The entire team was currently watching the news, including their newest team member Rocket. Robin was standing closer to Spirit then normal, he knew something was bothering the halfa but he didn't know what it was. He hadn't gotten a chance to ask his boyfriend and it had been about a week since he started acting strangely.
The two were taken out of their thoughts when Kid Flash spoke, "I'm glad they didn't kick Billy out, and I love the fact that there's a ten year old on the League."
Rocket looked shocked and confused, "There is?"
Robin elbowed the speedster in the side, "Way to keep a secret genius."
Kid Flash looked at him, "Hey, she's on the team now right?" Kid Flash continued eating the apple he had been snacking on and they continued watching the news but Spirit wasn't paying attention. Robin was getting even more concerned, he grabbed Spirit's hand and the halfa looked at him, Robin smiled and Spirit smiled a little in return.
Rocket spoke, "You know, I was the one who convinced Icon to become a hero in the first place, I should be outside celebrating with him, not hidden away in here."
Aqualad smiled at her, "Welcome to our world."
Rocket smiled at Aqualad, "Well, I suppose there's an up side too."
Spirit noticed the look she was giving the atlantean and he smirked, Robin seemed to be thinking the same thing as him. Spirit finally tuned into the news, "Finally, Green Arrow welcomes his former protege Speedy, now known as Red Arrow, to this roster of heroes."
Kid Flash shouted, "Way to go Roy!"
Aqualad smiled, "At least he has his wish."
Robin tightened his grip on Spirit's hand a little, "The first of us to make it, no one'll call him a sidekick anymore."
Rocket spoke, "Wait, since when is being a sidekick a bad thing, you sidekicks were my inspiration."
Robin started to explain, "Well, see, six months ago it-." Something suddenly beeped and Robin reluctantly let go of Spirit's hand to look at his holo-watch. Spirit could swear on his grave that he always had some type of high tech device on him wherever he went.
Robin told them what was going on and they quickly left before the Leaguers even got into the room. The team ran to the bio-ship and flew off as quickly as they could, Artemis eventually spoke, "Are you sure it's her?"
Robin typed a few things into his holo-glove, "See for yourself." He brought up some video footage, "This is the security footage from the Nashville regional airport. Facial recognition confirms that's Jade Nguyen, but, you've seen her without her mask, what do you think?"
Artemis was quiet for a few seconds before she spoke, "It's Jade, Cheshire."
Aqualad spoke, "Agreed, but focus on what she carries, is that the case you saw in New Orleans, the one that got away?"
Artemis looked down, "Yes."
Rocket spoke, "Okay, I'm guessing from the mugshot that this Cheshire's the bad guy, but what's so important about that case?"
Spirit spoke, "Remember the Injustice League?"
"And their giant evil plants, uh, yeah."
Aqualad spoke, "The team and the League put them in prison, but their allies still scheme, and whatever is in that containment case seems important to their plans."
Kid Flash spoke, "We had a chance to grab it in New Orleans, but someone screwed up." Spirit glared at the speedster and Kid Flash looked down before he looked at Artemis, "Sorry."
Artemis just looked away, she still felt bad about what she did, Spirit knew it still wasn't easy for Kid Flash to forgive Artemis but he was definitely trying. Miss Martian spoke, "Approaching Cheshire's jet." She gasped and Artemis looked away, "Looks like there were no survivors."
The team left the bio-ship to check out the wreckage, Spirit was the only one that went inside the ruined plane since he could phase through anything blocking his path. After a bit Robin called to him, "Spirit, have you found anything?"
Spirit phased through the plane and landed on the ground, "Nothing important."
Superboy tossed a wing of the plane aside, "But where are the bodies?"
Spirit heard a heartbeat before someone spoke, "Here's one." The heroes all looked in the direction of the voice and Cheshire was standing there, "And it is stunning."
The heroes were suddenly surrounded and Spirit tuned out whoever was talking while he counted to how many heartbeats were there. He didn't want to risk just counting the people he saw in case there were people hiding out of sight. After a few seconds a barrier formed around them and Spirit growled a little before tuning back into the conversation.
Riddler spoke, "Didn't you think we'd be tipped that you were onto Cheshire's trail, We're tired of your interference kiddies. This is the end game, ordered from above and executed by their master strategist, mua."
Aqualad spoke into the mind link, 'Miss Martian, is everyone linked?'
Miss Martian spoke, 'Yes.'
'Go.' The heroes attacked and Zatanna created a snowstorm inside the barrier, Spirit attacked a bunch of the goons Riddler brought with him. Artemis fought Cheshire and Superboy started destroying the pylons generating the barrier while the rest of them continued fighting the goons.
After a minute he heard Robin speak into the mind link, 'SB, your flying.' Spirit looked at Superboy and saw that he was indeed flying, then he used heat vision and Spirit was shocked. He didn't get a lot of time to think about it because he was attacked again, he quickly took out the men and went to help Robin stop Riddler.
Spirit and Robin took out the girl with orange hair and Zatanna bound Riddler so he couldn't escape. Spirit didn't even pay attention to what he was saying since the guy was annoying as hell, Zatanna gagged him and soon stopped the snowstorm. They then got back in the bio-ship and went back to the mountain, which Spirit was happy about, he didn't want to deal with a bunch of shit at the moment.
When they got There Batman didn't seem happy, they stood in front of the zeta tubes. "Tell me if this sounds familiar, you hacked League systems, disobeyed protocol, and endangered your lives. And your initiative resulted in the capture of three escaped felons, proving warden Strange runs Belle Reve as a cover for criminal activity."
Batman smiled a little, "Well done." Spirit seriously though he might die a second time due to shock when he saw Batman smile, he never smiles after putting on the cowl. The team smiled at each other but Spirit felt the urge to turn invisible, he still didn't feel like part of the team.
Batman spoke again, "Then there's this, bio-technology integrated with some form of nano-circuitry."
Icon spoke, "Though I am unfamiliar with this species, the bio component is clearly not of Earth."
Batman closed the case as he spoke, "We'll take it to the watchtower for further study." The Leaguers left but Rocket quickly flew up to Icon and congratulated him on becoming part of the League. Spirit took a deep breath before tuning into the conversation again, Robin looked at Aqualad and spoke, "You realize we were set up."
Aqualad looked at him, "Yes, Riddler and Cheshire were 'tipped' and ready for us."
Artemis facepalmed, "Not the mole thing again."
Rocket walked over, "Mole thing? Again?"
Kid Flash spoke, "We had intel that there was a traitor on the team."
Superboy spoke, "Mainly Artemis, Megan, Spirit, or me."
Aqualad put a hand on his shoulder, "It is more complicated then that." Superboy hit Aqualad's hand off of his shoulder and started walking away, the atlantean followed and continued speaking. "But your recent behavior does concern me, your attack on Mammoth nearly got Artemis killed."
Superboy paused, Spirit's ears started to hurt because of a very high pitched sound before he heard something. "Superboy, I believe you've used up the last of your shields, I have more, meet me outside of Prisca."
Aqualad looked slightly confused, "Superboy?"
Superboy turned to him, "There's something I need to do."
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