The Fog
Spirit walked into the mountain and Robin looked slightly confused when he saw how tired he looked. "What happened?"
Spirit mentally sighed, "Ghost or not I've lost my will to live." Spirit then saw a strange girl with blonde hair dressed in nothing but green, "Do I even want to know how she is?"
Before anyone could answer him the zeta tubes announced Kid Flash's arrival and he ran in carrying beach supplies. "The Wall man is here, now let's get this party star-." Wally was cut off when he tripped and fell, he looked up from where he was lying on the floor, "-ted." Spirit almost pitied him.
The girl spoke, "Wall man huh. Wow I love the uniform, what exactly are your powers?"
Wally stood up while she was talking and walked over looking very confused, "Uh, who is this?"
The girl answered, "Artemis, your new teammate."
Spirit immediately thought of the Greek goddess of the hunt, if she was anything like the actual goddess he was not going to enjoy this. Wally spoke again, "Kid Flash, never heard of you."
Green Arrow spoke, "She's my new protege."
Wally looked shocked, "What happened to your old one?"
As if by magic the zeta tubes announced the arrival of Green Arrow's old protege, Spirit blamed Clockwork. Speedy spoke, "Well for starters he doesn't go by Speedy anymore, call me Red Arrow."
Green Arrow looked shocked, "Roy, you look-."
Red Arrow cut him off, "Replaceable."
Green Arrow looked a little sad, "Roy it's not like that, you told me you were going solo."
"So why waste time finding a sub, can she even use that bow?"
Artemis spoke, "Yes, she can."
Wally spoke, "Who are you?!"
Artemis and Green Arrow spoke at the same time saying that Artemis was Green Arrow's niece. Robin spoke, "Another niece?"
Spirit leaned closer to him, "Did that seem a little rehearsed to you?"
Robin whispered back, "More then a little."
Aqualad spoke, "But she is not your replacement, we have always wanted you on the team and we have no quota on archers."
Wally smiled, "And if we did you know who we'd pick."
Artemis spoke, "Whatever baywatch, I'm here to stay."
Red Arrow turned to leave but Aqualad stopped him, "You came to us for a reason."
"Yeah, a reason named Doctor Serling Roquette."
Robin seemed to recognize the name before he used his holo-glove to bring up some information. "Nanorobotics genius and claytronics expert at royals university in Star City, vanished two weeks ago."
Red Arrow spoke, "Abducted two weeks ago, by the League of Shadows."
Spirit mumbled, "Bunch of bastards." Spirit rubbed his eyes before tuning back into the conversation when Red Arrow talked again.
"I already rescued her, only one problem, the Shadows had already coerced her into creating a weapon. Doc calls it 'The Fog,' comprised of millions of microscopic robots, nanotech infiltrators capable of disintegrating anything in their path, concrete, steel, flesh, bone. But it's true purpose isn't mere destruction, it's theft, the infiltrators eat and store raw data from any computer system and deliver the stolen intel to the Shadows."
"Providing them access to weapons, strategic defense, cutting edge science and tech."
Artemis cut in, "Perfect for extortion, manipulation, power broking, yeah, sounds like the Shadows."
Wally spoke, "Like you know anything about the Shadows." Artemis smirked and Wally's expression fell, "Who are you?!"
Red Arrow spoke, "Roquettes' working on a virus to render The Fog inert."
Robin spoke, "But if the Shadows know she can do that-."
Red Arrow cut him off, "They'll target her, right now she's off the grid, I stashed her at the local high schools computer lab."
Green Arrow spoke, "You left her alone?"
"She's safe enough for now."
"Then let's you and I keep her that way."
"You and I, don't you want to take your new protege?"
Green Arrow was about to walk closer to Red Arrow but Batman stopped him, Green Arrow looked at him before turning to Red Arrow again. "You brought this to the team, it's their mission, which means it's her mission now too."
"Then my work here is done." Red Arrow left using the zeta tubes and Spirit mentally sighed before Batman told the team to head to the school Roquette was in. When they got to the school Aqualad told everyone what to do; Miss Martian and Superboy were on lookout outside.
Aqualad, Kid Flash, Artemis, Spirit, and Robin stayed with Roquette while she worked in case someone managed to get inside. After everyone was in place Miss Martian created a mind link, 'Everyone online?'
Artemis spoke, 'This is weird.'
Roquette spoke, 'And distracting, coding a distributed algorithm virus on a kiddie computer with less ram then a wristwatch is hard enough, now I have to hear teen think in my skull?'
Spirit rolled his eyes and Kid Flash spoke, 'Lady do you always complain while someone's trying to help you?'
Artemis spoke, "Pot, kettle, have you met?'
'Hey, I do not need attitude from the newbie who drove Red Arrow off the team.'
Artemis looked offended, 'Oh that is so not on me.'
Roquette looked like she was about to say something but Spirit spoke first, 'Both of you shut the fuck up. In case you've forgotten we're a little pressed for time, the sooner Roquette can write up the code for the virus the the sooner we can stop The Fog. After that we can all go home happy but she needs to concentrate to work so quit acting like children.'
Kid Flash spoke, 'She started it.'
Artemis spoke, 'How about I just help Miss Martian and Superboy patrol the perimeter.' Artemis left and Spirit rubbed his eyes, he hadn't thought his day could get any longer until now. Spirit ignored what the others were saying as he tried to alleviate the pain of his ever growing headache.
When he tuned back in Aqualad spoke, 'The virus won't be of much use if we can not find the weapon, can you track it?'
Roquette spoke, 'My utility fog is not a weapon, it's science, brilliant science, and of course I can track it, but I'd have to go online. Might as well rent a billboard with this address and assassinate me written in neon.'
Aqualad put a hand on her shoulder, 'We will protect you.'
Roquette thought for a second before she entered something into the computer, 'Tracking The Fog now.'
Aqualad looked at Spirit and Robin, "You two will go with Superboy to stop The Fog." Spirit and Robin left to get Superboy, Aqualad told the others over the mind link just before the two got outside. Robin Superboy, and Spirit quickly got into the bio-ship to track down The Fog and stop it.
Robin flew the bio-ship and they headed to Philadelphia to try and stop The Fog before it could do any damage. When they found where The Fog was headed they were all shocked, the Star Labs building was crumbling to pieces and The Fog was gone. Robin used his comm to tell Aqualad that they were too late, Aqualad told them to rescan for The Fog and find it.
As soon as they found the signal again they were off, Spirit just hoped they'd actually get there in time. After they got to where the signal was coming from Robin spoke, "The next target's a Wayne Tech facility. In theory it's systems software can be used to hack the-."
Superboy looked slightly confused, "The what?"
Spirit spoke, "I don't think it really matters right now, there are people inside so if The Fog attacks this place they'll get caught in the crossfire."
Robin spoke, "We'll never evacuate them in time." The something got sent to Robin's holo-glove, "It's downloading."
By then the hatch into the bio-ship was open and Superboy spotted something, "Don't need it."
Spirit tried to stop him, "Superboy don't-." Superboy jumped from the bio-ship before Spirit could get to him and he attacked someone in a van, they had The Fog. The man blasted Superboy before releasing The Fog and Spirit grabbed Robin, "We've got to go, now."
Robin nodded and Spirit got them on the ground before they both ran inside the building. When they ran past the security guard he tried to stop them but Spirit grabbed Robin's hand and phased them through the metal gate. They ran into the nearest room with a computer, the cafeteria, while The Fog wreaked havoc in the building.
Robin plugged his holo-glove into the computer and ignored the girl behind the counter. Spirit waited impatiently to see if the virus would work and after it was downloaded into the system the two looked at the swarm of nanobots. The swarm turned red before they were destroyed and Robin smiled, "Yes, the infiltrators have been outfiltrated."
Spirit smiled a little and shook his head, "You really do have too much time on your hands." Robin shrugged and Spirit mentally sighed, "Okay, let's go before security tries to throw us out."
The two left the building and after a series of events that were a blur to Spirit they got back to the mountain. Spirit clocked out early after telling Batman and Robin that he was beyond tired at that point and he left.
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