Spirit walked into the mountain just in time to see Captain Marvel fly off and Robin get knocked down while training. Spirit mentally sighed before he leaned against the wall and waited to see if anyone would notice that he was there. Black Canary stopped the training session and spoke, "Good work everyone, in fact it's been a very productive week."
Artemis spoke, "Yeah, for everyone except Kid malingerer."
Kid Flash looked offended, "Hey, arm broken in combat against the Injustice League here, and Spirit didn't train either."
Robin rolled his eyes and Spirit mentally sighed, how does a broken arm warrant doing nothing? Granted Spirit didn't train with the team but he had his own reasons for that, one being the possibility that he could seriously injure someone. Black Canary smiled and laughed a little, "I've really enjoyed being your, uh, den mother this week."
The zeta tubes then announced Zatara's arrival and Spirit walked over to the rest of the team. Zatara then granted access to someone else and the zeta tubes announced them as Zatanna which Spirit guessed meant they were a girl. When she appeared in the zeta tube Zatara spoke, "Zatanna, this is the team."
Zatara gestured toward the team before looking at the heroes, "Team, my daughter, Zatanna."
Miss Martian flew up to her, "Hi, I'm Megan, this is Wally, Artemis, Kaldur, Connor, Robin, and Spirit."
Kid Flash looked at Spirit in shocked, "Wait, when did you get here?"
Spirit didn't look amused, "Seriously, I've been here for at least five minutes."
Aqualad spoke, "Welcome to the cave."
Zatanna smiled, "Thanks."
Robin spoke, "So, are you joining the team?"
Zatara spoke, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, this is strictly a visit, though I am sorry we missed the training, it's something from which Zatanna could benefit."
Miss Martian created a mind link and spoke into it, 'Do the rest of you get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara.'
Superboy spoke, 'Not just Zatara, I mean, why is Marvel still hanging around?'
Kid Flash spoke, 'Because we like having him around.'
Artemis spoke, 'You like having him around because he waits on you hand and foot.'
'And your point is?'
Aqualad spoke, 'It almost makes one nostalgic for Red Tornado's tenure as our supervisor.'
Robin spoke, 'Yeah, at least he trusted us.'
Superboy looked angry, 'If you ignore the fact that we shouldn't have trusted him, he was a traitor, that machine nearly got Me- all of us killed.'
Spirit spoke, 'But we still don't know if he betrayed us because he wanted to or because of something else.'
Superboy glared at him, 'Why else would he betray us?'
Spirit was about to talk but Zatanna cut him off, "Are you guys having a psychic conversation?" The team looked at her before Black Canary and Zatara looked at them, Zatanna continued, "Cause I can't decide if that's cool or really rude."
Spirit face palmed, "Shit."
Zatara looked at him, "Watch your language."
"I know several which one should I watch?"
Superboy glanced at the two older heroes before sighing, "Fine, we were talking about Red Tornado. It's been weeks since his attack and the League hasn't told us anything."
Black Canary spoke, "The League is searching for Tornado, as well as the other androids that invaded the cave and their creator Tio Moro. Batman made tracking them down our highest priority."
Robin spoke, "But you've found none of the above."
"Not yet, but Tornado is Justice League, the team is not to pursue this."
Zatara spoke, "Why don't you all take Zatanna on a, uh, tour of the cave." Zatara looked around which prompted all of them to try and find her, Spirit heard her heartbeat next to Wolf, he and Robin looked in that direction.
Wolf got up when Captain Marvel walked in, "You're giving a tour, cool."
Superboy looked at him, "Actually I was hoping you'd take Wolf outside, he needs the exercise, we'll join you in a few."
Captain Marvel nodded, "Sure, I can do that, come on Wolf." Captain Marvel ran out of the room and Wolf followed him, Spirit wondered how no one noticed that he acted like a ten year old.
Kid Flash looked disappointed, "My nachos."
Superboy grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him along with them, they walked into the rest of the mountain. Zatanna caught up with Robin wearing completely different clothes and the hero looked shocked, "When did you, how did you?"
Zatanna ignored his questions, "We're not really taking a tour are we?"
Superboy looked at her, "No, we're hunting down that robot."
Aqualad nodded, "Yes, we are."
Zatanna spoke, "Oh wow, out loud and everything."
Artemis spoke, "What about new girl?"
Robin looked at Artemis, "I'm sure she won't tell."
Robin didn't sound too convinced and Zatanna smiled at him, "I can't tell, not if you kidnap me."
Artemis spoke, "Oh she's going to fit in great." The team headed to the bio-ship and Spirit ignored pretty much everything in favor of looking out the window.
He knew Black Canary called but he wasn't really paying attention, that is, until he heard Robin talk. "Where are we going, Batman is the world's greatest detective and he searched for Tornado and Moro in ever logical location. If we're going to do better we need an illogical solution, a truly dumb idea."
Robin looked at Kid Flash, the rest of the team looked at him as well and Kid Flash looked around. Then he smiled, "As a matter of fact."
Spirit leaned back in his seat and listened, after Kid Flash explained what his idea was they headed to Belle Reve. After they got there they talked to the warden, after working something out they went to talk to Professor Ivo. Miss Martian looked at him, "Warden Strange owed us a favor for stopping last months prison break, he's given us five minutes with you."
Superboy spoke, "Spill Ivo, how do we find Tio Moro and his Reds?"
Ivo looked slightly irritated, "Now why in the world would I know how to find Moro?"
Kid Flash spoke, "Because, and here's a truly dumb idea, you're Moro's biggest competitor in the evil android game. Who better to keep track of what he's up to and where?"
Ivo smirked, "Ah, I see your point, so let me rephrase, why in the world would I tell you how to find Moro."
Aqualad spoke, "He knows." The atlantean looked at Miss Martian, "Do what you must."
Miss Martian looked at Ivo and she used her powers to try to look into his mind, Ivo laughed. "Oh please, as if I've never faced a telepath before." Zatanna stood next to him and said a spell before Ivo suddenly spoke, "Moro's in a secret base beneath Yellowstone national park one hundred meters south of Old Faithful."
The team, aside from Spirit, looked completely stunned, Ivo covered his mouth before he looked around, "Wait, what just happened?"
Spirit spoke, "Okay, let's go."
Spirit left the room and the others followed, Robin whispered to Spirit, "Do you know how she did that?"
Spirit leaned a little closer, "Magic."
"Literally or sarcastically?"
"Literally." Robin seemed to connect the dots in his head but he didn't say anything, he knew some magic users, mostly thanks to Spirit, so this wasn't very shocking. None of them said anything as they walked to the bio-ship, they didn't even say anything until it got dark and they were getting closer to Moro's hideout.
Aqualad looked at Miss Martian and spoke, "Block out all external communications. Soon Canary and Zatara, Batman too I imagine, will know of our visit with professor Ivo, we haven't much time."
Robin looked at Zatanna and spoke, "Look, I'm trying to be all nonchalant here-."
Zatanna cut him off, "Why, be as chalant as you like."
Robin looked a bit surprised and Spirit got slightly irritated, she was flirting with Robin! Spirit knew that she probably had no idea that Robin was already in a relationship, with him no less, but it still irritated him. Artemis spoke, "I think we're all just trying to get a handle on your powers, could you teleport us to Tornado, or Moro to a cell, or force his bots to surrender?"
Zatanna spoke, "Or create peace on Earth for all time? Zatara couldn't even do all of that and I'm nowhere near on my dad's level, I need to know a spell cold, or else have time to prep it. Plus, all magic requires energy which usually has to come from within, I just can't make the impossible happen at will."
Superboy suddenly spoke, "What's our ETA to Yellowstone, I am way past ready to stuff Red Tornado into a trash compactor."
Aqualad spoke, "Are you so certain he betrayed us?"
Superboy glared at him, "Aren't you?"
Aqualad looked away, "I am not convinced, and even so, that makes him but the victim of his creators programming. Certainly he deserves a chance to prove he is more then the weapon others designed him to be."
Spirit tensed ever so slightly, Superboy wasn't the only one that was supposed to be a weapon. Spirit was killed so he could be a weapon, he hated even thinking about what he might have turned into. Robin noticed that Spirit was being unusually quiet and he looked at his boyfriend, he could immediately tell that something was wrong.
He wanted to help but he couldn't do anything at the moment, hopefully Spirit would be okay.
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