Chapter 20
The prisoners kept pleading for Roman to take them. Roman ignored them all. He had to. They had to get to Patton. Logan, Virgil, and Roman were inside the castle trying to find Patton. The others were outside searching for Emile.
At the same time, Patton sat in his cell. He looked over at Remus who wasn't looking at him...but was looking at something or someone else. Patton looked over at where Remus was looking. He didn't see anything at first but then he saw three familiar figures walking towards them.
"Guys..." Patton said in a hoarse voice.
"Sorry. We have to find our friend. We'll come back for you later," Roman said waving a dismissive hand. Patton looked at Remus wide-eyed. Remus looked back. He saw them too.
"But..." Patton started.
"I said we don't have time," Roman said harshly.
Remus shook his head. The group walked farther away.
Patton began to stutter quietly, "L-Logan...V-V-Virge." Then louder, "R-RO! R-Roman...Ro."
The group stopped. They turned and ran to Patton.
Logan used his hands to cover his mouth.
"Patton...what did they do to you?" Virgil said crouching next to Patton, who was lying on the floor of his cell.
Roman just stared at him. He shook his head. "I'll kill him," Roman said softly. Then louder he said, "I swear I'll kill him."
"Ro?" Patton asked. Roman looked down at him tears filling his eyes.
"Get him out," Roman said. Logan unlocked the door using a lock pick that he made when they had done a prison break before.
Patton tried to stand but he fell. He sucked in his breath. "Ow."
"We don't have much time," Logan said.
Roman helped Patton stand. He wrapped his arm around Patton's back and legs and picked him up.
"Roman..." Patton said. "We have to get Remus..."
"What? How do you know about..." Roman started.
"Hey, brother..." Remus said standing in his cell.
Roman almost dropped Patton. "R-Remus? You... you died. How is this possible?"
"I didn't die, Roman," Remus said shaking his head. "They brought me here. Beat me up pretty good, but I didn't die."
Roman didn't know what to say. He had been gone for 4 years...Roman thought he was dead for 4 years.
"Get him out..." Roman said nodded at Logan.
Logan used the lock pick to get Remus out. He stepped out of his cell and smiled at Patton.
"Thank you..." Remus and Roman said to Patton at the same time.
"Come on guys we have to get out of here!" Virgil shouted. They started to run. Ignoring the screams of the other prisoners. Roman carried Patton the whole way.
They exited through the back way they had come in through.
"Where now?" Virgil asked. "We can't go back to the base..."
"Roman, the basement," Remus said.
"Yes!" Roman said. Before they had their base their operation was held in Roman and Remus's basement.
Logan and Virgil also knew this.
"What about the others?" Logan asked. As if on cue the others come running around the side of the castle, Emile in tow.
"Let's go!" Joan shouted and they all started running, Roman still carrying Patton. They make it into the forest.
"Ro..." Patton said weakly. "Put me down..."
"Patton...I can't, you can't walk," Roman replied.
"Please!" Patton said a little harsher than he meant to. Patton noticed this and said, "Ro...please."
Roman set Patton down near a rock and Patton leaned on it. He shakily stood and looked at his surroundings. He bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut.
"Patton, what's wrong?" Roman asked. He placed a hand on Patton's shoulder, the shoulder that the guard had cut. Patton winced and tensed. Roman quickly removed his hand and looked at where the cut was. "I'm sorry."
"Get out of my head!" Patton shouted scared. He squeezed his hands over his ears. "I'm not helping you. Just kill me!"
"Patton..." Virgil said. "It's us. It's your friends."
"How do I know this is really you guys? How do I know that Dee isn't tricking me again?" Patton asked.
"Ask us anything to prove that we are who we say we are," Alex said.
Patton removed his hands from his ears and opened his eyes. He looked around and his eyes settled on Logan.
"Logan..." Patton said. "If I told you that dogs could fly...what would you say?"
Logan looked baffled. "Well...first I would say 'Falsehood.' Then I would ask you 'What were you thinking?' Why would you ask that?"
Patton looked down. He smiled and looked back up. "It really is you guys."
"Hey!" a voice shouted. They all turned to see a guard running toward them. Roman drew his sword. He stepped closer. The guard put his hands up and backed away. Patton recognized him and tried to run in front of Roman's sword.
"Ro!" Patton shouted. He tried to use his ability to yank the sword from Roman's hand. It worked...but barely. They were far enough away from Dee that he could use them but Patton was very weak.
Yet the sword flew out of Roman's hands and stuck into the ground.
"Don't hurt him...please..." Patton said out of breath. "Please..."
"Patton? Who is this?" Roman asked pulling his sword from the ground.
"His name is Ethan..." Patton replied looking back at Ethan. "He's Dee's-" Patton started but Ethan cut him off.
"Guard!" Ethan shouted looking at Patton. He bit his lip and shook his head. "I'm the spy."
Patton nodded his head and said, "He tried to get me out...we got stopped...Remus can vouch for him!" Patton looked hopefully at Remus, who at the time, was glaring at Emile.
"Remus..." Patton said. Remus looked at him then Ethan.
"Ethan! You're here!" Remus shouted. He wasn't paying attention. "How did you get out? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine...thank you," Ethan replied.
Roman put his sword back in his sheath.
"HEY STOP!!" Another voice shouted.
"Any chance that is another one of your friends?" Virgil asked. As if in answer a dagger hit the tree next to Emile. They all stared at it and another came whizzing by nearly hitting Patton in the stomach.
"Let's get out of here!" Roman shouted. He looked at Patton, who nodded signaling he could walk. They ran deep into the forest. Roman and Remus at the lead. Twisting and turning until finally, they got to a small house. Thomas, Jak, and Emily were already inside. They had dropped them off before going to the castle.
They went inside and they made a small semi-circle around Patton. Patton breathed heavily but smiled at them.
"I'm can't believe it," Patton said biting his lip. "You guys...actually came for me."
"Patton..." Roman said softly. He took Patton's hands in his and hugged him tightly. "Of course we did."
When the parted Patton smiled.
"I really missed you gu-gah," Patton started but he cut himself off, clutching his side. He stumbled backward and bit his lip. He pressed his hand tightly against his side. When he pulled his hand back it was stained red with blood. Apparently, that near-miss with the dagger wasn't a miss after all.
He looked down at his hand then up at each one of the people in the group.
When his eyes settled on Roman a single tear rolled down his cheek as he softly said, "I'm sorry..."
And collapsed into Roman's arms.
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