new emotion ch.13
Michael's POV
I watched as Kiana stumbled towards me. What happened to her? Maybe that person who's been hurting her did it again. Maybe that's not the thing.
"What happened to you?" I questioned
"Uh never mind that. I'm just feeling a little out of the blue. Ya know?"
"No, I don't. I can't feel any emotions remember?'
"Oh right. Sorry about that. I had a rough night that's all" she explained. I felt that she was lying. But it didn't make sense why she would lie to me. Maybe she did it to protect herself. But from what?
"Did you think about that picture I suggested for the audition?"
"Ya I'll use it. But my main focus is on you. I'm still in the zone of drawing you. And I'm almost done. I'd show you a preview but you a can already imagine I guess.
"Alright then" she said. She giggled a little and it sent small sparks down my spine. I hated that I didn't know what she felt. I hate that so much.
"Why are you giggling"
She froze.
"Uh. Well, you see. I find it nice that you put interest in drawing me." her cheeks began to tint with pink.
"Oh. What is that kind of feeling?" I said taking a step closer to observe her. And perhaps if she has any emotions. It's not like I'd recognize them right away. Especially since the late bell rings any minute now. All I saw of any signs of any emotions were her tinted cheeks and squinting eyes. Plus that big perfect smile of hers. I wish I could smile like that some day. Feel like that some day. Witness happiness.
"Hello, earth to Michael" she said waving a hand in my face. I wasn't aware of the time I spent staring at her.
"What is it?"
"Nothing you just need to snap out of think land"
"Oh right, sorry"
"don't be. Well I'll see you in history" she said walking to class. I stayed in place watching her walk by. She looked so vintage. She wore a nice dress with cyan and dark blue flowers all over it. And to top it off a red violet belt. Very nice. Well done match.
I followed after her slowly in a distance. I followed her to class and sat beside her in the back row where we always sit. I heard loud clicks coming from the hall.
And I flinched when I heard the figure causing the noise come towards us.
"You! Bathroom. Now!" I heard Kacey shout towards Kiana. What was her problem. Why did she scream like that? She seemed hateful. And I know that's what someone does when they hate another.
"Chill" I said. I heard Kiana stand up with her eyebrows scrunched up in some sort of note.
"Its okay Michael. I can handle this myself" she said standing up and leaving with the girls. To my suspicion I knew something wasn't right. And that I should go after her. But the fact that, that meant going into the girls bathroom held me down.
I heard the teacher walk into the room. Chattering for about 10 minutes. On a project we're supposed to do. I should have skipped class. All this is too distracting. It makes me exhausted. It was a partner project and stuff like that made me feel strange.
I saw Kiana and Kacey walk in. Kacey had a smirk on her face. But Kiana seemed off. She didn't smile like she usually did. She didn't giggle Like she usually would. She wore the same type of mask I'd where each day. And when she sat down I saw a tear fall from her eyes.
Oh no she's crying. what did that girl do to her? Did she do that to her? Its hard to read expressions
Especially for me. Maybe Kacey has been the one hurting her.
"What happened?"
No response.
"Did she do that to you?"
She turned her face to the opposite side of me.
I have to talk to Kacey and see what her deal is. Because whatever she has been doing needs to stop.
"Alright class I'll let you guys choose your partner but you better choose wisely because that will be your partner for the rest of the project days" said the teacher.
Blah blah blah be day blah blah blah.
(After class)
My immediate actions was to talk to Kacey and see what she did to Kiana. Obviously she won't crack immediately but maybe I can get to her.
I spotted Kacey by her locker smearing lipstick onto her lips as she stared into a mirror in her locker. I stomped towards her intill she noticed I was around.
"Oh hey Mikey. I see you just came back running" she smirked.
"Look I don't have time for this. What did you do to Kiana?!"
"Wouldn't you like to know" she murmured.
"Yes, that's why I asked"
"Fine if you must know I was only teaching her a lesson"
A lesson? To what?
"What lesson?"
"Don't be dumb. I saw what you and miss lunch lady were doing at the autumn court" she said waving a finger around. Lunch lady?
"What does that have to do with this?"
"Your mine Mikey even if you don't know it yet. You belong to me. I'm not going to let that little bitch get in our way"
"Are you serious! I'm never going out with you! And I don't belong to you. And how dare you call Kiana a bitch, she's my friend"
"Oh come on! You can't be serious. Hiw can you be interested in a girl Like that"
"What do you mean?"
"Ugh whatever. I told her that she better stay away from you or she's going to get it. So if you want to help your little friend you better keep away too" she said whiling her hair and closing her locker. She raised a hand to my chin and moved her hand along it where it slid off. I know for sure I was disgusted by this.
I wanted to say something but what would I say? So I just walked away
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