Chapter 17
Roman sat at the table with his head in his hands. How could he have let this happen to the people he loved? How? This wasn't right.
"Roman?" a voice called and Roman looked up. Emile was sitting next to him a concerned expression on his face. "I think I have an idea."
Roman straightened. "Really?"
Emile nodded. He bit his lip. "We...we need to create a distraction. A distraction that is so big it draws Dee's attention away from the castle. We can get in and get the key. Grab Pat and the spy and get out of there. It could work."
"Right. That is a really good idea. Call Alex in here, I want you two to work on that, please," Roman said hope in his eyes.
"Of course," Emile said standing and walking out of the room. Roman sighed and placed his head in his hands again.
This was going to be a long day.
Dee walked down the hall and towards his room. When he got there Remy was waiting for him.
"What are you doing here, love?" Dee asked taking Remy's hand in his.
"I'm worried about you," Remy said hugging Dee close.
"Love, as I said before, I'm perfectly fine," Dee said smiling down at Remy.
"I don't believe you," Remy stated.
Dee sighed. There was no use in hiding it anymore.
"What's wrong, Dee?" Remy pleaded. "Please talk to me."
"Love, look at me," Dee said. Remy looked up at him.
"Rem, I...I'm dying," Dee said pushing back tears.
Remy already knew about the Aritton and everything that they had been through.
Remy squeezed his eyes shut. " can't be...please...tell me you're lying," He sputtered and Dee shook his head.
"I wish I could, love," Dee said kissing Remy softly on the forehead.
Remy had tears streaming down his face. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry," Dee said brushing away Remy's tears and pressing his lips to Remy's. Remy kissed him back. Still crying but softer now. When Dee pulled away he sighed. "I love you so much. You are my world, Rem."
"And you're mine," Remy replied looking down at Dee's hands. "Is that why your scar had been hurting so much?" He asked pulling Dee's glove off so he could look at the scar.
"Yes, love," Dee said tracing his finger over his scar.
"How much time do you have?" Remy asked.
"I don't know," Dee replied sadly. "I really don't know, love."
"Well, then, we will just have to make the best of it," Remy said pulling himself onto Dee's lap and kissing him on the cheek.
Dee smiled down at Remy. "Yes, yes we will."
"I think we have an idea!" Alex shouted as she ran into the room. Logan was sitting at the table and Virgil was sitting next to him. Roman was pacing behind them.
Roman looked up at her as Emile ran in behind her.
"We just need to create some sort of explosion near one side of the castle. Then we can sneak in on the other side of the castle," Emile said as he walked over to Alex.
Virgil stood. He looked at Roman. Logan nodded slowly. "That should work," he said standing as well.
"Good work," Roman said and walked out of the room.
Virgil sighed and rubbed his temples. "It is just me or does Roman" Virgil asked looking around.
Everyone nodded.
"It's because of Pat," Emile said softly. "I miss him."
"We'll get him back, Em," Alex said patting his shoulder.
"I hope so," Emile said. "Let's go talk with Joan and Talyn about the bomb, yes?"
"Yeah," Alex said then turning to Logan and Virgil she said, "See you guys later."
Emile and Alex walked out of the room.
"Virge?" a small voice asked from the doorway.
Virgil looked over to see Emily standing there.
Logan walked over to her and knelt beside her.
"What's wrong?" Logan asked. Emily backed away. Logan stood and motioned for Virgil to come over.
Emily ran over to him and he picked her up.
"Emily...what's going on?" Virgil asked. Logan walked over and rubbed her back softly.
"I-I miss Papa," she said choking out a sob.
"I know..." Virgil said. "I know."
"What went and talked to Roman?" Logan suggested thinking maybe she could console Roman and vise versa.
"He misses your Papa too, he really misses him," Virgil said catching on to Logan's idea. Emily looked up at them she wiped a tear from her eyes and smiled.
"I want to do that," Emily said. Virgil set her down and they walked to Roman's room.
Logan knocked on the door.
"What is it?" Roman asked tersely.
"You have a visitor," Virgil said tentatively.
Roman slowly opened the door and Virgil and Logan walked away. Emily stared up at Roman for a little bit then shoved her way into the room and hugged Roman around the legs. Roman was surprised. He tensed and Emily looked up at him. She let go and backed away.
"I'm sorry, don't hurt me."
Roman's gaze softened. "Emily...I'm not going to hurt you. I promise," He said kneeling next to her. She looked up nervously, bit her lip, ran over to Roman, and threw her arms around Roman's neck. She sobbed into his shoulder and he rubbed her back.
"It's okay...I miss your Papa too," Roman said picking Emily up and taking her into the meeting room. Roman sat down in a chair with her. She kept her face buried in his chest and she continued to sob.
After a little a while she looked up. Roman brushed the tears away from her face and she said,
"When I was there...I thought I was going to die." Emily rubbed her eyes. "I don't want Papa to die."
"I don't want your Papa to die either. But he did what he did so you could live," Roman replied. "I love your Papa. We will get him back."
Emily nodded. Everyone was telling her this but she didn't know if she could believe it. She was scared and sad. But Roman made her feel happy. Like if her Papa was with her.
"I love you, Roman," Emily said hugging Roman. Roman smiled.
"I love you too, Emily," Roman replied.
"Emily? Where are you?" Thomas called.
Emilly perked up and scrambled off Roman's lap. She ran towards the meeting room door and called, "I'm coming!"
Roman smiled at the thought of his kids and Patton's daughter playing a family. He frowned again as he thought of Patton.
Alone...scared. He lied to me...he lied. He did it to protect me though. But he lied and now he might die.
No! Roman thought standing so fast he knocked his chair over. Patton won't die. Not on my watch.
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