A Break
Chapter 18! We made it guys! Aren't- aren't you so excited? :D
Those of you who read the comments on the last two chapters know what I'm talking about.
Please listen to the song Sweden by Seycara Orchestral and as always,
Enjoy (or at least try to :)
Bdubs's Perspective
Summer had started.
My family had planned a trip to Maryland to visit family.
Me and Etho were going to hang out a couple of days before I left, which I was very excited for.
When I answered the door and let him in...he looked really upset.
"Hey Etho!" I said, smiling nervously, "You alright?"
Etho looked at me with a pained look.
"Can we...talk in private?"
I felt my heart shatter, but I nodded.
"Yeah...yeah, gimme a sec." I said before telling my father we were going to step outside.
I shut the door behind me and followed Etho outside.
He looked up at the nearby tree and smiled faintly.
"Hey, everything alright?" I asked, reaching for his hand.
Etho moved it and wrapped his hands around his arms, "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine."
"Well, that's clearly not true." I said, trying to have a joking smile.
Etho nodded sadly and my face fell.
"Come on, Etho, what's- "
"What's going on with you and Doc?" Etho asked, interrupting me.
I blinked, "Er- sorry?"
Etho turned to me, and I saw his glare.
"You and Doc. I've seen you two together." Etho said, "What are you doing with him behind my back?"
"Nothing! What makes you think- "
"I've seen you two." Etho said shakily, "I've seen you guys together, smiling and laughing. Seriously, what is going on?"
"Nothing!!!" I shouted, my heart cracking, "We're just friends!"
"Friends? How come everyone thinks that something's happening with you two, then?"
"Because people love drama!"
Etho sighed and I took a deep breath, tears forming in my eyes.
"You're...you're going away with your family, right?" Etho then asked.
"Uh- yeah." I said, sniffing and wiping my eyes with my jacket's sleeve.
Etho nodded and whispered something.
"Why?" I asked.
"Maybe...maybe we need to take a break." Etho said and my eyes widened.
"You're- you're breaking up with me?!" I stuttered.
"I- I'm not breaking up with you, we're just taking a break. Maybe this trip will be a good thing."
"But- me and Doc are not a thing."
Etho took a deep breath and smiled softly at me.
"I don't know what to believe anymore." He said quietly.
"Well, don't believe them!!"
Etho sighed as he walked up to me.
He put his hand on my cheek and I leaned into the touch.
"I just don't think we can go on." He whispered.
"But we can." I said shakily, putting my hand on his, "You don't have to do this."
Etho smiled softly, "I think it's the best option. And besides, it's just a little break."
"But...please don't do this."
"I'm not ending our relationship, it's just...the four weeks that you're going to be traveling will be a nice break while we're in the rocky path."
I looked up and down at Etho and then nodded.
Etho smiled and then lowered his hand.
"I'm gonna go, then. Have fun on your trip."
"Okay...see you." I said, biting my lip to try and hold back my tears.
Etho waved goodbye, put his hands in his pockets, and left.
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