Chapter 14
Remy and Dee were sitting together on Dee's throne when a guard walked in.
"Sir," the guard said, "he's here."
Dee smiled darkly and kissed Remy on the forehead. "Excellent."
"Should we bring him to you?"
"Yes, I think that would be appropriate," Dee said rolling his eyes. Dee got up and walked over to the guard, whispered in his ear, "Get the girl ready as well, yes?"
The guard nodded and walked off. Dee walked back over to Remy and sat next to him, pulling him onto his lap and kissing him. Remy smiled at him and tentatively ran a hand over Dee's scar. Dee smiled back and grabbed Remy's hand. Remy pulled his hand away and looked down, frowning. Dee lifted his chin and brushed the hair out of his eyes.
"What's wrong, love?" Dee asked him. There was sadness in Remy's eyes. He looped his fingers through Dee's.
"I'm just worried about you," He said looking into Dee's eyes.
"Oh," Dee said. He brought Remy's hand to his lips, kissing it softly. "You do not need to be worried about me. I am perfectly fine."
This was a lie. Dee was not fine.
No Aritton could be sure why they started dying off, but it was most likely disease. Aritton couldn't be sure they had said disease until they were dead, but there were a few telltale signs. Dee had them all. He knew he was dying, but he didn't know how long he had left.
A few weeks, a couple of months, a year or two. He wanted to spend every moment with Remy.
Soon four guards walked in, escorting a struggling Patton. Remy stood and Dee followed.
"Well, I didn't expect him to do it," Dee said. "I really didn't."
"Where's Emily?" Patton demanded, still struggling.
"We will get to that all in good time," Dee replied. He waved off to of the guards and they walked off. The other two stayed holding Patton.
"Let her go!" Patton shouted. "You promised!"
"Yes, yes," Dee said waving his hand dismissively.
"Papa!" a small voice yelled.
Patton turned his head to see Emily standing behind him. The two guards that had left came back with her.
"Emily!" Patton yelled.
Emily looked weaker than Patton had ever seen her. There were bruises all over her arms and she had a cut going up the side of one of her arms. There was a small cut on her forehead as well.bye)
Patton's head snapped back to Dee. "You hurt her!"
"She's alive isn't she?" Dee asked raising an eyebrow.
"Just let her go!" Patton screamed.
Dee nodded to the guards. They dragged her outside.
Patton hung his head. The guards came back inside and walked off.
Dee walked over to Patton and lifted his chin violently. Patton winced.
"Now are you going to tell me where the base is?"
Patton didn't answer.
"Pity..." Dee said. "Take him away."
The guards dragged Patton off. Tears ran silently down his cheeks. He knew he was doing the right thing.
The guards threw him into a cell and locked it. He sat there curled in a ball.
Roman began to pace. He paced in front of the table in the meeting room. Thinking of a way to get Patton out. Logan, Virgil, and the rest of the team were sitting at the table.
"Virgil, can you go out today?" Roman asked not looking up, he kept pacing.
"Yeah. I can if you want me to," Virgil replied.
Now Roman looked up. "Thank you."
Virgil smiled at him. "Of course." Logan slid his hand into Virgil's and looked down at him.
"Are you sure you want to, after what happened last time?" Logan asked. Virgil gave him a reassuring smile and nodded.
"I'll be fine, Lo. Promise."
Roman continued pacing for a while before Logan spoke. " need to relax a little bit. Stress will not do you any good once we formulate a plan to retrieve Patton and the spy."
Roman stopped pacing. He looked up at Logan. "You're right."
"I know," Logan said adjusting his glasses.
Roman walked out of the room.
"Where is he going?" Iris asked.
"Not entirely sure," Virgil replied.
Roman walked down the hall and towards the door. He walked towards the forest. He stood next to one of the trees and breathed out. He stared at the tree and punched it over and over again until his knuckles were split and bleeding.
He didn't stop. He didn't care. He kept going. Soon he collapsed by the tree and raked a bloody hand through his hair. How am I ever going to get him back?
Soon Virgil came outside. Logan was behind him.
"Are you okay, Roman?" Virgil asked him. roman showed them his hands and Logan helped him stand.
"We need to address your wounds," Logan said to him. Roman nodded and they walked inside.
Logan wrapped Roman's hands and told him, "When I said relax this is not what I meant."
"I know..." Roman replied. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Roman. You're upset I get it," Virgil replied. "We will get him back."
Roman nodded.
Logan sighed. "I think I have a plan..."
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