Robin hacked into all of the GIW's systems, there were three cameras that weren't working and Robin couldn't see Spirit on any of the working ones. They'd have to check the three that weren't working, they just had to wait for the communication towers to go down. Several minutes later that's exactly what happened, one of the towers fell and it created a domino affect.
All of the towers were down, the GIW wouldn't be able to get them back up in time to call for help if they found them. Robin could see agents running out to the towers on the cameras, some agents stayed behind but they wouldn't be too much of a problem. That was when Aqualad told them to head toward the facility, they'd all meet up outside and search the rooms inside.
Once everyone finally met up outside the facility Robin spoke, "There are three cameras that are out. Since I can't see Spirit on any of the other cameras he's in one of the three rooms that doesn't have a working camera."
Artemis spoke, "So which rooms do we need to look in?"
"One is a cell, one is a lab, and the other is for, well, let's just say it's not good." Robin brought up a map of the facility, "The cell is in the middle of the facility, the other two rooms are just around the corner on the right two doors down from each other. The cell won't have anyone in it aside from Spirit if he's there, the other two rooms will have at least three other people in them."
Aqualad spoke, "We will have to check each of the rooms as quickly as possible, we do not know when the agents will come back. Kid Flash, Artemis, and Zatanna will look in the cell, Rocket, and Miss Martian will look in the lab. Robin, Superboy, and I will look in the last room, if any of you find him contact the rest of us but get him out as quickly as you can."
They all nodded and Robin spoke, "I'm warning you now, you probably won't like what you find, even if Spirit isn't in the room."
The heroes glanced at each other before they nodded, Miss Martian created a mind link and they all ran inside the building. Meanwhile, Spirit felt like he was dying all over again, his wrists and ankles were secured to a metal slab. It was currently upright so he was practically standing but he didn't have enough strength to support himself.
He was in pain, and thanks to the agents in the room the pain was only going to get worse as time went on. He was doing his best not to scream but that was becoming difficult, he was surprised he had lasted this long. He knew he was probably going to die in this place, it wasn't like the team cared enough to try and find him.
Batman and Robin might but they probably didn't know he was gone, and by the time they noticed it would be too late. Kid Flash, Artemis, and Zatanna were the first to stop so they could look in the cell, Rocket and Miss Martian stopped at the lab. Robin, Superboy, and Aqualad stopped outside the last room and when the door wouldn't open Superboy tore it out of the wall.
He tossed it aside and what they saw when they looked inside horrified them, though Robin was also pissed. Spirit was in the room, he was bleeding heavily and it looked like he was having a lot of trouble breathing. There were five agents in the room that were all covered in Spirit's blood, one of them was standing next to a large control panel.
Robin was the first to move, he knocked out the one at the control panel, he used to panel to try and get Spirit free while the other two fought the rest of the agents. Since they weren't armed it wasn't hard, as soon as Robin got Spirit free he ran over and caught him. Spirit was obviously exhausted and he was barely conscious, he was also starving based on the fact that his eyes were red.
Aqualad spoke, "We must leave, Spirit needs help." Robin nodded and he picked up the halfa, Superboy told the others that they found Spirit while they ran. The others joined them as they ran down the hallway and they were really hoping they didn't run into any agents.
That hope was crushed when they got outside and saw some of the agents walking back to the facility. As soon as they saw the heroes they pointed their blasters at them and Rocket put up a shield just before they started firing. Rocket spoke into the mind link, 'Whatever these guys are using is going to break through my shield soon.'
Aqualad spoke, 'When I tell you drop the shield, everyone get ready to move, protect Spirit and Robin.' The heroes nodded and waited for Aqualad's signal, he waited for a few seconds, 'Now!'
Rocket dropped the shield and the heroes moved out of the blasters line of fire, Superboy got Robin and Spirit out of the way. Kid Flash took the agents blasters and Zatanna used magic to tie them up and cover their mouths so they couldn't yell for help. Just then more agents showed up and started shooting at them, they needed to go before more agents showed up.
Aqualad spoke, 'Everyone head to the bio-ship, now!' They all ran toward the bio-ship but Robin didn't think they were going to make it, not with all the agents chasing them. Then a portal opened up in front of them and Robin's eyes widened before he spoke, 'Guys, head for that portal.'
Artemis spoke, 'Are you crazy?'
'Just trust me.'
All of the heroes hesitated for a split second before running to the portal, Robin was the last one inside. As soon as they were all through it closed and Robin looked around; Clockwork, Fright Knight, Frostbite, and a small team of doctors were in the room. Robin recognized their location as the small hospital in the Far Frozen, he sighed in relief and the doctors quickly took Spirit away to try and help him.
Fright Knight walked up to Robin, "What happened?"
Robin didn't know what to tell them, thankfully Clockwork stepped in, "Spirit was attacked, this team of heroes got there just in time to save him."
Fright Knight looked at Clockwork, "Will the king survive?"
"Only time will tell."
Fright Knight sighed and Frostbite spoke, "Is this the team you mentioned, the team the great one is a part of."
Clockwork nodded, "The very same, though it isn't surprising considering Robin is part of it as well."
The two nodded, Clockwork lead them away and spoke to them, likely giving them instructions, and the two left. Clockwork floated back to the group, "I realize that you are all confused, as well as worried about the king. Rest assured, we are all here to help, though I'm sure most of you have realized by that by now."
The heroes looked at each other and Robin spoke, "Thanks for the help Clockwork."
"Of course, he wouldn't have had a chance otherwise, and if I had told the others what really happened they would be furious."
Zatanna spoke, "Wait, Robin, you know him?"
Clockwork looked at her, "He knows many of the ghosts here, especially the ones that work closely with Spirit."
All of the heroes looked very confused, Kid Flash spoke, "Who is this guy?"
Clockwork smirked, "I am Clockwork, the master of time."
Miss Martian looked confused, "What does that mean?"
Robin mentally sighed, "Basically he can see all of time and manipulate it however he wants, it's kind of annoying sometimes."
Superboy spoke, "What about the two from before?"
"The one wearing armor is Fright Knight and the snow yeti is Frostbite."
None of the heroes said anything they were trying to wrap their heads around everything they had just been told. Clockwork spoke, "If any of you wish to go home I can send you to your base, your ship has already been moved there. Any news about Spirit will be sent to Robin, he can inform all of you once he hears anything about Spirit's condition."
Robin looked at the ghost, "Won't you get in trouble for all of this?"
"The life the king, and a dear friend, is more important then the headache those one eyed morons are sure to give me." Robin nodded and Clockwork created a portal, "I suggest you all go home and get some rest, there is nothing you can do at the moment."
The heroes all hesitated for several seconds before leaving through the portal, Robin was about to leave but he stopped. The hero looked at Clockwork, "Someone better tell me everything that happens to him."
Clockwork nodded, "Of course."
Robin wanted to thank him, or say anything at all, but it felt like something was stuck in his throat, so he left. The heroes all ended up in the mountain and they had no idea what to do, Robin noticed that some of them were handling this better then others. Miss Martian looked like she was about to cry and Superboy did his best to comfort her but he also looked a bit sad.
Aqualad looked fine but Robin could tell he was worried, though it was very hard to tell with his neutral expression. Artemis and Kid Flash both looked worried, and surprisingly enough slightly angry, probably because of what happened to Spirit. Rocket didn't look happy but since she didn't know Spirit very well she wasn't as affected by everything that happened.
Zatanna seemed to be doing the best out of all of them which confused Robin, granted she also didn't know Spirit well but it was odd. She looked a little worried, and slightly angry, but more then anything she looked guilty for some reason. She eventually left the room and Robin followed her, he wanted to know what was going on with her.
Zatanna soon stopped walking and she sighed, Robin spoke, "You okay?"
Zatanna jumped just a little and looked at him, "Oh, Robin, yeah I'm okay."
Robin's eyes narrowed, "I know something's up, what is it?"
Zatanna looked away, "I am worried about Spirit, I mean he was hurt pretty badly, but part of me can't help but not like him."
Robin gave her a confused look, "Why?"
Zatanna hesitated, "Because you like him."
Robin was very confused now, "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Because I like you but you like Spirit."
Robin's mind came to a stop at that point, this situation suddenly got a lot more complicated with this new information. Robin sighed, "Look, I do think you're a great person, but I love Spirit, a lot, I've been dating him since before I even met you. But me liking Spirit isn't something to hate him for, I'd like him either way, so don't hate him for that."
Zatanna looked away, "I know I shouldn't hate him, and I don't completely hate him, but I don't like him either."
Robin mentally sighed, "I'm, uh, going to go home, see ya."
Robin walked away and left using the zeta tubes, as soon as he appeared in the batcave he saw Batman and Alfred talking. Robin walked up to the two and Batman looked at him, "What happened?"
Robin mentally sighed, "We managed to save Spirit but he was hurt, badly, so the other ghosts are taking care of him. Clockwork told them Spirit just got attacked, I'm sure he'll be able to handle them for now."
Batman nodded, "Did he say if Spirit would be okay?"
Robin shook his head, "He said someone would tell me of anything happened but that's it."
Batman rubbed his eyes, "Then we'll have to wait." Batman looked at him, "Get some sleep, hopefully we can check on him tomorrow."
Robin nodded and changed out of his costume before going to him room, he laid on his bed and thought about what happened. Everything was so messed up, Spirit was hurt and Zatanna didn't like him because he and the halfa were dating. Richard sighed before he closed his eyes and went to sleep, hopefully tomorrow would be better.
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