Ch. 1 Meet Noah Miller
Can't be late can't be late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I practically sprint into Halten high school and dash down the hallway.
Before Mrs.Tenner opens her mouth to say "DON'T RUN IN THE HALLWAY!" I take a right and she disappears from sight. Hopefully I was fast enough that she didn't see my face and wouldn't give me a detention later on.
I turn my locker combination so fast that I think I chipped a nail, and swing my locker open so hard that I might have left a dent in the metal. I quickly unload my back pack, stuff inside my locker what I don't need and take out what I do need, including my camera (I'm in the yearbook club). Then, I run as fast as The Flash and walk inside Mr.Han's room.
I made it just in time! I sigh out relief as I plop into my desk next to my best friend Olivia Davis.
"You were almost late!" she whispered shouts at me. "I know!" I whisper shout back. "At least Mr.Han didn't notice"
"Since when does Mr.Han ever notice anything?" she says. We both look at our lazy homeroom teacher who has a 5 day stubble, dark eye circles and a lot of forehead wrinkles. He has a giant coffee mug in his hands that says BEST MOM EVER. He's focusing on a book, but I can tell he's not reading it because his pupils aren't moving, just staring.
"Any way," Olivia says "Are you going to the pageant contest?" The pageant contest is a contest where girls from every high school are chosen to be in the beauty pageant contest. It's very rare since I've been to one and the pageants look like the next generation of Hollywood stars. You have to model, dance, and make a speech perfectly to win. The prize is 10 grand in cash. That could benefit for my college.
"No." I say finally. Olivia sticks out her bottom lip to make a pouty face, although it didn't look cute, it made me feel a little bad. "Why not?" she whines. This girl, THIS GIRL! Although she asks me about it every year, 100 times, and every year I give the same response, she still asks! She can be more annoying then spongebob's laugh put on repeat for 10 hours!
"I-" but I'm cut off by the bell signifying the end of homeroom. "Bye livi!" I say walking away. "Hey! we're still gonna talk about this later!" she says. And maybe next week too.
I head over to calculus my best subject. But when I enter the classroom, the atmosphere feels different. Something changed...
Still standing on the doorway, I look around the classroom and then, it clicks. All the girls and boys are off their phones. Which struck me as odd because at least ten people are playing games or texting on their phones trying to avoid solving math equations and memorizing pi.
No, everyone is staring at me. What in the world? Have I grown a second head overnight or something? Then, I notice that nobody is meeting my eyes. They are all staring at something behind me. I turn around and am immediately caught by surprise.
A tall gorgeous stranger is standing there. His playful baby blue eyes looked into my hazel ones. No wonder everyone was staring at him, he looked like he belonged on the cover of Vogue!
"Hi!" he said cheerfully "excuse me but I need to get into that classroom behind you!" Then, Mrs.Johnson, my calculus teacher put a hand on my shoulder. "Amy, meet Noah Miller, your new classmate. Noah, meet Amy Fuller, your new tutor!"
Welcome to my sorry excuse of a story. Here I will probably post every.....uh.....month? Sorry still not sure when I'll post chapters but I hope you enjoyed!
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