touch." I groan in pain
"Am I stuck like that forever?" He nods "Pretty much. Don't worry you'll be with me for the time being." I raised a brow "With you? Uh dude I have my own place I don't need to be with you." "Do you know how to control your wolf?" I shook my head "Urges?" I shook my head "Anything else?" I rolled my eyes
"My point. I know a few things about them and I could help. We could become roommates and work at the same place." I tilted my head "For a Vampire you sure are cheery in the morning" he laughs "Sometimes.."
That was then. But now I still can't completely control myself. It was getting harder and it was getting me in trouble. Killing cats and other pets. As I see Shiro parked in the spot he looks at me and puts his dark shades on "You're a messy eater." I groan "Shut up. We're gonna be late for work." He chuckles as we drive home first so I can shower.
Having dry animal blood is not a good look for me. As we entered we were greeted by Pidge. Our friendly ghost roommate "God did you murder a family this time?" I let out a small growl "Pidge that's not appropriate" Shiro said as I rolled my eyes "Quiet you." I walked through her as she appeared at the top of the stairs "Don't do that. That's considered rude you know?" I shake my head and closed myself in the bathroom. "What are you gonna do about it? You can't even touch me!" I said through the door as I could hear her groan in annoyance as she complained to Shiro.
As I got out and dried my hair I see Shiro drinking from his pouch. "Gross." Pidge said as she sat on the counter "I can't say anything cause I was worse." She giggles and we head to work. As we arrived I felt sore and tired. I was in no mood to work. It's crazy how Shiro doesn't sleep and looks full of energy "Keith you heard?" I looked at him as I tied my shoes "What?"
"There is gonna be a party. You should go and have fun?" I shook my head "Nah, I should go home and relax-" "And day dream about Lance Charles McClain~" I tossed my pen at him as he laughs "Shut up. I don't want anyone to know." "Oh come on, he probably knows you like him. He even gives you looks." "Yeah. The look of confusion and creeped out. I'm nervous whenever I'm near him. I get all flushed and tongue tied and I fumble and ugh"
he chuckles "You should ask him out? Like to watch a movie or something?" I shook my head quickly "No! No way I'm doing that. Hey how's you and your vampire girlfriend Allura?" He sighs "I don't know? We haven't talked in a few weeks. She's out of town I think" "without you? Sounds terrible" "she's way older than me. I'm from the 1900s she's from 1500s so yeah she has business to attend to."
"Damn shiro you're old." "Yeah but not old enough to look young." Asshole. I envy him cause he is immortal and never ages. Same goes Allura. She looks like she's still a teenager, it's crazy. "Well I better start actually doing work." "Alright. Later"
As I walked out the locker room I see Lance talking with other nurses and doctors and I tried to run but hit the door and wheelchair. He looks over and raised a brow at me. Nice one Kogane, now he thinks you're an idiot. "Yeah talk to you in a bit" I kept my head lowered as he walked closer towards me.
I felt my heart rate pick up and I could hear his calm and relaxed. "You okay? You have a red mark on your head from running into the door." He touched my head and I thought I was gonna faint "Yeah! I'm fine just?!" He pulled his hand back and watched me closely "Alright. I guess I'll be on my way. Later Keith and careful okay?" He smiles kindly as he disappears and I blushed. Man he's so cute and caring and I just can't deal.
Sometimes it's weird that I have this stupid crush cause I've never felt like this with anyone before. Lance is the first who I am really interested in. Shiro thinks it's natural but I think it's my horny wolf. My wild wolf would make up stories in my head about Lance and me holding him down as he whimpers- "Gah!!" I turn a bright red as a few nurses looked at me "Stop looking Karen! Yeah I know you're judging me!" I just rushed out before I completely embarrassed myself.
As I was clocking out I felt a light touch on my shoulder. I swear my heart stop seeing Lances smile. "Hey, I wanted to ask if you were okay? Earlier you were acting kinda funny?" I chuckled nervously and held my bag tighter "I'm not feeling too well." He nods and tilts his head "You know you always say that when a full moon passes."
I panic a bit before he sighs and laughs "Wow why am I getting into your life...forget I said anything" I blinked as he turns a bit red "Uh.." "Keith are you okay? Like you are acting strange for the past year or so? I know it's not my business or whatever but I just want to make sure you're okay?" He held my arm and I blushed. Never has Lance been this close and actually caring for my well being.
"I'm..uh." I took a deep breath "Lance I'm fine. I just get sick like anyone else. I'm glad you care but nothing is wrong I promise." He nods and sighs as he moves his hand "Its not me is it? Am I bothering you with my presence?" My eyes widen at that remark "What?! No way! You're not the problem it's just.." "I'm ugly aren't I? I'm not attractive..god"
What is happening? "No! You're not ugly you're v-very handsome and cute and uh..you're blushing" he smirks and looks into my eyes "I knew I could get you to open up." I was speechless as a smile played in my face "Hey. My place for a movie?" I nodded as he handed me his number and address. "Lets meet at 7 friday. Don't be late kogane. Later" he left as i looked at my hand. "I can't believe he asked me out before i did. This has to be a dream."
As I made it home I'm greeted by Pidge as she sits on the stairs "Welcome back. How was work?" "Exciting. I got a date with my crush." She giggles "That's cool. Did you panic?" I nod "Kinda? He asked about me after full moons. I always act a bit different but it's not that noticeable." She scoffs "Not at all. You're already super awkward. Why not add more?"
I chuckled as I looked around "Is Shiro home?" She shakes her head "Nope. He said something about food? What do vampire do for food?" I shrug "Not sure. I never ask about it. He had a rough past. Besides he's old as fuck." We laugh as make my way to the couch. "So please tell me about this crush of yours." I rolled my eyes
"What's to say about him?" "Well obviously he makes you a nervous wreck. He makes you feel fuzzy and whatnot..and also kinda horny" I glared at her for a bit "Pidge?! Why would you say that?!" She laughs and moved towards the window "dude you forget I can go through things and hear everything. I mean everything. So maybe tone down a bit next time?"
I blushed and shook my head "You're unbelievable." As I pull out my phone I decided to save his number. "So does he have a name or what?" "I thought you knew since you hear everything? Remember?" "I don't pay attention to your mumbling. Come on tell me his name!" I chuckled as I heard the doorbell. As I got up and answered there stood Allura. "Allura? Hi-"
"Where is Shiro?" She said as she looked around me "I have no idea I just came home not that long ago. You know he missed you?" "Of course he does. He's my mate. Anyways tell him I dropped by and here. He asked me for this. Bye Keith" she pet my head and took off and I closed the door "She's annoying" Pidge said as I shrug
"I'm used to her. What the heck is in this box?" As i placed it down I opened to find blood bags and some other things. "Ew that's gross." "He's a Vampire. But it's odd he asked for these?" As I closed the box Shiro came through the back door. As he stopped and came to my side "I smell Allura. Was she here?" I nodded
"Yes. A few minutes ago. She said to go-and you're gone." I sigh and decided to head to bed "He was here and now he's gone." I nod and had enough. I just wish Friday was getting closer but to my luck it's only Monday.
A/n hello everyone! It's been forever hasn't it? Sorry my bad it's just I slowly lose interests in writing some of the books but I have This book prewritten with 20 chapters so if you like them I'll update every Sunday. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this part and let me know if you like it. That's all and later guys!
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