Ch.2 Admirer
"Get back to your work Amy."
"Sorry!" I squeaked. I looked back at my art project. Art is pretty easy to get an A on. You just do whatever on a piece of paper and its "creative", but now it was different. I couldn't stop thinking of the new kid! I gnaw on my bottom lip and do a little brushstroke on my canvas.
No, I wasn't thinking of him because I thought he was cute (although he was) it was because I thought he was familiar. I dunno, maybe it was his tone or his eyes that looked familiar. Whatever Amy, focus on art.
But I couldn't. The thought of him being familiar didn't seem weird to me, but scary. I'm antisocial, so I only know my teachers names, my best friend, and my dad's. So how could I recognize someone that I never talked too?
I brush off the thought and swirl my brush in magenta, I aim for the canvas but since I'm lost in thought, I miss and hit someone's back. "I-I-I'm r-really sorry!" I stutter. Wait a minute, that brown hair, light green shirt...
"It's okay." Noah Miller says " I have another shirt under." No! Sh*t I'm so clumsy. But I'm distracted by my thoughts by the ooohs of girls behind me. I look up to see Noah pulling off his shirt. I quickly look back at my canvas and paint furiously, even if he has a shirt under, I still don't want to see.
My hand curls into a fist around my brush and I paint and paint and paint. He said he has a shirt under right? So that means that I don't have to worry about him walking around with paint on his back.
Mrs. Johnson told me that since I was the best at calculus out of all her classmates and Noah on the other hand, was failing, that I could lend her a hand and tutor him. And now I have to tutor him.
Good job loser, now you have less time on your hands. You being president of student council, manager of the yearbook club, participating in soccer, tennis, and volleyball, and last but not least, tutoring.
I may be antisocial, but I can make pretty decent speeches and good decisions, so I was elected student council president.
I then push away the thought and think of college. That is one of my main priorities. I want to get into Princeton.
It's finally the end of the day and I walk to my locker. "So are you going??"
"Maybe if-"
"Your no fun." Olivia says. "I was hoping that you would go since you got nominated.." I almost drop my books. "WHAT?!"
Olivia nods her head "Yeah! 27 people were nominated and your one of them! Didn't you hear Dr. Gangi on the announcement speaker?" Dr. Gangi is the principle of the school. I guess I was too lost in thought. Oops.
"Hey, um Amy?" I look up to the most handsomest face I have ever seen, yet I didn't want to see it. "Hello Miller." Olivia is looking at the supermodel, then at me, and then at him again. She raises her eyebrows and gives a mischievous smile. I give her a look that means please keep your mouth closed. After one last look at both of us, Olivia sneaks away saying "See you later Amy."
"Okkk" Noah says. "Anyway, I wanted to know when we could meet up for a tutoring session." Please not anytime soon. "How about tomorrow?" He asks. "That depends," I say "I have a busy schedule and I would be free...." I scroll through my calendar. "Tomorrow?!" I say a little too loudly. "Great!" Noah says "At the library then after school!"
"Wha-but," I stutter, but Noah just walks away clearly happy with a goofy smile on his face. Uggghhh. Bad luck just keeps coming your way huh Amy? First almost being late, then getting told off by the art teacher, getting nominated, and now I have to meet with the last person I ever want to see Tomorrow? My life is fantastic!!
I took out my camera and headed downstairs. Why don't I like Noah Miller? 1. He's way too cheery, 2. He's way too good-looking, 3. I'm antisocial and he blabs a lot, an 4. Why is he creepily familiar?
At least I have one thing good about this day. I proceed into the animal care club room with my camera. "Hello everyone! I'm just here for the yearbook photos!" I say holding up my camera. I may be antisocial, but when it comes to business, I do exactly what I have to do, even if it's telling a whole bunch of random strangers that I love them. As weird as that sounds, I would do it, if it benefits for the others.
"Oh! Right here pres!" A girl with blonde streaks in her brown hair pipes.
Pres is what everyone calls me. There are a lot of Amy's in this school, so if someone called out Amy, I would not answer, one day, someone called me pres, and I answered, so now it stuck.
I walk up to the girl who is holding a hamster that's sleeping "You can take a picture of me!" she says. I adjust my posture for the perfect lighting and take a picture. The girl reminds me of Noah, not because she has his baby blue eyes (which I know are contacts) but because she is very cheery and energetic. What!? Stop thinking about him!
"And here.." I turn around and a boy holding a turtle with a slightly cracked shell smiles at me. I realize that he wants his picture taken so I snap a perfect photo. Soon everyone in the animal care club have held an animal and I've taken a photo of them. Everyone smiling, looking so happy. It made my day a little.
After I take everyone's photo (including a group photo) I walk out saying farewell and head back to my house. I need to upload these photos and send them to Mrs.Fern... Suddenly someone calls out my name, like my full name. "AMY GINA FULLER!" I turn around a little startled. Oh no! It's Mrs.Tenner! I knew she saw when I was running in the hallway! I'm gonna be in big trouble!
But it's not her. It's actually a him. A very shy him with a bouquet of flowers and a shy smile. A him which I know is going to attempt to ask me out. It's happened before. More than once. And every single one I decline, every single one turns from my admirer to my hater. Call me a bitch for declining so many people but I'm actually protecting them from something horrendous. And although I hate people who walk away sad and lonely, I also feel relieved that they're now safe.
So as the timid brown haired, browned eyed boy approaches me, and I rehearse my apologies in my head, I am surprised when he asks me "Your Olivia's friend right?". I gape at him. Never in a million years have I thought that Olivia would have a secret admirer. I'll admit, I did think that she was pretty, with her strawberry blonde hair and amber eyes. But I never seen anyone eye her as she walked by. But I also thought that she wouldn't have a secret admirer because of her annoying personality. She only ever showed her true funny and caring self to me. She always back lashed at other people and would be rude.
"Y-yeah." I said. "Here," The boy says shoving the flowers into my arms. "Give these to her." Then he runs away leaving me open mouthed.
"Oooooh! have an admirer now do we?" I looked to the side of me to see Noah leaning against a wall.
Wow! 1303 words! Its the longest I've ever written. Anyway, I hope you noticed the hint that I gave about Amy's shady life. If you didn't, please re read. Vote and follow me please! Also check out my friend : ElizaHamilton811
She makes Hamilton fan fictions for all you Hamilton fans.
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