Chapter 18
WARNING: Homophobia, homophobic slur (I'm very sorry)
"Jan, just tell me what's going on."
"I can't, Rem." Janus muttered.
"Because if I did, you would put yourself in danger."
"No, I wouldn't. I'm a mostly responsible person." Janus looked at Remus, clearly doubting it. Remus sighed. "Come on, Jan, please?"
"No!" Janus sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "If I told you what happens to me at home, you'd storm straight over there and get yourself put in a hospital. Or worse, a grave. And I really, really don't want that to happen. So, please, just leave the matter alone."
Remus sighed but said nothing. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down, listening to the fountain playing. It was normal for him to get angry and small things like not being told something but it was also normal for him to lash out when he got angry. He didn't want that to happen with Janus.
"Oh shit." Remus opened his eyes.
"What is it?"
"I need to be back home. Like, right now. Um, where does the path lead out?"
"It leads out into town. Opposite the... bookshop, I think?"
"Right, um, look, I'm sorry. I really need to run."
"It's fine, Jan. Don't mind." Remus did mind and if Janus could tell, he didn't say anything. He just smiled at Remus quickly and ran off down the path. Remus sighed. "Pushing Jan for information was a shitty thing to do, Remus." He muttered.
Janus closed the front door as quietly as he could.
"You're late."
"Dammit." Janus thought.
"Where were you?"
Janus turned around to face his dad. "I was just in the park. Reading."
"No one spends that long reading, Janus." Peter's eyes narrowed. "Were you hanging out with that boy again? What was his name? That... that... Remus?"
Janus' heart nearly stopped. "N-No." He said. "No, I wasn't. I just lost track of time, believe me dad."
"He's a bad influence on you, Janus. He's not normal like you or I are." Janus guessed he was talking about Remus being gay.
"But how does he know that?" He thought.
"I've already told you once I don't want you speaking to him. I don't want my boy fraternising with some pansy." Janus curled his hands into fists behind his back.
"Don't speak about Rem like that!" He wanted to scream. Wanted to, but he knew he never could.
"Do you understand, Janus?" Peter asked sharply. "This is your last chance. Understand?"
Janus swallowed. "Yes dad." He muttered before trying not to run all the way upstairs.
When Janus got to his room, he closed his door, locked it and started pacing around in a circle. He wanted to yell, to scream, to slam his door. He just wanted to be a normal teenager. What his dad was saying and doing wasn't right. Janus thought about punching or kicking something soft, so he would get hurt, but it wouldn't help.
"What is wrong with you, dad?" He hissed at a blank wall. "So you can see when my boyfriend is gay but you can't see when your own son, a boy you've known for 16 years, is closeted and gay?" He flipped the wall off and sighed. He knew swearing and hissing insults at a wall wasn't going to help. Nothing was.
Angst. Here. Have it. Also, if you want something more fluffy, please check out my song-fic book and, possibly, maybe, please, give me some requests. Please?
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