Pain reverberated through her head as sunlight stabbed at her closed eyes.
"Please, I'm hurt."
A barely audible groan left her throat as she wrenched her eyes open. Her blue-green eyes instantly landed on the man hovering over her little sister.
"I know.. Just a taste." he breathed, eyes going bloodshot as black veins arose around his eyes.
Thick thorny vines shot up from under the floorboards, latching onto the man tightly and throwing him across the room. "Back off, mate." the woman responsible hissed lowly, her eyes changing into galaxy-like orange/blue hues.
The room spun, but she kept her composure, glowering at the vampire as she hid her sister protectively behind her.
He growled, springing to his feet ready to attack in a blind rage.
"Trevor! Control yourself." a female voice shouted, making the man pause his actions.
The owner of the voice is a tall woman, around 5'7" to Daniella's assumption, with brown hair in a pixie cut style, and deep green eyes. "Buzzkill." Trevor tched as he stalked out of the room.
"What do you want with me?" Elena voiced, Rose furrowed her brows as Daniella sighed softly, rubbing her temples as she shrugged off Elena's lack of care for her. She was used to it after all.
"Oh my god.. you look just like her." Rose gaped, "And you.. you're as beautiful as they described..." Daniella tilted her head, confusion gracing her features.
"But I'm not. Please, whatever you-"
"Be quiet!" Rose snapped, already disliking the newest doppelganger, Daniella looked to her little sister, "We should do as she says."
"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this." Elena pleaded, ignoring her sister's advice.
Rose gritted her teeth, "I know who you are, listen to your sister. I said be quiet."
"She's not my sister." Elena muttered under her breath, so quietly Daniella hadn't heard it, but Rose had. "What do you want?" the doppelganger questioned, the vampire slapped Elena irritably, so hard that it knocked Elena out.
"She had already told you." Daniella sighed softly, despite her sister being unconscious. Rose turned her attention to the snow haired woman, who fidgeted under her gaze.
"May I ask why I'm here?" she spoke softly, tugging at the sleeves of the jacket Damon had lent her.
"I'm sure you already know this, but all supernatural creatures have a mate." the vampire stated, "You happen to have two of the most feared vampires in the entire world as your mates."
"I-I'm sorry, what?" Daniella stuttered, her brows knitting together. Rose sighed softly, "Klaus and Elijah, the Originals, they're your mates."
The fox-shifter ignored the strange shivers that ran down her spine, "Wh-what are mates? I don't understand." "You're a fox-shifter and you don't know?" the vampire retorted, her own brows furrowing as the snow haired woman shook her head, "I don't know any other fox-shifter.. I was adopted by the Gilbert's when I was six, before that I'd grown up in the Australian foster system."
Rose sighed softly, "Come along then. I'll tell you everything you need to know." Daniella timidly grasped her larger, darker toned hand, looking similar to a child going to their first day of school.
"Okay.. thank you.." the smaller woman murmured, "Rose." the vampire supplied.
"Thank you, Rose."
Daniella fidgeted under Trevor's glare. Rose had left them alone to get the fox something to drink, which was less than ideal for either of them.
"I.. I'm sorry about earlier." she murmured, playing with the sleeves of her jacket as she stared at the floor, "I.. Elena's my little sister.. I just.. I hate seeing her hurt." Trevor sighed, "I understand. If it was Rose, I'd do anything to protect her."
She smiled shyly, "So.. friends?" she inquired, holding her small, delicate hand out. He chuckled, "You're really asking your kidnapper to be you friend?"
Daniella puffed her cheeks out, "Do you wanna or not?" she huffed, he laughed, gently grasping her hand, "Alright, friends." "Yes!" the albino girl cheered childishly, which made the other vampire laugh as she entered the room.
"I take you two made up?" Rose smiled, she already cared about the fox-shifter greatly, "Yep. I've befriended my two kidnappers. Now people are really gonna want to get me a psych eval." Daniella joked, Trevor smirked, "I'm surprised they hadn't gotten you one yet."
"Rude." she playfully glared, Trevor just grinned back at her. Rose shook her head, chuckling at their behavior.
"What would you like to know about your mates, Daniella?" the taller woman mused, standing beside Trevor.
"What exactly is a mate?" the younger woman questioned softly, feeling like she was in high school all over again feeling completely and utterly stupid. Rose hummed softly, "Mates are.. people who are made for you, and you for them. You complete each other."
"It's most common for supernaturals to have one mate, but the more powerful you are the more mates you'll have to balance it out." Trevor pitched in, Daniella nodded, letting the information sink in.
"And it's kinda obvious you're powerful. I didn't know fox-shifters could control plants."
"They can't." Rose stated, furrowing her brows, looking at Daniella who looked equally confused, "They can't?" she repeated questioningly.
"No, at most fox-shifters have pyrokinesis, but even that's rare and only fox-shifters with certain marks have that power." the older vampire explained, meeting the fox's blue-green hues, "What all can you do, Daniella?"
The fox fidgeted slightly, "I.. well... I can kinda.. sorta.. control the elements, fire.. and the weather." she ran her hands through her hair, "I really know nothing about myself."
"Hey, we'll figure it out, and I'm sure Elijah will help once he gets here." Rose assured, petting her silky white curls.
"If he gets here.. we don't even know if he got the message." Trevor chimed, Rose sighed, "They said he got it. I doubt he'd ignore it." "Wonderful and what?" the male vampire scoffed, Daniella tilted her head.
"So that's it, Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait." Rose replied, Trevor looked between Rose and Daniella, sighing softly.
"Elijah won't just brush this off." Rose assured, cupping his scruffy cheeks, "Trust me, Trevor." "I do." he muttered, glancing down at her lips. Daniella giggled softly, whispering, "And now you kiss."
Both vampires looked at the fox as she covered her mouth to suppress her laughter. Rose looked at her unimpressed while Trevor chuckled and pecked Rose's lips, making Daniella grin cheekily.
A loud creak met the three supernatural's ears. Daniella felt her heart break once she'd turned to the source. Rose didn't miss the hurt on the fox's face and recalled what the doppelganger had said about her earlier.
"You!" she snapped, pulling away from Trevor, "There's nothing around here for miles. If you think you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?"
"Who's Elijah?" Elena questioned, Rose glowered at the doppelganger.
"He's your worst nightmare."
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