The irony.
Danny couldn't do anything about it as his fellow classmates' eyes burned holes of hatred into his skin.
Hatred, Danny thought.
They sure couldn't stand him, yet he was their hero. They would be cowering to their knees if Danny went ghost right then and there. He could have anything he wanted. Danny could have his homework done by someone else, the teacher's trust, and any girl he wanted.
Paulina also had the hots for Danny Phantom, but he sure didn't like her anymore. That crush had faded away a while ago.
It had been a year with this 'two different lives' thing. Danny could handle it. He had built a thicker skin and had grown accustomed to being bullied by Dash, but then saving his life mere minutes later. He had become one with having his parents treat him with unconditional love but then having to fly away as they shot ectoplasmic guns at him.
The class's focus was taken away from him and onto the teacher. Danny looked over at his friends. Sam and Tucker.
The only thing he hadn't gotten used to was putting them in danger. They insisted on helping every single chance they had. They were always by his side and always had his back. There had been some close calls in the past. He didn't like close calls.
These were the two human beings who accepted who he was. He couldn't lose the people who he loved the most.
Thirty painstaking minutes later, the bell sounded. Everyone rushed to the door, except for the trio. They stayed at the back of the crowd, not really rushing to get anywhere.
As they walked back to their lockers, Sam spoke. "How are you, Danny? Did you do okay with getting yourself patched up?"
Danny put a hand on his side as they walked. "Yeah, I did actually. And it sucked." Tucker chimed in. "How was it watching yourself in action? Anything you imagined you'd look like?"
This made Danny chuckle. He began to turn the lock on his locker. "You know, I still cannot get my head around what plan Vlad might be making. He said those things to me on purpose. He likes pushing my buttons, but I think that this has more to it than just that."
His friends nodded in agreement as they grabbed their books. "Well, I guess that he'll know not to say them again. After all, you gave him a fright of his life, or what's left of it at least." Sam said with a slight smile. Danny was just about to reply when an annoying voice boomed in the hallway.
After all, what is a school day without Dash Baxter terrorizing him?
"Hey, Fenturd!" Dash walked up behind him.
With all his self-control, Danny didn't lurch out on him. "Yes, Dash?" The blandness of his voice sent Dash off.
Dash wanted Danny's voice full of fear, not annoyance. He shoved him against the locker with one big push, which earned a grunt from Danny. Dash walked away as he said, "You should learn a couple of things from Phantom, or he could just do my job and beat you up for me!"
Not too many people watched, for this was sort of a scheduled thing. There were a few stragglers trying to get to class, but besides that the hallways were empty. Sam and Tucker's looks turned from hatred to worry as they switched from Dash to Danny.
Danny was now getting up, very slowly. His right hand held his chest while the other clenched. Sam rushed over to help him up. She put an arm around his hip so he could balance, but heard him intake a sharp breath, so instead, she loosened her grip. "Sorry, Danny." She quickly apologized. He told her that she didn't have to help, that he was fine.
Tucker, who wasn't entirely convinced, made a plan.
"Buddy, I don't think so. Something's not right. Let's go find a janitors closet." Sam let go of Danny as they three went down the hallway to the nearest closet.
"It's so hard not to do something." Sam sighed at Danny's statement. "I know, but you've been doing a great job of not lashing out. If I was you, my secret would've been blown a long, long time ago."
The wooden door creaked as it opened. They all ushered in. Tucker found the light, which was very dim, and began to cough. "Could they at least dust in here?" Sam rolled her eyes. Danny's blue eyes met hers.
"Alright, let's see what you've been dealing with here." Danny nodded and took his shirt off, laying it on a shelf. They could see the wrap that he had wrapped around his torso and chest.
As he took it off, he began to explain. "I was going to put more stuff on them but didn't have any spare time." As the wrap recoiled, they cringed. It was just like what they saw at the fight. But something was strange. They hadn't healed at all.
Tucker examined them. "Man, that does look painful. How come you aren't healing yet?" Danny rolled his eyes.
"The slice in my side is already healing. See? But the other one isn't because it was from Vlad. Remember? The one who has had twenty years to strengthen his powers-" Tucker stopped him there. "I know, Danny. No need to fill me in and get sassy."
Danny looked at the burn once again before wrapping it back up. He was pissed that Dash thought that he could do whatever he pleased. It made his wounds hurt much worse. Danny also was mad at Vlad for putting him through a two-hour fight. It was completely unnecessary for him to do that.
Sam could read his facial expression. He had his eyes narrowed and his fists clenched at his sides. He wanted to explode, just let everything out. His friends looked at him worried as he put his shirt back on. "Danny, are you okay?"
The halfa closed his eyes briefly. All of the thoughts and emotions, all of the rage that harbored inside Danny, it only made him see his ultimate enemy. Himself. He knew that it wasn't good for him, but all he felt was hatred. "Danny-" Their friend's fist slammed down on the metal shelf. It made them jump.
All of the late-night ghosts fights, bullying, family issues, grades, and basically having the lives of Amity Park in his hands was overwhelming. Everything was just catching up to him. His two friends just stood there, not quite sure as to what they should do. They had never seen Danny like this. "I can't keep on doing this. This whole thing, it just pisses me off-" His voice started to crack.
Sam glanced at Tucker. Was he having a breakdown?
Danny bowed his head and closed his eyes. "I'm used to having to save everyone's lives, but most of them treat me as if I'm a speck of dirt. I just, I want a tiny break from all of this. I haven't had a full nights rest since I got these powers. It's weighing me down emotionally and physically."
This worried both Sam and Tuck. They knew that this had been hard for him, but didn't really know how he felt. Sam put a hand on his shoulder.
"Listen, Danny, you've been so strong and selfless. I know that you can keep it up. We all need you." Danny's blue eyes met Sam's. She couldn't stand the idea of him thinking this way.
"And so many people love you for who you are, not just Danny Phantom, but for Danny Fenton." This brought a small smile to her friend's lips.
"Now who's ready to head out of here? It smells like something died in the mop bucket." Sam and Danny nodded in agreement. Danny, who was processing everything in his head still, spoke.
"Yeah, let's go guys."
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