💫😞Met after the incident😞💫
No one's pov:
Sivaangi headed outside from her home in search of her parents mystery....
And their he saw a familiar face and fumed in anger....
The anger is evident in her eyes. She didn't wish to look at the person..... And she doesn't want to storm out of anger to him. So she walk away from him without even seeing him a glance....
Yes, the familiar face standing near the tree is Ashwin.....
On the other hand Ashwin went to the place where he met her first time....
He sat on the hood near the big mango tree where they both most of the time....
He knows that Sivaangi will go by this way only.... He wants to talk to her, so he sat on the hood and waited for her impatiently....
After sometime he can't even able to sit in one place.... So he started to walk here and their...
And he saw her coming from her home....
He could see the rage and the anger in her eyes....
He could understand her feelings and smiled at her slightly but she tilted her head to other side.... And she walked as fast as she could....
He ran behind her and held her hand and made her to face him....
And he started to speak...
Ak: Sivaangi what I done is wrong, I will agree to that... But please....
He was about to say but she stoped him by raising her hands....
Siv: Who are u to me?? Everything is finished yesterday itself... Do u want anything else from me... Now for what u came here and creating the scene....
Ak: Don't prick my heart by ur words Sivaangi...
Siv: Oh I see!!!..... I am pricking ur heart by my words.... Then what about yesterday...
Saying that she held his collar and pulled him towards her.... Tears made their way from her eyes...
Siv: Then what yesterday... Tell me.. (She is shaking him by holding the collar)... Tell me da... What do u done doesn't hurt... Am I a toy to u??... Am I not having any feelings.... U betrayed me and then how u are facing me... In what hope u r standing in front of me....
Whether u have thought, that I will accept u... Just erase it...
It will never happen in this life time... Not only in this lifetime... Never in my life...
Who are u to me... Just go away..
Ak: Who am I to u??.... Ur heart knew the answer Sivaangi...
Siv: Uhhh!!! Still u r having that hope.... She smiled sarcastically and wiped her tears and said...
Their is no one inside my heart.... What u meant to me??.... Just get lost from my sight.....
Ak: What I Mean To u...... He mumbled and smiled weakly towards her and said....
You turned my darkness into light; You made everything all right. You picked me up when I was down; You turned my life around. If I didn't have you, what would I be? A blessing is what you are to me...
When I needed you the most, you were there; Even if it seemed like you didn't care. When I didn't think I could make it another day,
You chased all my doubts away. If I didn't have you, what would I be? A treasure is what you are to me.
But there is only one of you. You fill my heart with love;
The world is full of many people, it's true; You're a God-sent gift from above. If I didn't have you, what would I be? An angel is what you are to me.
Lost and alone, I will no longer be; Because you are here with me. There is no reason to be sad; You've taken away all the bad. If I didn't have you, what would I be? My lady love and god sent angel to me is what you are to me!!
Tears welled upon her eyes... If this is old Sivaangi, she will hug him and would give him n number of kisses.... She stopped herself and made her heart into stone....
Siv: Don't think to cheat me again with those words.... I won't believe u here after.... Goodbye...
Saying that she left the place with heavy heart....
She is wiping her tears but it doesn't stop.. Still his words were echoing in her ears... She couldn't believe that he will talk this much......
On the other hand Ashwin's heart was shattered into pieces when she said that he said those words just simply..... He knew that he spoke from his heart....
He doesn't know how to convince her... Tears made its way..... But it doesn't take away his pain....
The medicine of his pain is Sivaangi.... Only she can able to cure him suffering for her.....
He wiped it off his tears but je didn't give up.... He run behind her and held her hand forcely....
She turned towards...
He wiped her tears...
She pushed his hands... He smiled at her weakly..
Siv: What do u want from me?? Is their anything else u left..... Just u left only my soul..... Do u want that also.... Already I am being numb because of u..... Now I am a lifeless toy searching life for me.... Why are u not leaving me alone.... Their is no relationship between us... Everything is over yesterday itslef.....
If u come upon and keep on torchering me means, I swear that I will d....
Before she complete, he pulled her towards him and crashed his lips on her.....
She is not coping up with him, automatically one of his hand went in contact of her bare waist under the hoodie, she gasped... He kept on nibbling her lower lip...
She is beating him continuously to break the kiss as they were being witnessing by the public......
She was keep on beating him continuously, his hands move upwards dangerously close to her asset.... She gasped and stopped beating him ..... He mentally chuckled....
After a long time he left her.... Her lips were his swollen slightly due to his nibbling....
She glared and started to speak....
But he kept his hand on her mouth....
Ak: The people were only elders and they didn't have any gadgets in their hands and u not to be worried for that.... And please accept my sorry please.....
He asked her with the pleading eyes...
She was about to speak... But he cut her off in the middle and said...
Ak: I didn't ask sorry for what I have just done before.... I have rights on you.. I asked sorry for what I have done yesterday.... Please forgive me....
I hope u liked this chapter..... Kindly comment your reviews about this chapter......
Love u all and be happy forever...
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