I don't care Ch.3
I have been thinking of the hurt girl for a while now I stared at the clock forcing myself to look away from the disappointing time which was 9:36 I just have to have fun. You know what they say ''time flies by when your having fun'' I fidgeted with the pencil in my hands. The teacher was pretty ticked off that I was late to class but I didn't care. I tried to make excuses to leave the classroom. But the teacher didn't allow anything pass just because I was late. I blame that girl. To bad I felt bad for her, I also didn't want to get into trouble but I did anyway. I shifted my head and placed a fist on my. Cheek. The teacher was giving some boring lecture about his math class. And about what the rules were. Whatever they was.
I wonder if that girl was okay. And I suddenly remembered her name. Kiana. Her name was Kiana. I hope Kiana is OK. If she wasn't I think I would get in trouble again. Because Like I said before I didn't want it to look like I hurt her. Nothing more. Besides I made sure nobody was around. Why was I so worried. Wow I am the biggest dork in the world. I heard the teacher say his last words. Not that he was about to die or anything. I quickly got up from my seat and walked out as the bell chimed. Signifying that math class was over. I wanted to see Kiana. I still have some questions that she has got to answer. I didn't really care much about it but I was really curious and I had to know why she got her and who did that to her. And most of all was she OK?
I Fled through the hallways crossing the rude stink eyed faces around. Slowing down, taking one pace at a time. I paused at my tracks when I gazed up at the blooded sign reading...
Nurse's Office
I pears inside I could barely see anything I guessed that the Nurses had left. I gently opened the door and flinched when it creaked and crocked. I slid my body through the door to avoid any more noises. I skimmed around the room forcing my self to see the silhouettes. I couldn't see a thing. And I was pretty sure that I would bump into something. Or someone. Then I saw her. She was sleeping. I didn't want to bother her but I stayed anyway. I got closer to the figure when I suddenly saw a shine in her eyelashes. I sqinted my eyebrows so I can focus on what t was when all of a sudden she shifted and the shine ran down her cheek. Was she still crying? In her sleep. What a weirdo. Her eyebrows shifted into anger or in uncomfortable-ness. Maybe she was cold? I focused on my theory and grabed a blenket from one of the cabnits below. Once I gently and quietly pulled one out I threw onto her and shifting it into place. I guess she was cold since her eyebrows shifted back into its normal position.
Oh well I guess I'll have to come back another time. Since I can't wake her up.
Wow I just realized how selfish I was. I helped her because I didn't want to get in trouble and I don't want to wake her up because I don't want to get in trouble. I turned around and focused my gaze back onto the door, When a hand suddenly grabbed onto my wrist. I nearly jumped and expected a nurse to angrily yell st me to get out. But instead when I turned to see who it was it was Kiana. She was still sleeping but her hand was on my wrist. How did she do this? Why did she do this? Perhaps she wanted me to stay. Or maybe she was awake!
"Kiana?" I suddenly said. Hoping she wasn't awake. Her eyes slightly opened and I immediately yanked my hand back. She tightened her grip on me. I looked from her eyes to her hand. Why didn't she let me go? I heard her groan as her eyes got bigger and bigger and clearer to see.
"W-Who's there?" She stuttered.
"Uh... Can you please let me go?" I said still a bit shocked that she was awake. She loosens her grip and I quickly clenched my wrist into my hand.
"What are you doing here?" She said looking around. She clearly couldn't see me from her drowsiness and the darkness. Maybe this was my time to escape. When the lights suddenly flashed on. So close!
"Michael is that you?" Wow for someone who probably got knocked out she remembered my name.
"Why are you here? Were you the guy who Saved me?"
"Save is such a strong word" I said nervously chuckling. I was trying to be as serious as I can but I was a bit uncomfortable.
"Thank you" she said cutting my chuckling
"anytime" I said. Without smiling.
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