a friend!?
Ragini's POV
Like seriously am I dreaming or did laksh finally started thinking from my point of view
I mean after letting me go to shopping that to alone
He started speaking to me more
And he even started taking me out for dinner
It's been a month since he let me go shopping all by myself
So is she like Changing or am I getting tricked by him
No ragini why do u always have to think the negative side
But then what am I supposed to do like after putting up with him for these many months
Iam not able think any positive perspective
He changes hi behaviour in a split second
I can't even talk to him without being nervous
But then am I not supposed to give him a chance
I mean no matter how cruel a person is they do deserve a chance for mending their mistakes
But then I don't want to hurt myself giving him a chance
Life has always been happy for me before getting married to him
But then the drastic changes took place in my life
No ragini u can't put a blind eye to laksh's earlier behaviour just because he started behaving in a good way
You can't forgive him that easily after all the pain you went through
The insults the beatings the manipulation the pain everything
Arghhhh just stop it I yelled at my overthinking mind
That is when the telephone started ringing and I guess laksh is calling me
Iam sitting in our room's balcony looking at the nature and letting my mind wander around things happening in my life
I got up from the swing and went to lift the phone
But to my surprise it was not laksh
I heard a girl's voice and I immediately recognised her voice
Oh my god!! She is my best friend rithu
Damm it I missed her so damm much
That I have tears in my eyes
No one can replace our best friend in our life
Hello rithu is that u I said
Oh my god ragini it's been months since we talked after your marriage u never contacted me like ever not even once said rithu
I can sense that saddness in her voice
Iam sorry rithu seriously I mean it but I remembered you everytime everyday I said and truly mean it
Then why didn't u call me atleast once and whenever I called u it was busy or something said rithu huffing
Suddenly I remembered laksh breaking my phone
That rithu my phone is broken and I didn't buy a new one because I wanted to stay away from social media I lied and regret lieing to my bestie
Ok that was lame but I believe you rithu said and I sighed in relief
Ragini I missed you just tell me your address already Iam coming tomorrow said rithu
I became tensed but still managed to tell her my address and then we spoke for like half an hour and finally ended the conversation
Iam literally tensed scared and what not because I invited her without laksh's permission
He doesn't like people visiting our house how am I supposed to tell him
With this thought I want to kitchen to prepare dinner
Laksh's pov
I just wrapped up my work and on my way to home
I am missing ragini like hell I just want to see her all day
She is like my whole life I can never leave her
I can't even imagine my life without her
After a good fifteen minutes of driving I arrived and the Watchman opened the door and greeted me with a good evening and I just nodded at him
I knocked the door and in a few seconds ragini opened the door
With a smile on her face
I can die for her smile and no Iam not kidding here
I hugged her she hugged me back
I love that she makes this house a home
After that we both went inside and I can already smell the aroma of the food
I went to get freshen up even ragini went to get freshen up she likes taking a bath before having dinner
I came down after few minutes and iam waiting for ragini to come
She came down in her white floral night dress damm she looks cute
She started serving me and herself
We both are were eating in silence when ragini decided to open her mouth
Umm laksh can I ask you something she asked me
Yes tell me what do u want I asked her
Laksh u remember my bestie rithu asked ragini
Yes I met her on our wedding once I said remembering her
So she called me today ragini said
I raised my eyebrow at this
I broke your phone u don't have one so how I asked her my doubt
Laksh I guess she might have called my mom or dad and asked our landline number ragini said while gripping the spoon tightly
I nodded at her
So she wanted to meet me and I invited her to our home ragini said stammering
Like seriously this girl of mine just invited her friend to our place
Arghhhh she will invade our privacy and above all I don't want anyone coming here
I gritted my teeth and glared at her she looked at me with those scared eyes
But wait ragini thinks Iam changing so let her think the same
So iam goona just bear her friend for awhile and moreover tomorrow is Sunday so Iam goona stay in home so yup no problem
I smirked at my own thoughts and had my dinner
Ragini was looking at me with a hope
So I decided to answer her
So yes ragini let her come you so that you can catch up with her I said smiling at her
But inside I was not smiling
Ragini smiled at me and her eyes shined with happiness
I sighed and got up she got up and took our plates to the sink and came back
I was about to go to our room when ragini held my hand
I turned towards her and raised my eyebrow
She nodded nothing and hugged me keeping her head near my heart and kissed there
I hugged her back tightly
Thank you laksh said ragini
And I just realized that how much a simple thing can make her happy
We stayed there for a good five minutes then she pulled away
Ok then come let's sleep I said
Ragini nodded her head and smiled at me
I held her hand and we made our way to our room and settled ourselves on the bed I placed my hand around her waist and soon sleep took over us
So that is it🙈
I know that this chapter is so damm boring
I guess Iam gonna complete this book in a few days
And only 8 to 10 chapters remaining
So is this new friend goona create problems or goona solve problems!??
So ok Iam stopping know
Meet u all in next update....
Cute devil 😂😂
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