Name: Daniella Valentine Gilbert
Alias': Dani, Ella, DC, Ellie, El, Val - Everyone
Darling, Dani, Sweetness, Kitten, Cupcake - Kol
Elskan, Astin, Little Dove, My Love, My Sweet - Elijah
Luna, Love, My Love, Kitten, My Queen - Klaus
My Love, Dearest, Angel, Rose, Rosebud -Finn
Love, Sweetie, Sweetheart, Treasure, My Goddess, My Hertis Rote, Valentine, Little Fox - Rebekah
Age: 23
DOB: February 14th, 1987
Hair Color: Fair blonde/white
Eye Color: Pale blue-green(changes to blue/orange galaxy)
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 119 lbs
Species: Fox-Shifter/Mother Nature(Hybrid).
Relatives: Greyson Gilbert(Adopted Father), Miranda Gilbert(Adopted Mother), Elena Gilbert(Adopted sister/Adopted cousin), Jeremy Gilbert(Adopted Brother), John Gilbert(Adoptive Uncle), Jenna Sommers(Adopted Aunt).
Likes: Reading, spicy/sweet foods, naps, cuddles, music, dancing, gymnastics, sunbathing, cooking, baking, plushies.
Dislikes: Sour things, perverts, yelling, Mystic Falls, the "Scooby Gang", the Founding Families, feeling trapped.
Strengths: Strong willed, determined, independent.
Weaknesses: Prone to panic/anxiety attacks, stress-shifts.
Personality: Sweet, loving, protective, cuddly, fun-loving, childish, caring, mischievous, playful, sly, awkward, timid, lovable, motherly.
Fears: The dark, crowds, small spaces, deep water.
Abilities: Shapeshifting, control over nature, Naturakinesis, telekinesis, supernatural speed/strength/senses, toxic bite, pyrokinesis.
Appearance: Curly thigh length fair blonde/white hair, pale blue-green eyes, porcelain skin, petite, slightly pudgy figure, multiple scars.
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