1. The handsome stranger
Grian POV.
The worst kind of love is the one that is destroyed.
So real, so true, and yet at some point it is forcefully ended. And I'm not even talking about the love between two partners.
I'm talking about siblings.
You take them for granted your entire life. You bother them, they bother you, but really? You would give your life to save theirs. Of course, in my case, I really just couldn't.
Hi. My name is Grian, and I hate Christmas. It used to my favorite holiday, but it seems that there is much more to be desired. I live in a dorm at my college Hermitcraft University (I'm majoring in architecture) and I work at Xisuma's Holiday Europium.
I know. It's very ironic.
Yeah, since it's just a "Holiday" store, they do things all year around, and I can't say that I love working during the Christmas season. I'm mainly a cashier for the store, but I can help people out when I need to. It's all just too much. The cheery music, the ridiculous love stories- so unrealistic.
In reality? It's lonely people, lost memories, and unrequited love. The only good part is the peppermint coffee's that they start putting out. And the cookies. Okay, just the Christmas food in general.
This Christmas season is bound to be horrible. Nothing good can come from it, I'm sure...
I roll my eyes from my spot where I am leaning backwards in my rollie chair. Blah blah blah, time to put on the happy face and start sprouting out words like "HAPPY HOLIDAYS MISTER!!"
I spin around and stand up quickly, fixing the santa hat that Xisuma, the store owner, forces us to wear. My blonde hair doesn't quite agree with the hat, and I pucker my lips at the fact that I can literally FEEL the frizz coming up off of it.
I walk over to the counter, and I can't help but admire the entire store. I may hate the holiday, but the decorations are the definition of commitment, I'll give them that. Anybody ever seen Home Alone 2? It's almost identical to that toy store. Absolutely huge, with crazy animatronics and different decorations coating the walls and such.
Oh gosh it's so noisy.
I look up and force on a smile to look up at the person standing at the counter, waiting for assistance or something. I find myself face-to-face with another boy who looks about my age, which is twenty. He has one of those grins that you see in a movie or something- oh gosh this man could be a model.
"Well hello there!" The man says, tilting his head a little bit, and I cringe at his cheeriness. "I was wondering if you possibly had any of these in green?" I look down from his stunningly beautiful green eyes (it's normal. People check people out all the time- THIS IS SO NORMAL) and I find that he is holding a small, red Christmas cat toy.
"Uhhh," I start, and I lean over to the computer, trying to find if we do in fact have any in green rather than red. "Hmm... we are currently out of stock, but I can order one for you and you can come back in two days?" I say, glancing back up, only to find him playing with his own brown hair by blowing on it constantly.
I start staring at him, perplexed by how somebody can be so oblivious to their surroundings, and almost feel like laughing a little bit. His eyes dart down to me from his place, staring straight upwards for no reason, and he lets out an awkward little laugh. "Oh- yes! That would be am-oui-zin'!" he answers, and I smile a little bit at his weird pronunciations.
"Okay then. To put it on hold, can I get your name?" I answer, trying my hardest not to laugh at his strange antics. This man HAS to be absolutely fueled on coffee, right? I glance back up at his face, noticing his silence, only to find him staring at me. "Uhm, yes?" I answer, a little bit confused by his silence.
"You go to HCU?" The man asks, and I turn around, quickly noticing that my bag was out, and it had the logo on it. I smile a little bit, surprised by his recognition.
I lean a little bit on my arm, my face resting in my hand. "Yeah, I do! Do you go there, or...?" I start, a little bit excited about the fact that I'm having a conversation with a dorky, attractive person.
He laughs, and I feel like melting. "Oh, well I used to! I'm twenty-two and graduated the last year!"
Within the correct dating age for me, I see
I smile. "Oh! That's neat! What did you major in? I'm doing architecture." I notice that his eyes light up at the moment I say the last word, and he starts LITERALLY bouncing up and down.
"OH! I did architecture too! That's so cool!" he says, and I'm not sure how to break it to him that thousands of people have majored in that before. Suddenly, I feel somebody staring at me, and I find Xisuma giving me the death glare, wanting me to start actually helping. Oops.
"Yep, cool! So- can I actually get your name now? I'm Grian, if that helps you out!" I say, subtly letting him know my name. He smiles, and I could swear that his teeth shine.
"Oh, yeah, whoops! My name is Scar."
And that's the moment when it occurs to me that he has a giant Scar on his face. How in the world am I so oblivious? I guess that I was distracted by his bright green eyes. Hmm... that scar is kind of hot. Wait what? Okay, calling somebody cute is fine, but hot is a little bit far.
Am I wrong though?
"Okay then!" I answer cheerfully, well aware of Xisuma's gaze. "I'll put that on hold for you- wait just a moment!" My focus turns to the computer again, and I can see Scar staring at me out of the corner of my eye.
To break the awkward silence, Scar clears his throat and says "Well, are you excited for Christmas?" I pause my typing for a moment and think about how I should answer this.
"Uhh, well, I actually don't really like the holiday too much."
That was a mistake.
Scar let's out a loud gasp, and I find myself looking back up at him in bewilderment. Please tell me that he isn't one of those people. Please no.
"Wait- you don't like Christmas?" He says, dropping the red cat toy that he had been absent mindedly playing with. "Is there any reason, or is it just that you don't like it?" Scar asks, tilting his head, his hair falling into his face.
I shrug a bit, not wanting to get into it right now with a stranger. He might be an attractive stranger, but he's a stranger, nonetheless.
I struggle to find the words, and it takes a moment before I answer him by saying "Well, let's just say that this Christmas feels like it's lacking something."
More like a someone, but it doesn't matter right now. If I don't think about it too much, it doesn't hurt as much.
"Oh," I can hear Scar say while I keep looking down at the screen, and I think that he can tell that I don't want to get into it. I smile while a new screen pops up, and I look up, readjusting the santa hat on my head.
"Well, mister Scar, your order is complete," I begin, and Scar readjusts his posture, radiating excitement. "You can check back in two days and hopefully it'll be in! I assume that you have a cat?" I say, hoping for just a little bit more insight into his life. If he does in fact have a cat, then that's the deal. This man right here- my dream boy.
"Yes!" He says, and I feel my smile grow a bit. "Her name is Jellie, and I'm getting a little something for her stocking!" I smile even more, absolutely perplexed by how somebody can be so happy. It's absolutely adorable. "Also, um, are you going to be working that day?"
I pause and internally curse as I feel my face physically heat up. "Uh, yeah! I will be working that day!" I say, my eyes darting around just to avoid making eye contact in absolute FEAR of my face getting even redder.
Scar claps his hands together in front of his face and shouts out "Great! I guess that I'll see you then!" I smile- wow, that's more smiling today than in three months, since- well, the thing.
Scar smiles, and tips an imaginary hat, and in the spur of the moment, I do a cartoony little tip of my santa hat. The man giggles a little bit, and I'm convinced that he's flirting with me. Well, he might just be charismatic. But it's fun to imagine, right?
He walks away and through the door, glancing back at me the last minute. I let out a breath that I didn't quite know that I was holding and look at the calendar. Two days until I see him again. Okay, I can do that. Hmm... I think that I know just what I'll wear that day...
I hear somebody clear their throat and find Xisuma giving me a look, and I realize that I've just been staring absentmindedly ahead of me. I let out a breathy laugh and get back to organizing returned items, but I just can't get that green eyed man out of my thoughts.
Maybe the holiday season won't be as bad as I thought.
Word Count- 1602
WELL, I BET THAT YOU LOT WEREN'T EXPECTING THIS, WERE YOU?! Due to this story, my others will in fact be put on the back burner, but they will return after December! If you are confused about this story, go take a look at the description which explains how this is formatted!
This story, due to more frequent updates, will have shorter chapters and probably more mistakes- hope that's okay!
I hope that you all enjoy this story, and I would love for some comments to be left- I love reading them!
Have a wonderful day/night, and have a happy holiday season!
-Emmy <3
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