Spirit felt relieved when Haley spoke to the crowd, "And that's our show!" Spirit didn't particularly hate performing but having all those people stare at him made his skin crawl. Spirit was walking with the rest of the team as Haley said his last goodbye's to the crowd before he appeared backstage.
"Pack it up, train leaves for Geneva in two hours." Everyone immediately got to work packing things so they could load everything onto the train. When they got everything outside they started getting everything on the train as quickly as they could.
Some time later he noticed that guy Ray walk up to Miss Martian, "Need a hand?"
Miss Martian smiled at him, "I'm good, thanks, maybe one of the others could use some help?" She gestured toward two of the performers, "A lot of them seem to have that flu."
Ray sighed, "Yeah it's going around." Spirit didn't know why but something about Ray didn't sit well with him, he just had no idea what it was. When he looked at that were sick he realized that all of them were the ones they thought stole from the weapons plant.
He was taken out of his thoughts when Haley shouted, "All aboard, everyone, now!"
Red Arrow gave Haley a suspicious look, "Someone's in a hurry."
Robin glared at Red Arrow just a little and Spirit held his hand to calm him down. After everyone got on the train they went to their room and the train soon started moving. Artemis looked at Robin once they were in the room, "You look better."
Robin spoke, "I feel better." Robin them looked at Miss Martian, "Sorry Meg-Dawn, I hope you didn't catch it from me."
Miss Martian spoke, "I feel so silly, who knew a martian could be vulnerable to a human virus?"
Spirit spoke, "H.G. Wells, when did you start feeling sick anyway?"
Miss Martian thought for a second, "Just after boarding the train, it came on suddenly."
Robin spoke, "Same with me the other night, I remember Ray rubbed my head for good luck right before we went on."
Superboy spoke, "Ray, that roustabout, he touched her right before we boarded, guy must be a walking petri dish." Spirit thought for a second, he had a bad feeling about Ray and now he seemed to be the cause of the virus that's been going around. Something wasn't adding up, come to think of it Ray had a strange smell, a bit like the guy from the warehouse.
Robin seemed to be catching onto it too, "Yeah, maybe." Robin quickly left the room and almost ran into Haley not far from the room.
Haley looked at him, "Dan, you look, refreshed."
Robin smiled, "Thanks, uh, Jack, how long has Ray worked for you?"
Haley thought for a second, "Picked him up at the start of the European tour, poor lads down with the same flu as the rest of them."
Artemis spoke, "We'll check on him, least we can do."
Spirit walked out of the room and he smelled something odd, a similar scent to Ray's was coming from Haley. Spirit knew that shouldn't be happening, he knew Haley's scent and it's hard to hide or change your smell, especially if you could smell as well as a vampire.
Haley spoke, "If you insist."
The others started walking away and Miss Martian walked out of the room, Robin stopped her, "You should stay in bed."
Miss Martian spoke, "As a friend of mine once said, I'll manage." Miss Martian walked away and Robin followed her, Spirit glanced at Haley again before going with them.
They walked to Ray's room and opened the door only to find that Ray wasn't in his bed. Superboy spoke, "Guess he wasn't that sick."
Red Arrow glanced at a crate labeled 'elephant food' and he gestured toward it, "Does this circus have an elephant that I don't know about?"
Robin looked a little confused, "Not on foreign tours."
Red Arrow opened the crate, "Empty."
Spirit took a closer look, "Nope." Spirit picked up some of the ashes in the box, "Ash."
Robin's eyes widened a little, "From the warehouse fire in Bruges."
Artemis spoke, "Uh, guys, I found Ray." She took out a mask from under the mattress that looked like Ray's face.
Robin spoke, "Split up, search the whole train!"
Everyone ran out of the car and Spirit remembered that Haley smelled like Ray, at the very least he might know where Ray really was. Spirit grabbed Robin's arm as he was about to leave, "I've got an idea."
Robin nodded and they both ran to where they last saw Haley, Spirit listened for a heartbeat, tried to pick up Ray's smell, anything. Then he heard something else, it sounded muffled but it was definitely there, Spirit tried to open the door but it was locked. He growled before kicking the door open and when Robin saw who was inside he ran in to help.
Robin took the gag off of Haley, "Who did this to you?"
Haley looked at him, "Ray, Ray the roustabout, right after the train left Bruges."
Spirit growled a little, "Damn it, I should have known."
Robin looked at him, "That doesn't matter right now, we need to find Ray."
Spirit nodded and they both ran out of the room, Haley yelled, "Hey, I'm not Houdini here!" Spirit quickly ran back and broke the ropes before running out again, he didn't want to listen to Haley complain later.
Robin tried to speak into the mind link, 'Megan.' When it didn't work he used his comm, "Dawn, come in."
Spirit heard Miss Martian answer, "Uh, Dan?"
"I tried to reach you, the other way."
Miss Martian groaned, "I think the flu's knocked out my other way."
Robin's eyes narrowed at nothing, "That clinches it, Dane, Dean, Diane, come in, we're chasing someone that's stolen Dawn's 'act', her whole shtick if you catch my drift."
Spirit looked at him, "What are you thinking?"
"I don't know, but something's not right."
Spirit's eyes widened, "The other performers that were sick, this guy must have done the same thing he did to Dawn. It's not several thieves, it's one using all of their abilities, that's why Ray had a strange smell."
Robin stopped and smiled at Spirit, "You're a genius!"
Spirit smirked, "And you better not forget it, now let's find this creep."
Superboy spoke into the comms, "I got him, but he's onto me, exiting the dining car now, he's gone topside."
Spirit looked at Robin, "Looks like we're going to go train surfing."
Robin smirked, "You'll be an expert at that, let's go."
Spirit phased them through the roof of the train and got them to where Superboy was as the kryptonian spoke, "That won't work on me clown."
Robin spoke, "That's no clown, he's the parasite, the guy who once stole Superman's powers."
Parasite smirked, "As if you kids are who you claim to be, please." He shifted to look like his normal self.
Robin looked at Superboy, "Stay out of his reach, there's no flu going around, the weakness comes when he makes physical contact and feeds off the powers and abilities of others."
Parasite spoke, "I have been a bit of a glutton today, chowed down on the skills of nearly every loser in this troupe. But oh my, the fiesta resistaunce was Dawn Danger, or whatever her real name is, thought I'd munch on her trapeze skills. Imagine my surprise when she tasted like Martian Manhunter instead, she made a lovely appetizer, but guess who I want for my entree."
He pulled Superboy closer to him using Miss Martian's powers and grabbed him before absorbing his powers. "Now that's the full bodied kryptonian flavor I love."
Robin shouted over the rushing wind, "Everyone, stay whelmed, subdue but keep your distance!"
Red Arrow and Artemis pointed arrows at Parasite but the villain used heat vision to disintegrate their bows. "You know I almost never say this, but I'm sated." Parasite dropped Superboy and Spirit shot at Parasite with a few ecto-blasts, when they hit Parasite seemed to be surprised.
Parasite looked at him, "Huh, never seen anything like you before, I wonder who you taste like." Spirit really didn't like that idea no matter what way he thought about it, he growled at Parasite. The villain seemed to decide that he didn't want to die just yet so he chose to leave before Spirit tore his heart out, "Maybe next time kids."
Parasite started to fly away with the trunk carrying what Spirit guessed was the stolen tech but Robin jumped onto the trunk and tried to attack Parasite. Parasite turned around and hit Robin to throw him back down to the train, "Sorry, no hitchhikers."
Robin hit the roof of the train before falling off, Spirit quickly flew down and caught him before he could get hurt. Parasite flew away and Spirit sighed in relief when he caught Robin before flying back up to the rest of the heroes. Once they saw that Robin was okay Miss Martian ran over to Superboy, "Connor!"
She helped the kryptonian stand up, "Are you okay?"
Connor looked at her, "I'm fine."
Robin spoke, "Your drained, Parasite took more power then you even have, heat vision?" Spirit didn't think that was right, Superboy's scent was different, like something was being suppressed or was almost gone entirely. Each species had the same base scent, the rest of someone's smell depends on other factors but that base is always the same.
For some reason part of Superboy's base scent was being overpowered to the point that it was barely there. Superboy spoke, "I have the genetic potential for it, must have been enough for him."
Robin groaned in frustration and started walking to the edge of the train car so he could go back inside. Artemis and Red Arrow followed him, Superboy looked at Miss Martian, "Go, I'll manage."
Miss Martian hesitated for a second before she followed Robin, Spirit mentally sighed before phasing through the car to go inside. Once they got inside their room on the train they changed into their hero costumes, which was difficult for some of them. When they were all dressed Robin held up a flash drive as he spoke, "It's not a complete debacle, I picked Parasite's pocket, got this flash drive."
Spirit wondered, not for the first time, how in the hell he could pull these things off without anyone noticing. Robin plugged the flash drive into his holo-glove and the program automatically started decrypting the data on the flash drive. After less then half a minute the data popped up and Spirit looked at it, he didn't like what he was seeing.
Robin spoke again, "Looks like Parasite's working for intergang, everything he's stolen, they're all pieces of something. They're putting a weapon together that generates... black holes?!"
Red Arrow spoke, "Oh come one, to build that you need a particle accelerator."
Spirit spoke, "Like the large boson collider in Geneva?"
Red Arrow's eyes widened, "The circuses next stop, but now that Parasite can fly he's got a big headstart on us."
Miss Martian looked down, "Sorry."
Spirit looked at her, "It's not your fault, he fooled all of us until now."
Robin spoke, "Spirit's right, but this thing could wipe out entire cities, we need to hurry."
Red Arrow spoke, "You and I need to hurry, without powers the other would hold us back."
Artemis spoke, "Hey, your not the only one with a back up bow."
Robin glared at him a little, "And Spirit still has his powers."
As soon as Robin was done talking Superboy punched the wall, "My powers are back."
Robin looked shocked, "How?"
Miss Martian spoke, "I'm still-."
Superboy rubbed his arm, "I guess kryptonians recover faster then humans and martians." Now Spirit knew something was definitely up, there's no way he could get his powers back that quickly. Superboy's heart sped up as he was talking and he smelled like he was nervous, plus his base scent changed again.
Miss Martian looked at Robin, "Don't even think about leaving me behind."
Red Arrow didn't look very happy but the heroes still headed out to Geneva, an hour or two later they got to the tech plant in Geneva. Robin walked up to a guard that was unconscious on the ground, "Trail of destruction, this way."
Robin ran inside and they all followed the hero, they all hid behind a bunch of pipes and Robin used the small camera connected to his holo-glove to see Parasite. "We need to talk him down, or at least lure him away so we can safely disengage the-."
Superboy suddenly shouted, Spirit tried telling him to stop but Superboy busted through the pipes and ran at Parasite. The villain looked up, "Seconds? No, I couldn't." Nonetheless Parasite pulled him closer using Miss Martian's powers. As soon as Superboy was close enough he punched Parasite in the face which knocked him back.
Parasite looked angry and he punched Superboy, Red Arrow looked pissed, "What is he doing?"
Miss Martian stopped the archer before he could get involved, "Wait." Parasite continued to throw Superboy around like a rag doll before pulling him in again, Spirit bit back a growl. Superboy soon passed out and Parasite tossed him aside, "Alright Dangers come on out, only a few minutes before this baby's done warming up and eats Geneva."
Meanwhile, Miss Martian spoke, "What do you think?"
Red Arrow spoke, "Big risk to take on a theory."
Robin thought for a second, "Do it, go."
Miss Martian then left their hiding place and walked closer to Parasite, "What do you have against Geneva anyway?"
Parasite spoke, "Never liked the food, but the menu keeps improving." While Miss Martian distracted Parasite Spirit and Robin snuck over to the controls for the black hole generator.
Spirit tuned out what was going on in favor of working on stopping the machine until Robin spoke. "But do any of those powers free you before we sabotage your death thingy?"
Spirit looked at him, "Thingy? It's a black hole generator."
Parasite ignored Spirit's comment, "This one does." Parasite broke out of the foam and tried to him them with his heat vision, Spirit pulled Robin out of the way just in time. Artemis got behind Parasite and hit him with an arrow, when he tried to use his heat vision again it ignited the gas and exploded.
Red Arrow started to fall from where Parasite had been levitating him and Spirit caught him before setting him on the ground. Parasite and spoke, "So clever, trick me into igniting flammable gas, but you forgot, doofus's double dose of invulnerability, fire can't touch me."
His voice started becoming strained toward the end and Miss Martian spoke from behind him, "Unless you make a meal of my powers, and get my weaknesses as a side dish."
Parasite then realized what was happening, "No, no." Robin and Spirit walked over to the machines controls again and turned it off, they both sighed before smiling at each other.
Then they heard a voice behind them, "We'll take it from here." Agent Faraday and two other agents walked over to Parasite after putting out the fires and Faraday put an inhibitor collar on him. He looked at Robin, "Thanks for the tip by the way, definitely helps to prep the inhibitor collar in advance."
Robin smiled, "Glad to be of service." Faraday glanced at Spirit with what he could only describe as disdain, the halfa felt unsettled by the look. He hated agents already but that look made him want to be around the man even less, what if he knew what Spirit was?
Faraday and the other two agents left with Parasite and the heroes all walked over to Red Arrow. Spirit followed Robin but he tuned everything out as he thought about the way Faraday looked at him. It gave him a bad feeling, a very bad feeling, and he didn't want to know what that look might have been for.
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