Ch.6 Ukulele
I stare at Olivia's text.
There's something important I need to tell you.
I'm not that worried though, the last time she had something 'important' she wanted to discuss with me was when she thought she had cancer because of her constant farting. Although I was worried, I told her that I didn't think that tooting was a symptom of cancer. She got angry at me and didn't talk to me for a day. But we quickly went back to being friends when she found out she was actually lactose intolerant.
I first thought that she didn't really have something important and kept walking to my apartment. Then, I realized that she might have a crush on Johan and decide to call her.
My phone doesn't even ring once and she already picked up. "Amy what took you so long?!" Olivia said with an annoyed tone. "I had a tutor session with Noah remember?" I say remembering the time she misunderstood the relationship between me and Noah. "Oooooohh, how'd it go? Did he make a move?" she asks all giddy and excited. "I have no idea what your talking about." I say in a monotone voice. "Anyway, what was the text all about?" I ask.
"Well, um, lets say I start having feelings for a certain boy, but I'm scared that he won't like me back." I immediately think of Johan. "Just tell Johan you like him. He has a crush on you anyway." I say. "What? No, I meant the other guy. Remember him? The one who sits next to you in chemistry?"
Now I'm confused. I thought Olivia liked Johan. "You lost me there." I say "I thought you liked Johan?"
"I got over him, I saw a tag on the flowers that said to Oliver, not Olivia. Who knew he was gay?" Olivia stated. "Awwwwwwwww." I say faking a sad voice. "I had so much hope you guys were gonna get married and have two children, Amylina and Amyron." I annoy. Those were names based on my name. But they were really bad since there's no names based on Amy. "Oh, my, GOD Amy!" I hear Olivia say clearly annoyed, I can almost see her rolling her eyes.
After we finish our talk on Olivia's little crush (which I knew she would forget about anyway), I check on my dad. I call him, my phone rings once, twice, and then goes straight to voice mail. This angers me a little.
After the incident, my dad would try to distract himself from his mistakes and broken promises by working really hard. He would always come home late, or sometimes he wouldn't have time to get home and just get a hotel room. He worked as an accountant and was very serious. I barely see him, but I always try talking to him. I always try to comfort him. I always try to make him feel happier, because I care about him. The problem is, he doesn't care about me.
Of course, he provides food for me and takes care of my expenses, but that's only because I'm his daughter. I'm a burden for him, because of me, he's always stressed and tired, overworking himself and always looking behind his shoulder in case he sees her.
I sigh heavenly and start my homework. All this is easy to me, I'm like an older, smaller head version of Jimmy Neutron. Unlike my dad, I don't overwork myself, I work a specific amount of time before taking a shower and going to sleep for a specific amount of time. Because unlike him, I believe in having a normal life. I believe in change.
After finishing my homework, I start dinner. No, I don't know how to cook but I can make instant ramen!
Give me a hard test, five pages of work, four essays, and six quizzes and I'll pass them all easily, but give me a kitchen with a stove and a cabinet full of spices, pots, and meats, and I will start a bonfire. No matter how many how many cook books I read, tutorials I watch, and even having Olivia show me how to make the smallest amount of pasta, I will end up burning something within the first five minutes.
Of course I can boil water, because I've done it in chemistry, but I can't melt butter, even if I put it in the microwave. I'm hopeless, I know.
I don't always have ramen for dinner, usually I go out, or Olivia invites me to her house, but today I feel like being alone, mostly because I want to catch up on my show but also because I'm so tired and lazy.
"Ow!" I yelped. I was so distracted in my thought that while I poured the boiling hot water out of my kettle, I singed my wrist. I pull up my long sleeve and run cold water on the burning irritation, letting my skin cool and the pain clear. When there's only a little bit of tingling on my skin I close the water and cradle my injured wrist. As I put a bandage on my wrist, I can't help but notice the thin long white scar running down my shoulder to my elbow. The memory of her trying to hurt me with a whip and me blocking my face with my arm flashes through my mind. I wince remembering all the blood.
I go to the dinner table and eat my now cool ramen. I don't want to be alone anymore, I need someone to talk to.
I grab my phone and my first thought to pop in my head is to ask Olivia to come over. No, she's too busy talking to that boy. I then think about my dad Since when does he ever pick up the phone? There's no one else to talk to. Wow, that's sad. Then, my mind drifts to Noah, and how we exchanged phone numbers. Without thinking I call him. What are you doing?! Hang up before he- but it's too late.
"Hi, it's Amy."
"Hi Amy! What's wrong?"
"Um, can you, uh come over?" Stupid stupid stupid stu- "Sure why not, Spanish homework was boring anyway." Then the line goes dead and I wonder Was that a yes?
My question is answered when I hear the doorbell ring a few minutes later and I open the door to see a stunning blue eyed, blonde haired guy who has the biggest smile I've ever seen. "Why did you need me to come over?" Noah asked walking inside like he owns the place.
"Um, um DID YOU KNOW I PLAYED THE UKULELE?" I blurt out without thinking. Out of all things Amy. Really? It was true though, I learned to play the ukulele when my therapist told me playing an instrument can make you relax. I really liked the ukulele and I bought a ukulele. It was simple, but I loved it. Even though I stopped going to a therapist, I still played it whenever school was out.
"Really?!" Noah said his eyes widening in surprise. "I only know one song though." I say sheepishly. "Well, what are you waiting for? Show me!" Noah exclaims entering the bedroom with my name on the door. "And wow your very organized." Noah states looking at my room.
I follow him inside muttering "Its a habit."
I don't bother putting any decorations in my room so there's nothing but a desk, a wardrobe, and my bed all in the color brown. I reach out under my bed and take out my worn out ukulele that still works, along with a hand full of dust. Wow I really need to vacuum.
"Your such a plain Jane, you need a load more furniture to fill up this room." Noah says looking at my bare walls. I ignore his comment. "Okay, I'm not a good singer so bare with me please." I say nervously while tuning my ukulele. I clear my throat and start strumming a pattern.
I want to play the most complicated song I know, but then I stop mid strum. No, that would be embarrassing. Iv'e always been embarrassed of my voice, so I switch up my fingerings and start strumming to a completely different tune. I look up at Noah, he looks curious, his mouth is in a soft smile, but his eyebrows are up and his eyes wide open. "I recognize this song!" He declares "I think."
"I think everyone does." I say smirking. I suck in a breath and begin the song. "Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, lit-"
"little lamb, Mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snoooooooooow." Noah interrupted singing in an opera-ish voice.
I stop playing my ukulele, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I see that you have lots of talent with that voice of yours young man." I scoff, but I can't hide my smile as it twitches into place.
Noah flashes me a grin as he goes downstairs. "Wait! where are you going?" I bellow as I quickly try to chase after him. "I'm exploring!" He shouts and I can hear his feet thumping quickly as if he were running. The sheets on my bed get tangled in my feet as I try getting up and I fall flat on my face. "Ouch" I whine. I pull on my legs to untangle myself and my precious ukulele falls right on top of my head. I groan in pain, but I still fight through the suffering to the head downstairs trying to chase the rascal.
I find him in the living room looking at a desk top. I realize that he shouldn't be there. "N-no! Noah wait-"
Noah stares curiously at a picture frame that is down, a picture that I did not want to remember. Before I can stop him, he flips over the picture. My body fills up with terror as he examines the picture.
I don't need to look at the frame to know the image on it. I already knew how it looked like. It's a picture of a woman, some of her features can't be seen through the cracked glass, but you could make out the important ones. The woman had long, thick, wavy hair that fell gracefully to her waist, soft hazel eyes, and long curled up lashes.
"Wow, she looks a lot like you." Noah commented. I didn't listen to him though. My eyes were glued to the picture. Long forgotten memories came back and I shuddered. "Is she your mom?" I know that Noah didn't want to offend me, but I still flinch at the word 'mom'.
"She is not my mother." I say sternly. I flinch again but instead, its because of my head. I ignore the sharp shoots of pain and snatch the picture frame from Noah and gently put it into its original spot. More pain shoots throughout my head and I become horrified when tiny splotch of blood drips onto the back of my hand. "Your bleeding." Noah states with a hint of worry in his voice.
"Thank you Captain Obvious." I snap at him. He stared, I could see his eyes were filled with hurt. "Oh-I mean, sorry." I stuttered regretting snapping at him like that. "It's fine." Noah said with less happiness than usual. He shook his head and took my wrist, leading me to the bathroom. I bite my lip anxiously as Noah scours the cupboards above the sink for a bandage. I didn't like the way I reacted, especially to someone who was only being nice to me.
Noah started putting ointment and a bandage over my cut gently and carefully that I couldn't even tell that there was something on my temple. I must have cut myself when the ukulele fell on my head. "Noah?" I say softly.
"I'm really sorry."
"I know."
"I'm serious." I said giving him a look that meant that I would never do it again. I sucked in a breath. I wanted Noah to know what happened. Besides, friends shouldn't keep secrets from each other, right? "That women in the picture?" I said staring into his baby blue orbs intensely. "That was my sister."
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! This story got added to a reading list so, thank you EnezeGrace for being the first person to do that!
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