Start Acting Like It
The tornado hit the ship before they could react, they were all being tossed around before Megan managed to regain control and get away from the tornado. She flew close to the ground and they all jumped out of the ship, there were people running out of the nearby factory as fast as they could. Aqualad spoke, "Robin, are tornadoes common in New England, Robin?"
Robin was gone, Spirit facepalmed before running toward the factory, the others weren't far behind. Spirit caught Robin before he hit the ground and looked at what had attacked Robin, he was already pissed. Spirit spoke, "So who's your new friend?"
"Didn't catch his name but he plays kind of rough."
The robot spoke, "My apologies, you may address me as Mr. Twister." Superboy, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Miss Martian tried attacking the robot but they didn't do much damage before he threw them away from him.
Mr. Twister spoke, "I was ready to be challenged by a superhero, I was not, however, expecting children."
Robin glared at him and threw several disks at him, "We're not children."
Mr. Twisted flicked one of the disks away, "Objectively you are, have you no adult supervision, I find your presence here quite disturbing."
"Well we hate to see you disturbed, let's see if your more turbed when we kick your can."
The others attacked but Mr. Twister beat them easily and Spirit felt like hitting his head on a wall. "Indeed, that was quite turbing."
Spirit moved quickly and kicked the robot in the chest, he seemed a bit surprised that Spirit was able to do that. Mr. Twister quickly flew away while the others got up, Spirit went to make sure they were okay. After they all got to their feet they went outside just in time for Miss Martian to catch Wally before he hit a wall.
Mr. Twister spoke, "I would have thought you all learned your limitations by now." Spirit tuned the others out as he focused on the robot, he didn't have a heart beat so it wasn't someone in a suit. There was something weird about the whole thing but he couldn't put his finger on it, what was going on?
When he came back to his senses Mr. Twister sent a bolt of lightning at them, Spirit got there just in time to stop them from getting severely injured. They were down but not out, Spirit was glad he threw up a shield around them when he did. He dropped it just as Superboy got up, "Superboy don't!"
Superboy didn't seem to be listening as he tried to attack the robot, one bolt of lightning sent him straight into the ground. Mr. Twister got closer to them and Spirit looked around, the others were still down, he was alone. Spirit growled before he flew toward the robot, Mr. Twister tried to hit him with lighting but Spirit got closer despite the attack.
Spirit punched Twister in the face twice before kicking him in the chest again and Spirit's eyes were red. There were sparks around him because of the electricity he just absorbed, Twister stared at him for a minute. "You certainly have more skill and power then your friends, tell them that if they confront me again I will show no mercy."
Mr. Twister left and Spirit dropped out of the sky, he absorbed too much electricity at once, it would take him a minute to get used to it. The others woke up and Kid Flash looked around, "What happened?"
Superboy looked angry, "I'll tell you what happened, Megan tricked us into thinking Twister was Red Tornado."
Spirit glared at him, "Do you seriously think that made much of a difference?!"
The heroes looked absolutely shocked and Robin spoke, "Spirit-."
"No, I'm done dealing with this shit, I get that Miss Martian might have made the wrong call but that wasn't the only thing that resulted in him kicking your asses. We're supposed to be a team and yet you all ran in without a plan, hell, we didn't even know what we were fighting until the fight already started."
"You didn't say a single damn word to each other about what to do, no one even tried to work as a team. Did you all really expect to be able to work together right away, because if you did then you're all morons. We're supposed to be a team so start acting like one, prove that you're not just a bunch of kids like people keep saying you are."
The heroes actually had the decency to look a bit ashamed and Spirit took a few seconds to calm himself down. Aqualad spoke, "Then what do you think we should do?"
Spirit mentally sighed, after explaining what to do, while shutting down a few arguments, they went to find Mr. Twister. Once they found him Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, and Aqualad attacked him while Spirit and Miss Martian hung back. After a minute or two of the others fighting Twister Spirit looked at Miss Martian, "Go."
Miss Martian nodded and once she entered the fight Spirit mentally sighed, 'Kid Flash, you know what to do.'
Spirit watched from afar as Twister took down Red Tornado, not long after that Miss Martian revealed herself. Spirit sprang into action, Superboy held Twister in place while Spirit rammed into his back and sent him in the water not too far away. Aqualad must have done his part because Twister was thrown out of the water not long after.
Miss Martian picked him up using her telekinesis and Robin threw a few exploding disks at him. Once he hit the ground the team walked over and Twister managed to get up but he stayed on his knees. His chest opened and a man was inside, he fell out and spoke, "Foul, I call foul."
Spirit looked at Miss Martian, "If you'll be so kind."
Miss Martian nodded and lifted a rock with her powers before dropping it on the man, the other heroes were shocked. Kid Flash looked at them, "What was that?!"
Spirit rolled his eyes and Miss Martian lifted the rock, the teens saw that the man had actually been a robot and Megan spoke. "That's why I couldn't read his mind."
Wally walked over and picked up an eye from the robot, "Cool, souvenir."
Spirit crossed his arms, "Does anyone have something to say to Miss Martian?"
Aqualad looked at her, "I'm sorry, we should have had more faith in you."
Megan smiled and Wally spoke, "Yeah, you rocked this mission, get it?"
Spirit face palmed and Robin looked at Megan, "Ignore him, we're all just turbed that your on the team." Robin smiled at Spirit, "Both of you."
Megan laughed a little, "Thank you." Spirit glanced at the robot and saw there was a red light coming from the second eye.
Spirit used his powers to mess with it and the red light turned off, Spirit looked at the others and spoke. "Now that we're done we can head back, though we might want to bring the robot so Red Tornado can take a look at it."
The heroes looked at each other, a few hours later they were back at the mountain and the robot was in pieces on a table. Red Tornado was looking at it and Aqualad spoke, "It was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you."
Red Tornado spoke, "Agreed."
Spirit spoke, "Which means someone's out to get you."
Red Tornado nodded, "Indeed, but for now consider this matter closed." Red Tornado walked away and Spirit headed for the living room, Spirit could heard Robin, Wally, and Kaldur talking.
After a few more seconds he could hear Superboy say sorry and Spirit smiled, he finally apologized to Miss Martian.
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