The Day We Met
It was taking way longer to get to where Spirit was being held then any of the heroes would have liked. Of course they wanted to get there immediately so every second it took to get there was too long for them. After over half an hour of deafening silence Miss Martian finally spoke, "Robin, um, how did you even meet Spirit?
Everyone looked at Robin, he was quiet for a second before he spoke, "It wasn't long after I became Robin."
He had a flashback while he told the story, he remembered that day clearly, it was a day he would never forget. He and Batman had been on patrol, they had already taken down a number of criminals and were looking for more crimes to stop. Robin was bored, he stared out the window of the batmobile when he saw something, he didn't know what it was but he wanted to find out.
After telling Batman that he saw something strange the older hero stopped the batmobile and they quickly went to find what Robin saw. They walked into an alley and there was what looked like a faint glow coming from something and the two cautiously got closer. They were both tense, whatever the glow was coming from could be dangerous and they didn't know what would happen.
They walked toward the end of the alley and looked around the corner of a large trash can and they were shocked. A strange boy with white hair was hiding there, if he was conscious he was very close to passing out. He was incredibly pale and a green substance soaked his clothes, it took them both a minute to realize it was his blood.
They both saw that he was breathing but it was very faint, he probably wouldn't last long if they left him there. Robin looked at Batman, "What do we do?"
Batman thought for a minute, neither of them knew who this strange boy was and he obviously wasn't human. But he was just a kid and he was badly injured, they couldn't bring him to a hospital so they only had one option. Batman looked at Robin, "We'll have to take him with us, we can't leave him here."
Robin nodded, he got closer to the boy and when he did the boy's eyes opened and he backed away. He glared at Robin and growled, Robin had never heard someone actually growl, let alone like that. He backed up a little and the boy seemed to calm down but only slightly, Robin took a deep breath and spoke.
"I won't hurt you, I just want to help."
The boy didn't look convinced, "Leave me alone."
Batman got a little closer and spoke, "You'll die if we don't."
The boy glared at him, "I don't care, leave."
Robin looked straight at the boy, "We're not leaving, you're hurt, we just want to help."
The boy rolled his eyes, "Right, because you're just a couple of good samaritans, don't fucking lie to me." The boy tried to move and he actually winced, the boy was struggling to stay awake and he knew he was probably going to bleed out.
Robin looked worried and slightly confused, "Don't you know who we are?"
"I don't know nor care." The boy tried to keep his eyes open but he couldn't, he lost consciousness and Robin panicked slightly. Batman told Robin to pick up the boy while he got the batmobile and Robin quickly did as he was told while trying not to hurt the boy even more.
Batman stopped in front of the alley and they quickly got in and Batman drove as fast as he could to get to the batcave. As soon as they stopped Batman carried the boy out of the batmobile, he called for Alfred and they waited impatiently for the butler. As soon as Alfred walked in and saw the boy he immediately got to work and he had the two heroes get him whatever he needed to help the boy.
When they all saw the scars the boy had they were horrified, Robin actually felt sick, he could only imagine what caused the scars. Alfred didn't let the scars phase him, he quickly took care of the boys wounds and when he was done he sighed. He carefully carried the boy to a bed in the infirmary and let him rest, he had obviously been through a lot.
That was how he met Spirit, it wasn't how most people usually met, it was honestly one of the worst ways to meet someone. Robin told the team all of it, though he kept the parts about Alfred as vague as possible for obvious reasons. When he was done telling the story the heroes looked shocked, hearing that Spirit had scars wasn't fun either.
Rocket spoke, "But why was Spirit hurt?"
Robin looked at his hands, "He escaped from the GIW and ended up in Gotham in that alley."
Aqualad spoke, "So if you hadn't found him..."
Superboy finished Aqualad's sentence, "He'd probably be dead."
Robin nodded, he hated thinking about that but it was true, if Robin hadn't been looking out the window, if they hadn't gone down that street, Spirit would probably he dead. After a minute of silence Kid Flash spoke, "Why didn't he tell us any of this?"
Robin mentally sighed, "I told you before, he has trust issues, he didn't want to see how you'd all react."
Silence once again settled over the team for a few seconds before Artemis spoke, "When we save Spirit he can explain all of this himself."
The others nodded in agreement, Robin silently hoped that Spirit wouldn't be too mad that he and Batman told the team about him. But he was more worried about whether or not Spirit would be okay, the feeling was practically screaming at him. He promised Spirit he'd protect him and he failed, he hated himself for not keeping his promise to his boyfriend.
No one said anything until they finally got to the facility, they landed in the surrounding the forest and started making a plan. Aqualad spoke, "Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Zatanna, and Rocket will cause a distraction while Robin hacks into the facilities systems."
Kid Flash spoke, "But how are we supposed to distract them?"
Robin spoke, "GIW facilities are mostly self sustaining, they all have generators, water supply systems, and communication towers. If you take out the communication towers they won't be able to call for help until they get the towers fixed. It'll also draw them out, they'll go to see what's wrong with the towers, especially if it catches their attention."
Kid Flash nodded, "So where are the towers?"
Robin was already hacking into the facilities systems and pointed to the communication towers that you could easily see over the trees. "Try to make sure no one sees you, they're idiots but even they'll know something is going on if they see you messing with their systems."
Miss Martian looked a little concerned, "Are you okay Robin, you seem really tense."
Robin got angry when she said that but he forced the feeling down, "I'm fine."
Miss Martian walked a little closer, "Are you sure, you-."
Robin glared at her, "I'm fine!" Several of the heroes looked shock and Robin looked away, "Sorry, that was uncalled for, I just..."
Robin sighed and Kid Flash spoke, "Dude, it's okay, you're worried, we get it."
Robin wanted to tell them that they didn't get it but he decided against it, "Let's just get Spirit out of there."
All of the heroes nodded, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Rocket, and Zatanna left to get to the communication towers. Robin continued hacking and he waited impatiently for Aqualad to tell them to head into the facility. Robin wasn't sure how but the feeling was even stronger, if Spirit was in pain before he was in complete agony now.
Robin felt like crying and breaking something at the same time, he wanted his boyfriend back, and no one was going to stop him.
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