Chapter 6
"I have some bad news..." Remy said as he walked into the room where Dee was sitting.
Dee rubbed his eyes. "What is it?" Then looking up at Remy and realizing who it was he said, "Oh Rem, it's you."
"What's wrong?" Remy asked.
"Nothing," Dee said. Then he quickly changed the subject. "You said you had bad news."
"Yeah, uh..." Remy started not sure how to say it. "It's Patton."
Dee stood. "What about Patton? What happened?"
"Nothing," Remy said, "He just walked off with the leader of the rebel alliance's sons."
Dee rubbed his eyes. "So he is most likely there."
"We are afraid so." Remy walked over and planted a small kiss on Dee's cheek. Dee smiled and pulled Remy close in a tight embrace.
"You know what, love?" Dee asked Remy. Remy looked up at him but didn't say anything. "I think that I am just going to have to contact him then."
"How are you going to do that?" Remy asked raising an eyebrow and kissing Dee again.
Dee let go of Remy and pulled up his sleeve so that he and Remy could see his scar. "I have my ways."
Patton lie awake thinking about the conversation. The words huge liability played over and over in his brain. He sat up in the bed and rubbed his eyes. "What am I going to do?" Patton asked himself.
"You could start by telling me why you are in the rebel alliance base?" a slow voice said. Patton looked up to see Dee standing there in front of him. I knew this was going to happen. Patton scrambled out of bed.
"Wh-What are you doing here? What do you want?" Patton asked the holographic person in front of him.
"Well," Dee said. "I just wanted you to know that I have your daughter," Dee paused then added, "love."
"I know," Patton said. "Give her back."
"Oh, come now Patton, where is the fun in that. If I just give her to you then what will I get in return, hmm?"
"There is nothing fun about this!" Patton exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air.
"Then I will make you a deal. You come to me and I will let your daughter go."
"What's the catch?" Patton asked he was very suspicious.
"No catch," Dee said smiling. "Just come to me. I would have you tell me the location of the rebel base but what good would the location do without someone to help you fight?"
Patton raked his hands through his hair. This was horrible. He couldn't just leave and go to Dee. He couldn't betray the people that trust him to go and fight them. Patton shook his head. "No! I won't! I-I can't!"
"Oh but you must Patton," Dee said almost laughing. "Do it for Emily. Remember I have her. You have nothing."
"Don't say her name!" Patton shouted then covered his mouth. He didn't want anyone to hear him.
Now Dee laughed. "What's the matter? Don't want your new "friends" to hear?"
Patton was shaking. He kept raking his hands through his hair.
"Listen, Patton," Dee said. "I know you're angry-"
"How? How do you know? How do you know anything about me?"
"Calm down," Dee said. "Oh love, your eyes, they are glowing bright blue. They do that when you are angry."
Patton slowly breathed and once again raked a hand through his hair. "Fine!" Patton finally gave in. "I'll come b-but not today, not now."
"Very well," Dee said waving his hand dismissively. "Oh and one more thing." As Dee was saying this two guards walked into the room where he was standing. They were holding a small girl. Emily!
"Don't hurt her. Don't even touch her!" Patton said sobbing.
"Oh don't worry I wouldn't hurt her, but my friends aren't as kind as I am," Dee said and with that one of the guards pulled out a dagger, tracing it down the side of Emily's arm but not drawing blood.
"Tick tock Patton," Dee said waving his finger in the air.
"Papa!" Emily screamed as the guard finally pressed down on the blade making a small cut in Emily's arm. "Papa!"
"Emily! It is okay Kiddo. I-I'll save you." Patton kept repeating the words I will save you. Even after Dee laughed and then left him alone. He kept repeating this but he wasn't sure if he was trying to convince Emily or himself.
Patton lay back down in his bed and sobbed until he fell asleep. This is not the end.
Patton didn't dream except when he thought about Emily or what he was going to do. He couldn't ever tell the others. Never.
But little did Patton know Logan had heard parts of his conversation and was still standing outside the door.
The next morning Patton was the first one awake. He walked down the hall, turned, and walked over to the table. He sat there not exactly sure what to do. He just put his head in his hands and sighed. He sat like that until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He flinched and almost fell out of his seat. He looked up to see Roman standing next to him.
"Sorry!" he exclaimed. "Didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay..." Patton said. He looked back down at his hands, at his scar. Roman sat in the chair next to him. He grabbed Patton's hand and Patton looked up at him.
"I'm sorry about your house..." Roman started but Patton put up a hand and he stopped.
"It's okay I just-" Patton started but he got cut off as well.
"Salutations Roman," Logan said as he entered. He then looked to Patton and said, "Patton was it?"
Patton just nodded looking at his hands again. He knew that his presence there was not something that Logan had wanted. Logan nodded and sat down next to Roman, who at the time was still holding Patton's hand. Roman let go and blushed a little bit.
After a little bit, Virgil walked into the room. He looked very tired. He walked over to the place where Logan was sitting and sat next to him. He wrapped his arms around his waist and dug his face into his shoulder. Logan wrapped one of his arms around Virgil's back and ran his hand through Virgil's hair.
"Oh, yes uh Patton?" Logan said looking in his direction.
Patton looked up at him and said, "Yes?"
"I have one question for you?" Logan said still running his hand through Virgil's hair. It seemed to be therapeutic for Virgil because Logan knew that Virgil had a nightmare last night and that he was still a little bit scared.
"And that would be?" Roman said a little defensively.
"Who is Emily?" Logan replied raising an eyebrow.
Patton's eyes widened. How did he know? Did he hear last night? "How do you know about her? She is none of your business!" Patton shouted as he stood up. Then he calmed down enough to look Logan in the eyes. "She's no one," Patton said.
"I heard you talking with someone last night." Logan raised an eyebrow as he spoke.
"She is no one!" Patton practically yelled at him. He then pulled up his sleeve just enough so that he could rub at his scar. Then he quickly pulled it back down so that no one else saw.
"Logan come on," Roman said standing. "Cut it out leave him alone."
"Why are you defending him?" Logan said also standing letting go of Virgil who looked up nervously. "We have known him for less than 24 hours!"
Roman and Logan continued to argue while Patton finally was able to calm down enough to leave. He walked past Logan and Roman without them even noticing. He completely forgot about Virgil.
Patton ran back down the hall towards his room and opened the door. He closed it quietly and sat on the floor. He placed his head on his hands and cried softly.
He heard soft laughter coming from a voice on his right. "Tick tock Patton." Patton lifted his head to see Dee's figure in front of him. "Tick tock..."
"What do you want?" Patton said wearily. He wiped the tears from his face. He didn't want Dee to see him like this.
"Oh, I already told you, love," Dee said. "I want you."
"I'm not yours to want!" Patton exclaimed.
"You know what I meant," Dee replied rolling his eyes. Just then the door burst open to reveal Virgil standing there. His eyes widened when he saw Dee's holographic image.
"Oh hello, Virgil..." Dee said smiling. "Long time no see."
"Get out of here!" Virgil shouted at him. With that Dee vanished. Virgil walked over and sat next to Patton.
"Talk to me," Virgil said.
Patton nodded.
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