Chapter 16
Patton awoke to voices.
"Where is he?"
"Over here?"
"I found him!"
Patton looked up and saw...VIRGIL?
"Virgil? What are you doing here?" Patton asked softly.
"We came to rescue you," Virgil replied sticking a key into the door of the cell.
Roman and Logan walked over as well.
"No...You guys shouldn't be here," Patton said standing. Then he remembered Roman's brother. "Ro...your brother is here."
"We don't have time for that. We have to get back to the base," Roman said pulling Patton out of the cell a too little rough.
"'s fine. Take your time. We have all the time in the world," Virgil said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. This is weird. Patton thought.
"Lies. Virgil, we don't have all the time in the world," Logan said walking past Virgil. Shoving him out of the way.
Patton's eyes widened and he yanked his arm away from Roman. Not my friends. Not my friends.
"Wh-What did you just say, Logan?" Patton stuttered as he backed away from the people who were seemingly his friends.
"Virgil, we don't have all the time in the world?" Logan asked raising an eyebrow.
"B-Before that..." Patton started.
"Lies?" Logan said. Looking nervously at Roman.
"You aren't Logan...and you aren't Ro...and you aren't Virgil," Patton said backing away farther.
Logan...or whoever he was sighed and the waved his hand. The other two disappeared and "Logan" spoke. But it wasn't Logan's voice.
Dee. Patton thought.
"I honestly, truly didn't think you'd fall for that. It was worth a try," "Logan" said shrugging. He transformed back into Dee and Patton tried to run past him. But because of his weak state Dee grabbed him and pressed him against the wall.
"You will tell me where the base is," Dee said to him.
"Leave him alone!" a voice called from behind them. Dee turned. Roman's brother was standing in his cell at the bars. He looked wary but he stood his ground.
Dee let go of Patton and walked over to his cell.
"Remus, Remus, Remus. I thought we talked about this," Dee said using a key to open his cell. Remus backed away. He put his hands in front of his face.
Dee grabbed him by the throat. "Don't. Fight. Back."
Remus struggled against his grip. Patton just stood there, frozen.
"D-Dee, please, s-stop," Patton pleaded moving closer to them. He fell to his knees. "P-please...leave him a-alone. L-Let him be."
Dee dropped Remus and he fell to the ground, gasping for air.
Dee walked back over to Patton. Dee yanked Patton up by the shirt and tossed his back into his cell.
"You won't win, Dee," Remus said out of breath. He looked up into Dee's dark eyes.
Dee laughed a cold, dark laugh. "Oh, love, I already have."
With that, he walked out of the dungeon.
Remus looked at Patton. "I'm so sorry."
Patton shook his head, "You're fine. I'm sorry. This is all my fault. But, Roman will come for us. He will. And when he does, you and I are getting out."
"If you say so Pat," Remus said walking back to the corner of his cell and sitting with his head in his hands.
"We will get out!" Patton shouted punching the wall.
"Pat, stop," Remus said running towards the bars in his cell. He changed the subject. "So how do you know Roman?"
Patton blushed and looked down. "My daughter Emily and I were walking in the park and when we got home our house was rigged to explode. I had to grab something and told Emily to run. When I got back to her she wasn't there and Dee's guards took her. Roman's kids found me and brought me to the rebel base," Patton explained. "Roman and Logan got into an argument-"
"Typical," Remus said cutting him off. "Sorry, continue."
"They got into an argument about if I should stay. We asked for the rest of the team's opinion. I stayed. Soon they found out my connection to Dee."
"What connection?" Remus asked.
Patton explained the Aritton. He explained everything to Remus because he felt like he could trust him. He was Roman's brother after all.
"The night that I got to the base," Patton said getting back to Roman. "I had a nightmare about Dee killing Emily. Roman came into my room and I guess helped me through it." Patton rubbed the back of his neck. "I...I love Ro...I love him very much. I just hope he remembers who I am."
"Why wouldn't he? It sounds like you two were...friends. Roman doesn't just forget friends," Remus said.
"As I said before, I can erase minds. I erased his memory of me before I left so he wouldn't be upset and come after me blindly without a plan," Patton said sighing and sliding to the floor.
"That does sound like Roman," Remus said placing his head on the bars.
"I just hope that Virgil and Logan can get him to remember," Patton said looking at Remus.
"Me too..." Remus said looking at Patton. "Me too."
Patton looked back down at the cell floor. He was so angry with himself. How could he have been so careless? How could he have erased Roman's memory like that? "Someday, Roman will forgive me for all of this," Patton said quietly to himself. "I know he will."
"Patton?" Remus asked. "If we do get out? Do you think Roman will let me back in? I've been gone for 4 years."
"He misses you. Of course, he will," Patton said still not looking up at him. "So what's your story? How'd you end up in here?"
"When the alliance was first starting it was in Roman and my basement. He and I recruited a few friends, Logan and Iris, to join. One day Roman and I were out gathering supplies and...and we ran into a pack of guards. They were trying to kill this one man. I believe his name was Emile. Long story short, we tried to rescue him. Roman killed one of the guards and the others tried to take him away. I...I saved his life by telling them to take me instead. Roman pleaded me not to but I did it anyway. Roman and Emile got away and I was taken. Roman thinks I'm dead. I almost was. They almost killed me," Remus explained.
"What changed?" Patton said. "Why didn't they kill you?"
"There was this...this flash of light. I don't know how to explain it. This light flashed and then one of the guards was on the ground dead, his arm burned off. The others fled except for one. He tried to slit my throat. But the flash happened again and he was dead as well. I looked around to find the source and there was no one to be seen. They...they were gone," Remus explained raking his hands through his hair. "I wish I could meet that person. They saved my life."
Patton was just as confused as Remus looked.
"We...we will get to your brother," Patton said. "I know it."
A knock on Virgil's door startled him. He got up from where he was sitting and opened the door.
"Lo...what are you doing here?" Virgil asked as Logan pushed the door open.
"As you know, Roman has tasked everyone with creating a solution to our problem, getting the key," Logan explained closing the door. "I thought we...could think about it together. If you'd like," Logan said rubbing the back of his neck.
Virgil smiled. "Yeah, I would like that." He took Logan's hand and said, "But maybe later."
Logan's face bent in confusion. "What do you mean l-"
He was cut off by Virgil pulling him towards him. Pressing his lips to Logan's. Logan growled in surprise and pressed Virgil to the wall, his hand cupping Virgil's face. Virgil pulled away and buried his head in Logan's neck. Logan hugged Virgil close and slid to the floor so that they were both sitting with Virgil's head in Logan's lap.
"I...I'm sorry Lo," Virgil said covering his eyes with his hands.
Logan pulled Virgil's hands into his. "You don't have to be. I love you." Logan kissed Virgil's forehead.
"I love you too Lo," Virgil said sitting up and wrapping his arms around Logan's waist. He placed his head on Logan's shoulder.
"Vee..." Logan said. "Are you okay?" Logan asked knowing that this is what Virgil did when he was really upset.
Virgil didn't answer. For a while, they just sat there together. "I'm okay."
Logan smiled stroking Virgil's hair. Logan wished that he could stop time so they would stay together here in this moment forever. He knew he couldn't.
"Don't be afraid," Logan said to him. "I'm right here. I will always be right here for you."
Virgil nodded.
Their society was falling apart behind the walls of this room, but here, they were at peace. Sitting together they were happy.
And they wanted it to last forever.
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