Chapter 9
The next morning Patton awoke in a cold sweat. He breathed heavily and looked up at Roman, who at the time was still sleeping peacefully. He looked so calm. Calm like the fate of an entire team was not resting on his shoulders. He looked...happy almost.
Patton slowly shifted away from him and got out of the bed. He didn't want to wake him. He walked out of the room and down the hall towards the room with the round table. He sat in one of the chairs when a voice called out to him.
"So when are you coming?" Dee asked raising an eyebrow. Patton turned and looked at him.
"Why won't you just leave me alone?" Patton asked.
"Because you haven't come yet, love."
"I won't."
"As I said before, you have to. I have your daughter you have nothing."
Patton sighed. "I...I have my friends."
"Oh...They're your friends. If they were really your friends you wouldn't be afraid to tell them who you really are."
"I'm not afraid to..." Patton started then trailed off. He knew it wasn't true. He was terrified.
"See, you know you are," Dee replied smiling darkly. "If you won't take my word for it you can always take theirs."
"Who?" Patton asked nervously.
Dee nodded behind him and Patton whirled around to see Logan, Roman, and Virgil standing there staring at him and Dee's holographic image. Dee smirked at Patton on last time before saying, "Ta ta, love." And then winking. He then vanished before Patton could say anything else.
"Patton?" Roman asked. "What just happened?"
"Was that Dee?" Logan asked.
Patton nodded.
"He killed my brother! And you were just having a conversation with him?" Roman asked him almost yelling.
"I told you! Roman, I told you we couldn't trust him!" Logan shouted at Roman.
"HEY!" Virgil shouted. "Stop it!"
Roman and Logan both looked at Virgil surprised by his outburst.
"Why are you defending him, Virgil?" Roman asked.
"We talked remember?" Virgil told him. "He wasn't just having a conversation with him. Dee..." He started looking over at Patton. Patton bit his lip and nodded. "Dee has his daughter."
"Daughter?" Roman asked looking bewildered.
Patton nodded.
Logan's eyes widened. "Emily?" He asked.
"Yes. Emily is my daughter. He blew up my house and took her because I wouldn't work with him."
"But why you?" Roman asked looking over at Patton. "Did you ever even love me?" He said the pain in his voice evident.
Patton winced. "Roman of course I..." Patton hesitated before saying, "You should gather the whole team. We need to talk."
Roman nodded and walked away. Patton whispered something into Virgil's ear. Telling him that he would be right back and that he needed to grab the box from his room.
"I thought we decided that we weren't keeping secrets from each other anymore," Logan said, rubbing his temples and grabbing Virgil's hand.
"I know but it wasn't my secret to tell," Virgil replied. He looked down. "I'm sorry if I made you upset," Virgil told him remembering what had happened when he was Dee's prisoner a while ago.
"It's quite alright, Virgil," Logan said running a hand through Virgil's dark hair. He pulled him close. He knew what Virgil was thinking about and didn't want him to be upset. "It's just me, Logan remember? Not Dee. You're here at the base not there."
Virgil nodded burying his face in Logan's chest and wrapping his arms around Logan's waist. His breath came out in shakey bits.
"He can't hurt you here. Not anymore."
Soon enough Patton returned carrying a small box. He walked in with his head down and sat at the table.
"What's this all about?" Joan said as they walked in with Roman. The rest of the team came in after them.
"Patton needs to talk," Roman said tersely and through gritted teeth.
Patton looked up at Roman but didn't meet his eyes. Roman didn't even glance at him.
Once they had all sat down Patton got up and rubbed his eyes. He walked to the front of the room.
"What is this all about?" Joan asked again.
"We caught Patton talking with Dee," Roman stated blankly.
"Sorry, WHAT?" Iris yelled. "This is why I voted against him staying."
"We've already been over this. Oh, yeah and Virgil new before this and didn't say anything," Roman said.
"Virgil!" Joan yelled. "Not cool!"
Logan growled and stood. "It wasn't his secret to tell. It doesn't make it right but it's not his fault."
"It's his fault that he didn't tell us!" Iris exclaimed throwing her hands up.
They all continued to argue until finally. Emile slammed his hand on the table. "HEY!" he shouted. "Let Patton explain and then argue okay?"
They all quieted and looked at Patton who was staring intently inside the box.
He sighed and closed the box. "Where do I start?"
"Just tell them what you told me," Virgil said to him nodding.
Patton smiled at him but stopped when Logan shot him a look. He breathed out and started speaking. "Dee and I...We aren't like you."
"What do you mean?"
"We are a different species? A different race? I guess you could say both. I really don't know. Anyway, he and I are the only two left of the Aritton."
"What's Aritton?" Emile asked. He clearly didn't know his cousin's origins.
"Aritton is the name of our...species. We started dying off for unknown causes years ago. Dee and I are the only two left. He thinks that he and I together we could, 'rule his kingdom forever.' I disagreed, so he took...more drastic measures." Patton explained. He kept glancing from the box in his hand to Roman and then back to the box. "Each Aritton is given a bracelet at birth," he said opening the box. He pulled out the small bracelet that glowed blue when he touched it. He put it on and his eyes immediately started glowing.
The others were startled. Alex and Joan almost fell out of their seats. Seeing their fear Patton said, "It's okay!" His eyes returned back to semi-normal, a small blue gleam still in his eyes.
"What does that do?" Iris asked pointing to his bracelet.
"This is the source of my...abilities," Patton replied. Just tell them! Patton thought. He rubbed his eyes. "Does anyone have a pen or a pencil?"
"Sure, here," Logan said pulling a pen out of his pocket. Then looking around he said, "Am I the only one?"
They all nodded and Joan said, "Nerd."
Logan stood saying, "I like to be prepared, okay?"
Virgil smiled and tugged at his shirt so he sat down. Virgil wrapped his arms tight around Logan and so that only Logan could hear, he said, "Cute nerd."
Logan was about to toss the pen to Patton when he said, "Wait, Logan. You can just leave it on the table."
Logan raised an eyebrow. He was skeptical but said nothing and set the pen on the table.
Patton breathed out and raised his hand. His eyes shined blue and the pen shot towards him. He caught it in his outstretched hand.
Gasps and cries of surprise erupted from the people at the table.
Patton then lifted the pen into the air and broke it.
"How?" Logan asked.
Patton shrugged. "You'd have to ask my sister," he said smiling. Then as if remembering he looked down. "Well, you could if she as still alive."
Patton looked down for a little bit. Then he looked back up. "I can also alter emotions and feelings and wipe minds."
"If you could erase minds why didn't you do it to us when we caught you with Dee?" Roman questioned standing.
"I-I guess I wanted to tell you..." Patton replied.
Patton rubbed at his scar. He then pulled up his sleeve to show them. "All Aritton have this. It signifies who we are. We all have them."
He pulled his sleeve back down. Emile stood and walked over to Patton. He hugged him and smiled.
"There's one more thing I should mention..." Patton said to them.
"And that is?" Logan replied.
"Dee has my daughter," Patton started.
"We know that already!" Roman shouted.
"I know. He has my daughter and the only way to get her back is..." Patton couldn't say it.
"Is what?" Alex asked, looking sad for him.
"Is to go to him and...and help him...destroy you," Patton breathed out shakily.
Roman threw his hands up in disgust and anger. "Is that all?" He stood and walked over to Patton. He shoved him against the wall. Patton cried out in pain as his head cracked against the wall.
"Ro!" Patton shouted sucking in his breath.
"Roman! Stop!" Virgil shouted running towards him. He pulled on Roman's shoulder. "Leave him alone!" Roman pushed Virgil back and he fell. Virgil's head hit the floor hard and he screamed. Now Logan stood.
He rushed over to Virgil. He knelt beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Virgil? Are you okay?"
Virgil nodded and shrank closer to Logan. Logan pulled him tight, stroking his hair and clenching and unclenching his other fist. Virgil grabbed that hand and said, "I'm okay. It's fine. Calm down."
Logan smiled down at him, placing a small kiss on his forehead.
"Roman..." Emile said walking over to where he was still standing with Patton pressed against the wall. "Let him go."
"No! He's going to sell us out! We can't just let him go!" Roman shouted turning his head towards Emile.
"I'm not! I didn't! I wouldn't!" Patton exclaimed. Roman's head snapped back towards him. Patton looked up pleadingly at him.
"How can I believe you? How can I ever believe you ever again?" Roman asked staring into Patton's eyes.
"I haven't left yet have I? He still has my daughter," Patton said smiling and looking down. Then he looked up at Roman and spoke softer, "I still love you."
In that moment all the hatered, disgust, and anger left Roman's eyes and a softness replaced them. He let go of Patton and covered his mouth. "I'm so sorry." He walked over to where Virgil and Logan were still sitting on the floor together. "I-I don't know what-"
He was cut off be someone laughing. "No I should be sorry," Patton said between chuckles.
That is when Logan realized it. "You did that to him. Didn't you?"
Patton nodded and Roman dropped his hands from his mouth. He pushed a hand through his hair then walked back over to Patton. He threw his arms around Patton and pulled him close into a hug.
"So we are just going to help him?" Joan asked. "I mean why would you trust him, he lied to us."
"Maybe, but we have all lost something because of Dee. Patton included," Roman said letting go of Patton and walking back to the table.
"Next mission. Get the spy, Emily, and as many fricking prisoners as we can out of Dee's castle."
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