The Bad boy Ch.6
Kiana's POV
"So what am I to you?" Said Michael.
I froze. What kind of question is that? Why would he even ask that? Why does he care? All these questions made my head hurt so I turned around to avoid him from seeing my face. I look like an idiot. I felt like and idiot.
I heard a faint footstep and when I looked up I saw that he was only a few inches away he's so Tall. I must look like an elf to him. He seemed so focused on me.
"What are you doing?" I said.
"What's that face for?" Said Michael. What face. I was definitely not making a face I mean I might have shone a little fear. But.
I opened my mouth ajar.
"What do you mean?" I said
I was caught off guard when Michael reached for my chin. I gasped as he lifted it so gently. Why did he do this? What was he trying to do?
Did he have feelings for me? Nah he had only met me that day. What kind of wacko would do that?
I felt my cheeks go warm. And I began to blush.
"Your eyes are so colorful and filled with emotion. What are you feeling?" He said.
Oh my gosh. He thinks I have colorful eyes! What the fuck does he think he is? I have plain brown eyes. As nice as that compliment seemed he didn't mean it that way, I can tell by the way he said it. He was expressionless and he didn't show any face movement.
I was feeling a little disappointed but I was too shocked to show it.
"I-I... Uh" I stuttered. I hated it when I stuttered. He let go of my chin and I let out a breathe that I had no idea I held in. He walked away. I was still shocked at what just happened so I didn't move. Intill I felt that he was gone.
When I turned around I immediately spotted Michael starring right at me. With no expression.
What was his problem why doesn't he smile. He seemed sad inside. I should talk to him. But right now I gotta get to class.
I made a few turns when I found myself in front of my science class. I think.
(After 4th period)
I set my mind to finding Michael. Maybe he's around his locker. I walked towards the set of blue lockers and walked along with them when all of a sudden a hand cuts me off. I nearly jump at the slamming against the locker. The first thought that came threw my head was. Someone just slammed there locker. But when I focused my attention on what the sound was coming from I spotted a tall guy with the leather jacket of a biker. His hand was leaning on the wall and he was facing me with a smirk.
"Uh. Excuse me" I said. Hoping that he'd leave or at least get out of my way. You know what I'll just go around. I turned myself away from him and began walking around when all of a sudden I felt an arm wrap around my stomach and push me against the locker. What's happening?! Who does he think he is? I stay quiet. And wait for a response.
"Where do you think your going beautiful?" He said. He leaned in. I pushed him away as I said, "Get off!"
I managed to pull him far enough to get away. But It didn't last. He harshly slammed me back onto the locker. OK now I'm Fucking pissed.
"Let me go" I said. Pushing him again. What was this guys problem. Whoever this is, had already started looking for a girl on the first day of school. Out of everyone he chose me. He probably thought I'd fall for him in a heart beat.
"Stop fighting. I know you want me" he slurs. What a bitch. He lifts his free hand to my shirt and slides it underneath slightly tickling my skin. I raise my leg and kick him in what I hope was his knee. Anything else would be fine too.
"Ahh" he says in pain. This is my chance to run off. I run away. Hoping he wasn't following. I rushed out the doors of the school. I can't believe I'm skipping school. At least I had a great 4th period.
I really wanted to cry. I can't believe what that guy was doing. I didn't want to believe what he was doing.
I have to be tough I can't cry. My lungs began to burn. I raised my hand towards my face. I couldn't help it I began to cry. This has to be the worst, first day of school anyone could ever have.
I didn't want to become one of those desperate girls. Like Kacey perhaps. I'm pretty sure that she'd date anything with a pulse. I sat there crying. I tried to calm myself down but once I held it in I bursted out hiccuping causing the tears to fall into my mouth. What a horrible day. I cover my eyes and continue to run. When all of a sudden I felt a warm sensation hit me. Ow! Oh no did he ketch up to me I felt hands raise to my upper arm. And when I looked up I saw Michael
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