Chapter 14 - F.S.
I guess this chapter will be a little bit expected but oh well, I'm trying to make it a twist a little!
I hereby introduce you, Chapter Fourteen!
Chapter 14 - F.S. || Xavier's POV
I recalled what Connor and I said yesterday at the restaurant before the guys came.
"You know what, I'm over her," Connor suddenly said. I gave him a confused look. I didn't even know that he was really into her.
"Oh. You are?" I said, not believing him.
"Yeah, totally. She's not my type anyway," he said as he scratched his head.
I thought of it and maybe he's right. Cassidy Jones is out of our league. She's just twisting our minds.
But deep inside, I know that I felt something different when I'm with her. It's just weird that suddenly I have this feeling towards her and Connor has a thing for her. This cannot be a cliche story wherein suddenly two guys likes the same girl. Because I don't like Cassidy, at all.
I tried to hate Cassidy whenever I saw her so I can remove the weird feeling when I see her. So far, so good. I'm regaining my memory of how she insulted me and my friends. And so far, Connor and I always have the same idea.
Connor was the one who taught me how to unlike someone I like. He said that hating her and ignoring her may remove my attractiveness towards her.
"How is it with your mom?" I asked Stella.
"Same. Still hating me for not being a 'perfect' child she wanted." Stella rolled her eyes.
"Still wishing you to become like your magna cum laude, not to mention hot, sister?" Jack asked her. He smirked at her, knowing that it will tick her off. Stella gave him a look and said, "She's off limits." The boys laughed at him and we all agreed. Jack tried to flirt with Stella's sister but it always turns out ugly.
"I mean, she kept on telling me why I'm bad at this subject and I should get at least an A and she's embarrassed of me," Stella stomped.
I knew Stella for three years and we have gotten close since. She may act a little female dog sometimes but I understand her. Her mother is taking care of two total opposite daughters. Paige, the one who's very intelligent, and hot as Jack would say, while the other one is Stella, who loves to become a reporter one day.
"She's telling me all about how successful Paige is for becoming a doctor. She said that she earned five times more than a reporter," she scoffed.
"No way, my father earns at least $30,000 per week," Sheena said as she rested her head on the table. Sheena's face is like a sad puppy who's lost her owner.
"Your dad earns that much of money?" Josh exclaimed. We all turned to Sheena in surprise. We all know that her father is famous but I didn't know that famous.
"He's working more than twenty years, dude," Nick said, trying to sound not impressed.
Sheena has a different story to Stella's. Her father is the very famous Rickey Parker. Her dad is raising an only daughter. I was thinking that maybe Sheena and Stella get together very well because they both are raised by a single parent.
Once, we all thought of introducing Sheena's dad to Stella's mom. But that day never came as their parents were both busy with work.
We tried to set them up once on a park. Stella told her mom to fetch her up at the park and Sheena told her dad that there's a fight going on that should be on the news.
Stella's mom ended up telling her daughter if she was joking because she's still at work and Stella has her own driver. Meanwhile Sheena's father, Richard, said that he will call his assistant to ask someone to feature it because he was unusually busy on the set that day. At the end, they cancelled and said that it's no big deal and we went home together, disappointed. We realized that we can't outsmart them.
"She doesn't think that I can become a reporter, what more to become as famous as your dad?" Stella's face is as hard as stone, which would probably look like she's planning a murder to anyone else's perspective. We were all huddled outside the hallway where we usually hang-out when we're done with our classes. I looked outside and saw some students studying. Why would they even study? It's almost winter break, they would probably forget whatever they studied during the vacation.
"Don't let that thought bring you down, we're here for you." Asher nudged Stella.
"Thanks." Stella stood up properly and smiled as she wiped her invisible tear. "Do you need tissue? I got plenty," Sheena joked.
We all laughed as we tried to ease the tension and talked about something not related to family or love life.
"Stella, come with me please. It'll be my treat," Sheena whined out of nowhere.
"What am I missing?" I asked her.
I heard Stella say something and rolled her eyes.
"Please? I just thought of it that maybe it can brighten up your day," Sheena pleaded.
"Anything to brighten up her day, what's it about?" Nick joined in.
"Where were you?" Jack asked him.
"Detention." Nick blushed. He's been enjoying detention lately and told us that he saw a pretty girl there, another trouble.
"See, even Nick is going." Sheena said and smiled at Stella.
"Oh, I'm going with you if there are girls," Josh joined in.
"Did I just hear girls? Why didn't anyone invite me?" Asher puts on his boyish smirk.
"Well then, all of you guys are invited. So, do you guys want to come?" Sheena looked at us unexpectedly.
"In!" Nick and Josh said.
Jack and Asher looked confused but they agreed once they heard the next few words, "There will be a lot of girls."
They quickly agreed and I shook my head. Wherever they go, I go. Majority wins, I guess. I don't even know where we are going, heck, I don't think the guys even know.
"Connor, are you coming?" I asked him. But then, I love the feeling of thrill not knowing where we're going, especially when I'm with my friends.
"Sure. I need to keep my mind off, anyway." He smirked at me. I saw Sheena's happy face on how Stella gave away on joining us to relax once in a while.
"So, Stella and I will use my car. You guys use your own, okay? Just follow my lead," Sheena told us when we headed to the parking lot.
There were a lot of luxurious car, a lot of Mercedes Benz and Ferrari. But Sheena's car stood out with the neon pink Bentley because she was jealous that Paris Hilton got it first.
We rode on Connor's Mercedes Benz and followed Sheena's trail. We all went inside and have our seat belts on. We learned our lessons for not having seat belts on last year when we were all drunk and let's just say we had an extremely drunk driver driving us and got us into a car crash then ... you know what happened next.
"Do you know where we are heading to?" Asher asked, sitting on the front seat.
"No, but Nick does," Josh replied.
Nick scratched his head. "I don't."
"Well, where are we going?" Jack asked once again.
"Does anyone know?" I asked the guys. But they all shook their heads, much to my dismay.
"As long as there are girls, there's no problem, right?" Nick patted me at the back. Yes, it won't be a problem unless we got caught again by the Principal.
"Is it a party?" I asked them.
"There is an after-party, Stella texted me," Josh said as he looked at us.
"Text her where are we heading to," Jack ordered.
"Duh, already did," Josh sighed.
"Stupid," Jack coughed.
"Lame," Josh sighed.
"Immature," Asher sneezed.
"Stop it, I'm driving!" Connor said as he fixed his mirror.
"I don't want to catch any virus in here," I said as I pulled away from them.
"Aha!" Nick shouted suddenly. We all looked at him but he was texting someone. After he sent his message, he looked at us.
"I know where we're going," Nick smiled proudly.
"How come they told you? They didn't reply me yet, I don't even think they plan to." Josh rolled his eyes.
"Well, are you saying it?" Jack shuffled Nick's red spiky hair that now looks like it was hit on a tornado.
"Not with the hair, dude," Nick whined. We waited Nick to fix his hair as he took out his comb and fixed it then added gel.
"I think your hair will be suffocated with the amount of gel you put on," Josh said as he jokingly gasped for air.
"Girls love them, what can I do?" Nick smirked.
"Not really." I mumbled when I remembered Stella was talking a while ago about a guy who had gelled his hair like a big wave and it smells awful. It probably won't affect Nick what I said since they didn't hear me.
"Anyway, where are we going?" Asher asked. We all nod in agreement, wanting to know.
Nick just looked at us triumphantly and crossed his arms, not telling us.
"If you're not saying, I can always ask them by myself." I rolled my eyes.
"Fine. We're going to a F.S," Nick spoke.
We all turned to each other, wondering what's F.S.
"What's a FS?" Connor asked, not removing his eyes on the road.
"Is it the US Forest Service?" Josh guessed.
"or the Foreign Service?" Jack assumed. Nick shook his head as he didn't budge on saying.
"Is it the Florida Statutes?" I asked. They all looked at me with questioning looks.
"Dude, it's a law not a place," Connor noted. Well, at least I tried guessing. I shrugged my shoulders when they were giving me looks.
"Free Stuffs?"
"Fun stuffs?"
"Oh, I like it."
"Let's keep it PG, okay? But no." Nick shook his head for the nth time.
"Firework show?" Asher supposed.
"That would be nice."
"Watching a firework show with a girl is -"
We all liked Asher's idea but then it was ruined when Nick was still shaking his head, meaning no.
"Food Service?" Connor guessed.
"Oh, I'm getting hungry."
"Good, I can't wait to eat."
"Maybe we'll serve people and let them eat, not us."
"That's a bad idea."
"No, no, no!" Nick shook his head and exhaled deeply.
"Fashion show?" Asher mumbled while eating something.
"Hey, can I have some of that?" Jack asked. We all looked at Asher eating junk food.
"Oh, sure." Asher then offered all of us food. I quickly grabbed a chip after realizing that eating is better than doing nothing in the car.
"This is delicious."
"Where did you get this?"
"I didn't know you brought one, why didn't you give us a while ago?"
"asdno ajdnin," Asher mumbled. We all asked him what he was said.
"Am I right?" he asked.
We were all confused at what he was talking about, but we all ignored him when we started eating Asher's food, plus a song just blared at the radio.
"I'm too hot! HOT DAMN!" We all screamed.
"Say my name you know who I am." We all continued to sing Uptown Funk. This is our usual thing that we do, eating and singing on top of our lungs.
"Why did they stop?" Josh asked, looking at Sheena's car.
"Maybe we're here?" I answered back.
"But it's ... a sad building," Jack said as he take a peak outside.
"And it's loud inside. I think I heard some music," Connor commented. He turned off the radio and shut off the engine.
Stella and Sheena walked out of the car and locked it, they walked towards us and motioned us to come outside.
"Are we here?" Nick asked them.
Once we were out, I looked at our surrounding. The place is so quiet. I can see the ocean on the east and palm trees standing still. Some of the lights are on and it gave the view a sad look. I saw a leaf curling up and then it was driven by the wind as it flew towards the other direction.
"Where are we?" I questioned the girls but they were already near the backdoor.
We hurried and catch them up. "So?" Asher asked.
"Welcome to the most famous Modelo de moda." Sheena introduced as she opened the backstage door.
The guys gave Sheena a look and I just rolled my eyes. The guys looked at me expectantly and I shrugged. Since I was the best in Spanish class out of all of us boys, which I must admit that is only because I put more effort on studying than they do.
"Okay, how about Défilé de mode?" Stella asked us.
The boys shook their heads again, still not understanding. I sighed as I remembered that Jack, Connor, Asher, and I took French last year.
"Let's try another one, sfilata di moda?" Sheena suggested.
"We don't understand any of those. Sorry," Connor spoke. Stella rolled her eyes and opened to door to show us inside.
I can feel the hectic atmosphere. There were pretty girls backstage that looked nervous. The audience is excited. Meanwhile, the guys and I are somewhere in the middle.
"Why on Earth are we here?" I exclaimed, although I am aware that we're at a high class show, but the guys don't know that.
"Told you." Connor said under his breath.
"Of course! A fashion show!" Jack exclaimed beside me.
"Yep, and Asher got it right!" Nick smirked.
"How come? He didn't say anything," Josh stated.
"Well, you guys are too busy with the food," Connor murmured.
"I think I saw a food section over there," Nick said as he narrowed his eyes.
"I think I saw it, too!" Asher added.
"I think it's somewhat an hors d' oeuvre before the show starts," I guessed.
"I saw nachos!" Connor cried then started fastening his pace towards the mini-food section.
After we realized what he said, we all ran to it.
"Boys," Sheena shook her head.
"Totally," Stella agreed.
"I heard that!" I argued.
"We know," they both said in unison. I shook my head, it's nice to let our heads wander off and distract ourselves for a while.
a u t h o r ' s n o t e :
The picture above is what I imagine the guys would be doing instead of going to the F.S. =)
So, what did you guys think? Rate it from 1 to 5? 5 being the best and 1 being the lowest! It would help me a lot if you guys take your time to comment below (: And, how about that vote? Yes, please!!
P.S. SMILE!!! :)
"Smile is the vainest thing you can wear without costing you anything". ― bheng927
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