taking pictures Ch.12
I walked out onto the court. I smiled as I looked down to my red pants that almost glowed in the light. And my short messy hair that flipped in the the wind brushing my neck
passing all the branches and glowing oranges and browns of autumn. I spotted Michael sitting by a thick trunk. And I rushed to him. As I got closer I saw that he was drawing. I tried to sneak a peak at his art but it caused me to fall forward into His attention.
"Kiana. Your here" he says immediately whipping his gaze back and forth from his drawing to me.
He motioned His hand beside him. And I ducked down on to the floor next to him. He plopped His book into my hands and my attention was thrown there too.
Wow he has so many beautiful drawings. I took my time skimming through each one with my eyes lighting up in excitement. Such art like these belong in a museum.
"W-Wow, these are beyond beautiful" I whispered in awe. They were mostly drawings of people.
"Who are these people?" I questioned. Still stuck in the trance.
"Oh I forgot. You see I don't really have a family... I-I'm adopted" he said. I looked from the book to him.
"Everyday I go outside to the streets, I look at people who appear almost Like me and I like to imagine they're my family" he continues.
"I-I'm sorry-"
It's not your fault don't be sorry" He cuts me off With the sound of a click.
"What are doing?" I ask.
"I want to draw you" he says.
"Really? I mean why?"
"Because I need something great, new, amazing and beautiful" he says. He looks from his phone to me. "And your pretty much what I need"
What does he mean? Did he just compliment me? What do I do? What do I say? I'm too shocked to move so I don't. We stare at each other for so long it gets awkward. I look back to the book and pull a hair behind my ear. I smile and blush.
"Um I really like this one. It has a lot of color. And the scenery is really pretty" I say nervously I must escape this! I felt his elbow land on my shoulder. I try not to get distracted.
"Yes but what do these drawings all have in common?"
"There all. All, I don't know. There all amazing" this was a fact.
"Maybe. But what I mean is that they're the same thing. Everyday I use the same materials. I go to the same spot to draw. I learn the same techniques" he says. seriously I don't understand what he is talking about.
"They all define what we feel when we look at them?" I say
"Yes. Don't you understand that too?"
"No. Not really"
"What do you mean?" I say.
"Um. I'm not known for emotion. Its sort of strange to tell you this but I'm known for a broken condition. its hard not knowing if your sleepy. Or if your mad. Its hard not knowing if your happy. Or if your sad. I've learned it takes a while what's the point if nothing makes me smile"
"Wow. Poetic" I say giggling.
"Did you ever think about why your broken?"
"Then I will make it my goal! To help you find out!" I say as throwing a hand and stand up.
"This is all you gotta do. Lift up your 20's(there are 20 bones in each cheek). I say standing up and walking back a little.
"Its not gonna work" he says
"I take two fingers and dig them into my mouth to make a funny face"
"Ew. That looks so weird" he says.
"Not exactly what I was going for but I got you to feel disgust" I cheerfully say.
"How about this" I start to skip around the field hopping he wouldn't catch up. I make a turn. And slowly walk behind the trunk he was sitting by. He stood up. And I flinched.
"Kiana? Where'd you go!"
I walk up behind him and shout.
"Boo" he doesn't Jump. He doesn't scream. He doesn't even turn around.
Eventually he does turns around.
"Well at least we know disgust is in your vocab" I say cheerfully.
"Is there anything else that you know besides disgust?"
"Well I know hate"
"How come you know the worst emotion ever!"
"I wouldn't say its the worst..."
"You have to be joking!" I said flopping my hands around in disbelief.
Hate is the worst. Hate is what invented the saying two wrongs doesn't make a right. Hate are for villains or the bad people in cartoon movies. What's worse then hate?
"I don't know any emotions and hate has been with me for a very long time" he said in a factual tone.
"Name a few things that you hate" I said with two hands and to fingers folding in the air.
"Well? I hate ants. I hate colly flower. I hate people that smoke"
"Come on that's lame. I know there's something that you actually just want to punch so bad because you hate it so much"
"Fine, I lied. I don't mind colly flower" I can tell he was being sarcastic.
Then something just hit me. You don't have to be happy to smile. Sometimes when someone is being sarcastic they smile. Or when people are hating they smile! Evil laughs contain smiling.
"What if you don't have to be happy to smile?" And I know that you don't have to be happy to smile.
"What do you mean?"
I was just about to explain to him what I meant but the bell rang and it was about time to go to class.
"I'll tell you later. But for now let's go to class. Before we get into trouble.
"Oh and by the way you should use that autumn forest Drawing for your audition"
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