Chapter 8
The girl, Emily, was taken back to her cell. Dee sighed as he walked over to the throne. He sat and rubbed at his scar. The thing was throbbing. He honestly didn't want to have kidnapped Patton's daughter this but it was the only way to ensure his reign would go on.
"Sir?" one of the guards asked wearily.
"What is it?" Dee replied.
"The girl...she," the guard said slowly.
"What happened?" Dee said standing.
"She is fighting back."
Dee rubbed his temples. "I'll handle it."
Using his abilities he morphed so that he looked like Patton. Maybe he could calm her down. If not he had a backup plan. He walked down the hall and towards the cell that she was kept.
"Emily?" he exclaimed in Patton's voice.
The small girl looked up at him. "Papa?"
"Yes," Dee replied. "It's me."
Emily looked at him suspiciously. "Papa, what are we going to get at the bakery?"
Dee was confused at the question. "What do you mean?"
"Remember? The bakery?" Emily replied not letting up.
"Oh, yes," Dee said clapping his hands together. He was still very confused but decided to play along. "The bakery."
"Yeah, what are we getting there?"
Dee didn't know how this was going to play out. He took a shot in the dark. "Pumpkin pie?"
Emily's eyes widened as she screamed, "You are NOT my Papa!"
Dee realized he said the wrong thing. There was no use now. He morphed back into himself. Emily screamed and squeezed her eyes shut. Dee quickly kneeled down and put a hand over her mouth.
"Listen, love," Dee started. "You need to be quiet." Emily continued screaming into his gloved hand. "I am going to let go. Stop screaming." Emily nodded. Dee let go of her.
"WHERE IS PAPA?" Emily screamed. She started sobbing and screaming again. Dee sighed, rubbed his temples and covered her mouth again.
Now Emily didn't care she continued to sob and sob. Dee used his other arm and wrapped it around the sobbing girl. She cried out in pain as his fingers closed around the wound on her arm from where the guard cut her. Eventually, she stopped crying and fell asleep. Dee let go of her and she slumped to the floor. He stood and a voice called from behind him.
"I didn't know you were good with children."
Dee turned to see Remy standing behind him. He smiled at him and walked over to him. He pulled it into a hug. They stood there for a while hugging each other. Dee kept running his hands through Remy's hair. Remy buried his face in Dee's shoulder, grabbing his hand.
"I love you, Dee."
"I love you too, Rem."
"We have been informed that there is a rebel spy within Dee's castle," Roman stated during the next meeting. The team was gathered around the table. It had been several days since Dee had visited Patton. Patton still hadn't told anyone about Dee, his scar, his abilities or even Emily. He was no closer to getting her back either.
"We are unaware who it is or where they currently reside," Logan finished.
"What are we going to do?" Alex asked.
"Well, Virgil is going to keep scouting out when on supply runs and the rest of us are going to come up with a plan to get into the castle to get the spy out and free more prisoners," Roman replied. As he said this Patton's heart leaped. He was excited to hear that they were trying to get into the castle. Maybe he could get Emily out without them even knowing about Dee or anything else. He wanted to tell them, really he did, but he was too scared. He looked at Virgil. Virgil wasn't looking at him but soon his eyes found their way towards him. He smiled a reassuring smile and looked back towards Logan.
That night Roman was walking down the hallways checking in on everything before he went to bed. It was late and the others were all asleep. He rubbed his eyes as he walked back towards his room.
What was that? Roman thought. It sounded like it was coming from...Patton's room? He walked over and put his ear to the door.
"I won't do it! Let them go!"
"Patton? What's going on?" Roman asked. No answer. "I am coming in."
Roman opened the door and walked into Patton's room. Patton was lying in the bed gripping the sheets tightly.
Roman ran over and shook his shoulder. He didn't wake.
"Patton," Roman said calmly. He gently stroked Patton's auburn curls. "It is okay. It is just a dream."
Roman put one of his hands down next to Patton's and used the other to stroke his hair. Suddenly Patton reached out and grabbed Roman's hand. He squeezed it tightly like his life depended on it. "Hey, it's okay Patton."
Patton squeezed tighter and tighter.
"Hey let go," Roman said. Patton was starting to hurt him. He shook his shoulder again. "Patton wake up!"
Patton's eyes suddenly opened and he shot up into a sitting position. "NO!" He yelled.
He breathed heavily and looked over at Roman. "What are you..." he started then he looked at their joined hands. He quickly pulled away.
Roman lifted his chin. "You okay?"
"Yeah, just a nightmare."
Roman smiled. Patton looked down again and some of his hair fell into his eyes. Roman moved it away and said, "Patton? You sure-"
Before he knew what he was doing Patton was cutting Roman off by pulling him towards him and kissing him. Patton quickly pulled away and his eyes widened.
"I-I am so s-sorry Ro," Patton said. "I-I just-"
"Hey," Roman said. Smiling at Patton and lifting his chin. "Don't be."
Roman pulled Patton towards him. Roman kissed him running his hand through Patton's hair. Patton kissed back and leaned into him. When they broke apart Patton smiled softly at Roman.
They sat for a little bit. Roman stood and said, "Try to get some sleep okay?"
Patton nodded. Roman started to walk away but Patton grabbed his hand.
"Don't go...please stay," Patton said to him quietly.
Roman hesitated for a minute then said, "Of course."
Patton scooted over so that Roman could climb into the bed.
They lay there for a while. Patton looked over at Roman and squeezed his eyes shut.
"Patton what's-" Roman started but was cut off by Patton pressing close to him and burying his face in Roman's chest. Roman smiled and rubbed Patton's back. Soon the both drifted to sleep.
Roman awoke to shaking, heavy breathing, and something clutching at his chest. He opened his eyes and looked down at a still sleeping Patton. He was having another nightmare. What is he dreaming about? Roman wondered. He frowned as a tear rolled down Patton's cheek.
He spoke soothing words and ran a hand through Patton's hair. He took Patton's hand with his own and Patton stopped shaking. He tensed for what seemed like an eternity before breathing out and peacefully sleeping again. He still held Roman's hand. Roman smiled at him. I wish he would tell me. But even if he wouldn't Roman made a decision that night.
He wrapped an arm around Patton and vowed that nothing bad would ever happen to him.
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