"Can't this thing go any faster, mate?!" Tommy yelled in Okame's ear. Okame jerked the car a bit, causing Tommy to topple and get thrown in the back seats of the car. Okame redirected the car,
"God dammit Tommy! I can't do much when you're yelling in my ear 24/7!" Okame sneered, looking at the car mirror. Shit...Okame's face twisted into a frown as he rolled down his window, brandishing his loaded gun as he aimed it towards the police cars.
He pulled the trigger as he shot the police cruiser's tires, retreating back into his own vehicle as Tommy regained his balance. Okame grinned with evident satisfaction at the distinctive sound of police cars crashing into one another. Three more cars appeared, Tommy grimaced.
"Bloody hell." Tommy swore under his breath, reloading his own pistol. The shorter boy shot at the police cars continuously. One car attempted to swerve around to dodge the bullet, crashing into a nearby ditch as their fellow police officers continued the car chase. "Fuck yea!" Tommy through his hands in the air in celebration. A cop fired.
"Shit!" The shorter male cursed as he felt pain shoot up his arm as a bullet lodged in his flesh. Tommy clutched onto his bleeding arm as Okame gave a stressed groan. Okame instantly shot a minor glance at their gas meter, it being perilously low.
He looked around, spotting an electrical utility pole. "Alright Tommy! This 'bout to get rough!" Okame shouted, Tommy continued to clutch onto his arm.
"Oi! What are you gonna d-" Tommy yelped as the car hit a sudden bump, he fell down once more.
The vehicle was set off road, "alright now this is the part where we get the fuck out!" Okame yelled at the other, Tommy didn't question the other as he leapt out of the car. Ahem, the moving car. Okame shoved himself out of the car as well, tumbling a bit on the road into a shoulder roll as he stood up once more. He staggered on his unsteady legs.
Tommy landed on his wrist awkwardly, he hissed at the searing pain as he stood up, hunched over as held onto his injured arm. Okame looked back, seeing the car that they had just jumped out of collide with a utility pole. The impact from the vehicle caused the pole to slant and tilt. It fell over right on top of their car, but most importantly, the road.
Police cars crashed into the pole while others tried swerving around it, only to find themselves stuck. Okame grinned, snatching Tommy by his uninjured arm. Tommy spaced out, letting Okame drag him behind as he looked at the wreckage.
"Come on, buttercup. Be a big boy and put your big kid pants on 'cause I can't drag you all the way to Utah." Okame shook Tommy, a few police officers emerged from their cars. Some of them shooting at Tommy and Okame, missing by a few inches. Tommy ran alongside Okame to the best of his ability, Okame shot his own pistol back towards the cops, blasting some of their guns out of their hands.
He continued running nimbly as he flipped a few of the officers off. Tommy stuck his tongue out like a child.
"Yeah!" He spat at the cops, continuing to run as he tripped a bit on his feet. Okame helped him regain his balance as the two continued to sprint off. Okame resumed shooting back at the police, Tommy pointing finger guns at them. "Uh...pew pew-" he pretended to shoot them. A bullet grazed Tommy's check. "Fuck!" Tommy growled through clenched teeth. He staggered a bit.
Okame shot out his arm, blocking Tommy from running any further as his arm hit the smaller ones chest. "What the hell dipshit that hu-oh fuck."
A line of four police cars blocking their way as police pointed their guns towards the two.
Tommy threw his hands in the air, exasperated. "Welp! We are screwed! Let's just let 'em handcuff us and off to jail we go! How bad could it be, am I right?" He gave a defeated chuckle. Okame frowned, slapping Tommy's arm down.
"Not yet." Okame told the other with gritted teeth, wielding a gun behind his back as he cocked it. Another click from a gun came from behind them. Okame turned around, then spreading his arms out wide. "Ayyy, Feather!" He walked towards one officer. She was female and taller than Okame and Tommy. Long brown hair that was tied into a pony tail and some glasses to shield the sun from her eyes.
"Not another step, Okame." Feather demanded, holding out her pistol, aiming. Okame stopped in his tracks, he shoved his hands in his pockets with a smug grin. The other cops tensed up, cautiously raising their guns.
Okame smirked at Feather, "how come? How long has it been? Haven't seen you since the 8th grade. Boy have you changed. I remember when you were all soft and innocent. What happened?" Feather gave a grim frown, narrowing her eyes. The cop didn't answer. "Awwww come on! Why so tense? How's your little boyfriend, Gortis was it?" He gave a smile as if he were talking to a friend.
Feather gave a tremulous breath of sorrow and rage, her pistol slightly shaking a bit. "It was Fortis, but he wasn't my boyfriend." She spat, "he was my best friend. And you killed him. At the party."She refused to show pain, especially on the line of duty.
He gave a pretend shocked look. "Oh Whoops, I guess my finger must've slipped." Okame gave a chuckle, Feather aimed her gun towards Okame.
"One too many times, Okame. One too many." She said in a dangerously husky tone. Tommy watched the scene speechlessly as his clothes continued to soak with blood from all of his wounds.
Okame threw his hands up in the air, "well! I suppose we must be going, thanks for dropping by." He grinned, examining his surroundings as calculations buzzed in his head. He whipped out his gun, using the last of his bullets as he shot at one police car dashboard. Okame's shot being at a perfect degree angle, leaving the bullet to ricochet instead of puncturing the car. The bullet shot back and hit an officer in the back, the momentum causing the bullet to pull through as it shot up into the air. It struck an electrical line, causing the utility pole to become unstable.
The pole fell and crashed onto some police cars, demolishing them to bits and throwing some cops off of their balance. Okame watched the event unfold, "hmmm, nice." He nodded to himself in prideful approval.
"Fuck!" Tommy cursed, Okame looked over his shoulder, seeing Tommy being pressed into the ground. Feather held a gun to his head.
"Stop treating this like a game, Okame. This is real life. People die. And if you don't surrender right now, your little buddy is going to." Feather hissed, Tommy tried to look upwards, only to have his face smashed back down onto the black dirty road. Okame look around once more, unable to conjure any plans in his mind. He dropped his gun. It falling to the floor with a click. Okame put his hands in the air.
He felt his hands get cuffed by a police officer, "well, you're no fun." He teased, feeling his arms get pressed into his back as the police officer shoved him towards a police cruiser that was somehow undamaged. "Careful, I'm fragileeeee." Okame gave a mocking whine as he let himself go limp in the officer's grasp, getting shoved into the backseat of the car. He found himself sitting next to Tommy. His state could be better. Some of his clothes were shredded and covered in dust and blood, some dirt smudged on his face from his confrontation with Feather.
"Well, they were an absolute horror to get. Better than I expected." Feather muttered to a few police officers that were on their communicators. Okame grinned slyly,
"Oh don't worry! You were completely average." Okame shouted in the distance, hoping to stir up a response from Tommy. The shorter boy seemed half conscious, not giving any response. The door was shut as the police cruiser drove away, Feather watched from a distance with a grim look.
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