Chapter 10
Thomas walked down the hall with Jak. Jak was huddled close to Thomas and he had his sleeves pulled over his hands. Thomas knew he was upset.
"What's wrong, Jak?" Thomas asked. Jak didn't speak he just shook his head. "You wanna go see Dad?"
Jak nodded and hugged tighter towards Thomas. Thomas ran a hand through Jak's hair and they walked down the hall together.
When they got to Roman's door Thomas knocked and Roman opened the door. "Thomas you don't have to knock," Roman said once he saw them. Jak walked over to him and hugged around his leg. Roman picked him up and said, "What's wrong, Jak?" Jak didn't answer. Roman walked further into the room and sat on the floor. Roman held Jak close in his lap.
"Hey, buddy, talk to me," Roman said softly as he slowly rubbed Jak's back. Jak let out a sob.
"I m-miss Momma," Jak said between sobs.
"Oh, buddy, I miss your Momma too," Roman said hugging him close. "It's okay."
Jak shook his head furiously. Thomas walked over and rubbed Jak's shoulder. "I miss Mom too."
"You guys okay?" a voice from the door said. They all looked up to see Patton standing at the door. Roman quickly wiped the tears from his face. He stood with Jak still in his arms.
"Pat!" Jak yelled when he saw who it was. He scrambled out of Roman's arms and ran over to Patton. He buried his face in Patton's knee.
"Hey, Jak," Patton said. "Sorry was I interrupting?"
"No," Roman said, standing. "Not at all."
"Momma," Jak said into Patton's knee.
"Who?" Patton asked kneeling next to him.
"He said 'Momma.' She died a while ago," Roman said to Patton.
"Oh," Patton said. "I'm so sorry."
"Yeah," Roman said rubbing the back of his neck. "Jak really misses her."
"Momma," Jak said again looking up at Patton.
"I guess you remind him of her," Roman said. Then he looked down at Jak and said, "Why don't you let go of Patton, okay?"
In response, Jak just hugged tighter. Patton picked him up, stood, and walked over to Roman. Thomas followed. The four of them sat back on the floor together. Hugging and comforting each other. Jak soon fell asleep and Thomas soon followed.
Roman smiled down at his sons and then looked over at Patton. Patton looked over at him and smiled.
"Emily would love them," Patton said to Roman, his smile fading off his face. "I still can't believe Dee would just take her like that."
"Yeah, about that...I have one more question. How can you communicate with Dee like that?" Roman asked.
"Aritton can communicate with each other. Every Aritton has different abilities, but one we all share is the ability to contact any Aritton we please," Patton stated. Then seeing a hint of fear in Roman's eyes he said, "But we don't know the location of where the Aritton we contact is. He doesn't know where the base is, don't worry."
Roman smiled at him and said, "I'm not worried."
Roman stood holding Thomas and Patton stood holding Jak. They walked them over to their room and lay them down in bed. When they walked out Roman turned to Patton and smiled at him.
Patton smiled back but there was hurt in his eyes. "Roman I-" Patton started, but Roman cut him off by pressing his lips to Patton's. Patton smiled into the kiss and pulled Roman closer via his sash. Roman made a sound like a surprised growl and ran a hand through Patton's hair, pressing him against the wall.
Patton pulled away and looked down. "I'm sorry Ro."
"Why?" Roman asked lifting Patton's chin.
"I-I have to leave," Patton replied grabbing Roman's hand.
Roman's eyes widened. "No, you don't. Remember we are coming up with a plan."
Patton shook his head. " can't. I have to go. It is the only way to get Emily back and keep you safe."
"No, it's not. Patton, it's suicide," Roman decided. "You can't. We will find another way."
"Ro...listen to me-"
"No! You listen to me. You are too important to this team. Too important to me."
Patton looked down again. "Roman...he will kill you. He wouldn't kill me. I...I'm too important to his success. He won't kill me."
"Patton, please. We will find another way," Roman pleaded.
Roman pulled Patton close to him. Embracing him tightly. "Promise me. Promise me you won't go. Promise me you will wait until we have a plan."
Patton looked up at him. He bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut. When he opened them again tears rolled down his cheeks. Roman brushed them away.
"Okay," Patton said to him. "I won't go."
Roman smiled and kissed Patton on the forehead. "Thank you."
Patton nodded smiling at him. But deep down. He knew this was a lie. He wasn't waiting anymore. No.
He had decided.
He was leaving tonight.
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