I t's funny how people say your life can change in an instant. Funny and true. Reid panicked a lot in that three minutes. Somehow he got his head straight enough to focus for a few seconds to save his one and only daughter safe . And that brings them to the awkward time right now with a little girl ,sitting across from all of them, shaking in fear. Reid sat next to Morgan and his daughter and boy had it ever felt so awkward?
"Hey, Scout I know you're scared, but I need you to tell me what happened, alright?" Reid tried to coax his daughter into saying something, anything.
She nodded her head and walked out of the room Reid followed close behind. The team watched as the girl spoke as tears ran fluently down her bright red cheeks. Reid's eyes watered for a second before clearing up and hope returning to them. The little girl dug into her pocket and put something into the doctors hand. He paled once again. Reid called over Anderson immediately and told him to take her to get a drink and show her where the bathroom is.
Spencer walked back into the Bullpen and readied himself for the stampede of questions headed his way. "Let me explain." Reid sat down in his usual chair and looked from his hands to the team.
"When I was younger I had a stalker and by younger I mean 12-18. He had sent me death threats and pictures of my family and friends and of me. I was completely scared out of my wits. That is until they all just stopped. Everything stopped. All the death letters, that odd feeling you get when you're being watched, and more importantly the pictures stopped. I finally felt free. Two weeks after I ran into a friend of mine when I was younger, Dillon Cortez. She stood up for me when no one else would. We hung out more and started dating. Three years after I met up with her again I married her. Not even two months later we found out Dillon was pregnant. That was when he showed up again. The threats returned along with pictures and the feeling. But the worst part was Dillon was stalked too. After Chloe was born they stopped again. But when we found out she had cancer-" he didn't get to finish as Garcia interrupted.
"That little sweet angel has cancer? How? Why? How far?" Garcia asked tears welling into her eyes.
"Yes, she has cancer. She is fighting for her life at the moment . That's why I was so worried when she said she had to run here. Anyway, after she turned 6 it got worse we came home one day to find the baby sitter unconscious and Chloe was gone. A letter told me to look at the JOY park. I did. She was laying there in a tube she was knocked unconscious. She had a letter ,once again, it... it... said" Spencer was choking up he cleared his throat and with a deep voice continued. "The letter read exactly: I recently learned this child has cancer. That is... unfortunate. Though it will make toying with you, Spencer Reid, a lot more fun. I could have killed her you know? But I thought I'd leave you with the thought of me having your daughter's fate in my hands in your thought. I may just kidnap her again." Reid said barely loud enough for them to hear.
"I put them into extreme protective custody. They moved around every two weeks. It was rough. I haven't seen Dillon or Chloe in two years.-"
"Wait, you didn't talk to either of them until today for two years?" Morgan asked.
He nodded, "It just about killed me. I wasn't even aloud to say they existed. He sent letters a few times to them. It stopped a few months ago. That was why I was so excited today. They came home today. I could finally tell you of my family." Reid breathed deeply he would have to be strong for his little girl and tell the team what Chloe told me in the hall.
"She told me what happened." he whispered. "They were attacked last night. The man was the stalker more than likely. He held Dillon at gun point and then tied her to a chair. Next he went for Chloe. She struggled but she didn't have her pack on it was on this roller pole. He forced her into her moms room and she saw Dillon. Apparently she was bloody. So we can assume she's hurt. Chloe ran to Dillon and in the process got blood on herself. He grabbed her pack and jabbed a hole into it. He told her to run and find me, but she'd have to run fast or she'd run out of air. So that brings us up to now and now I'm scared and have no clue what to do. Please help me?" He begged at the team.
Before anyone could say another thing Chloe ran into the room with an ice cream sandwich. "Daddy look what Anderson gave me!" she said running to him and pouncing onto his lap.
"I see. Chloe say hi to Derek, Penelope, Aaron, Jenifer also known as JJ, David, and Emily." Reid said gesturing as he spoke.
"Aaron means enlighted, Derek means Ruler of many, Penelope means dream weaver or in other words the happy one, Emily means admiring, very beautiful or looks up to people, Jenifer means white wave or the light hearted one, and David means friend. You definitely are some team." she said not even realizing she talked about all that for an 8 year old.
"My gosh. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it? What grade are you in?" JJ asked.
"I'm homeschooled, but legally I'm in 9th grade with a photographic memory and a IQ of 157. Why?" She asked generally interested. She may have an IQ of 157 and a photographic memory, but unlike her father she could NOT read people.
"No reason sweet heart."
"Reid we're taking this cage whether you want us to or not. Wheels up in an hour. Where was she at?" Hotch asked orderly.
"Last time I knew Tennesse. How the heck did you get here, Chloe?" spencer asked.
"Daddy, please don't be mad, but I hacked into the airport got myself a pass and got here as fast as I could."
"OOOhhh I love her already!" Garcia sqealed.
Hello again my nights. I may right at dawn in the morrow or many moons later. This writing is dedicated to jgirl123water AKA jgirl123cool, Tilah8440 and jgirl123powers,
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